单选题Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()Aan increased flash pointBhigher lube oil pressuresCan increased viscosityDlower lube oil pressures

Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()

an increased flash point


higher lube oil pressures


an increased viscosity


lower lube oil pressures


解析: 暂无解析


In an auxiliary diesel engine bypass type lubricating oil system, the main lube oil pump forces_______ .A.all of the oil used by the engine through a filterB.some of the oil used by the engine through a filterC.some of the oil used by the engine through a centrifugeD.all of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge

单选题A decrease in the flash point of diesel engine lube oil indicates the lube oil has become ().Acontaminated with sludgeBcontaminated with carbonCdiluted with fuel oilDdiluted with water

单选题Black smoke exhausting from a diesel engine indicates()Aproper fuel injectionBwater in the fuelCincomplete combustionDburning of lube oil

单选题White smoke issuing from the exhaust of an auxiliary diesel engine valve opening ()Athe engine is overloadedBthe engine is coldCthere is too much lube oil in the cylindersDthe turbocharger is fouled

单选题If a tow-stroke/diesel engine is over-speeding due to leakage of lube oil into the cylinders, what should you do to stop the engine?()AMove the fuel control mechanism to the no fuel positionBBlock the fuel supply by closing the master fuel valveCShut off the fuel supply and block the flow of intake airDRelieve all pressure in the fuel system

单选题Before starting a diesel engine that has an engine driven lube oil pump, the engineer should ().Aopen the bypass lineBcut in the lube oil coolerCpressurize the lube oil systemDtop off the expansion tank

单选题Starting a large low-speed propulsion diesel engine on diesel fuel during cold weather conditions, will be made easier by ()Aincreasing the quantity of starting airBincreasing the lube oil pressureCheating the engine fuel supplyDheating the engine coolant

单选题A diesel engine is turned at normal cranking speed and no ignition occursThis could be the result of ()Alow lube oil temperatureBlow starting air temperatureCair bubbles in the fuel oil systemDwater in the starting air system

单选题When fuel oil has seriously contaminated a diesel engine lubricating oil, you should ().Afilter to remove the fuel oilBuse the settler to remove the fuel oilCremove the fuel oil by centrifugingDdrain and then renew the lube oil supply

单选题Diesel engine fuel oil contamination often results in ()Agovernor malfunctionsBfuel injection system malfunctionsChigh cylinder lube oil temperaturesDlow intake temperatures

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause excessive lube oil consumption in a diesel engine?()ALow lube oil temperatureBDirty lube oil strainerCLow lube oil pressureDHigh lube oil temperature

单选题An auxiliary diesel engine may fail to start due to()Alow exhaust back pressureBhigh lube oil temperatureCinsufficient cranking speedDexcessive fuel atomization

单选题If a diesel engine fails to start,one of the likely causes is ()Alow compression temperatureBlow ambient air pressureChigh lube oil pump pressureDhigh fuel oil booster pump pressure

单选题You are inspecting the lower main precision bearings on a diesel engine.You observe that about half the thin Babbitt linings are of a milky white colourThis condition is caused by ()Alarge dirt particles in the oil supplyBinsufficient lubricating oil and overheatingCnormal wearDwater contamination of the lube oil

单选题A sudden decrease in the diesel engine lube oil viscosity could be an indication of()Aloss of additives from the lube oilBcarbon deposits in the lube oilCexcessive centrifugingDexcessive fuel dilution

单选题Diesel engine lube oil diluted with fuel oil is indicated by()Adecreased viscosityBdecreased pour pointCincreased flash pointDincreased viscosity

单选题Which of the following conditions indicates the dilution of diesel engine lube oil by fuel oil?()AWater discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierBFuel oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierCLube oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierDA change in the lube oil viscosity

单选题Worn diesel engine intake valve guides can result in ()Aincreased engine breathing efficiencyBexcessive valve lashCexcessive lube oil consumptionDlower than normal fuel consumption

单选题Which of the following conditions could be a cause of excessive fuel dilution of diesel engine lube oil?()ALeaking fuel injectorsBLower than normal compressionCDelayed fuel injectionDAll of the above are correct

单选题If a diesel engine turned over at normal cranking speed but failed to start, the cause could be late fuel injection or ()Aexcessive fuel pressureBhigh lube oil viscosityCinadequate fuel injectionDexcessive starting air pressure

单选题Permitting a diesel engine fuel oil day tank to run dry can cause ()Aoverheated injection pumpsBwater condensation in the cylindersCfuel dilution of the lube oilDair in the fuel system

单选题Diesel engine lube oil can become contaminated as a result()Athe water produced during combustionBthe sulfur in the fuelCunburned fuel oilDall of the above

单选题When fuel enters the crankcase of a diesel engine, it ()Adilutes the lube oil and reduces its viscosityBforms sulfuric acid in the lube oilCcauses pitting and failure of the bearingsDcauses sludge deposits on valve stems

单选题Sludge formation in a diesel engine lube oil system is caused by()Acarbonization of oils from the combustion chambersBemulsions of lube oil and waterCcoagulation of unburned fuel below the piston ringsDall of the above

单选题Lubricating oil viscosity in an operating diesel engine can be reduced by()Aincreasing cooling water flowBincreasing lube oil flowCdilution by fuel oilDadding SAE 70 oil

单选题A diesel engine is operating with excessively high exhaust temperatures at all cylindersTo correct this condition, you should FIRST ().Areduce the engine loadBincrease the cooling water flowCincrease the lube oil pressureDadjust the fuel rack

单选题When using a fuel with a higher than normal sulfur content in an auxiliary diesel engine, you should()Amaintain higher than normal jacket water temperatureBchange the lube oil more frequently than normalCmaintain a higher air-box temperature than normalDmaintain a higher air-box pressure than normal