名词解释题点矩阵(dot matrix)

点矩阵(dot matrix)


解析: 暂无解析


对risk matrix理解正确的是?() A.风险级别表B.风险登记表C.风险矩阵图D.风险分析报告

Based on the description of a lahar deposit, how do clasts and matrix particles differ in size?A.Any clast is larger than the largest matrix particle.B.Any clast is smaller than the smallest matrix particle.C.Some, but not all, clasts are smaller than the largest matrix particle.D.Some, but not all, matrix particles are larger than the smallest clast.

制动液DOT3和DOT4的不同之处在于()不同。 A、密度B、相对密度C、凝点D、平衡回流沸点

阅读以下说明及Visual Basic程序代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]本程序提供了三阶矩阵加、减及乘运算的功能。用户单击“生成操作数”按钮将随机生成两个矩阵(即操作数1和操作数2),再单击某一矩阵运算按钮后,程序将输出相应运算的结果。程序运行界面如下:开发过程中,界面上从左至右三个文本框分别取名为Text1至Text3,“生成操作数”按钮名为 CmdNew,“+”、“-”和“*”构成按钮控件组,分别名为CmdOperate(0)、CmdOperate(1)和CmdOperate(2)。已知n阶矩阵加、减法运算法则是对应位置的元素相加、减;n阶矩阵的乘法C=AB有公式:Cij=AilBij+AilBij+…+An1Bnj其中记号Xij表示矩阵X第i行第j列上的元素。程序使用的主要变量是三维数组matrix(3,3,3),其元素matrix(i,j,k)代表第i个矩阵j行k列上的元素,这里i,j,k均从0开始计数,第0、1、2个矩阵分别表示操作数1、操作数2和结果矩阵。代码中用到的子过程及其功能说明如下:(1) Sub newMatrices():随机产生矩阵运算的两个操作数;(2) Sub printOut(txt As TextBox, i As Integcr):定义矩阵i向文本框txt的输出格式;(3) Sub operate(operation As String):计算并输出矩阵运算结果。[Visual Basic代码]Dim matrix(3, 3, 3) As IntegerSub newMatrices()……… End SubSub printOut(txt As TextBox, i As Integer)……… End SubSub operate(operation As String)Dim i, j, k As IntegerFor i = 0 To 2For j = 0 To 2(1)Case"+": matrix(2, i, j) = matrix(0, i, j) + matrix(1, i, j)Case"-": matrix(2, i, j) = matrix(0, i, j) - matrix(1, i, j)Case"*"matrix(2, i, j) = 0For k = 0 To 2matrix(2, i, j) = matrix(2, i, j) +(2)NextEnd SelectNextNextprintOut (3)End SubPrivate Sub CmdNew_Cliek() ’“生成操作数”按钮的单击事件响应代码(4)printout Text1,0printout Text2,1End SubPrivate Sub CmdOperale_Click(Index As Integer) ’矩阵运算按钮组的单击事件响应代码operate CmdOperate(Index).(5)End Sub

Which of the following are impact printers?() A. Line printerB. Dot matrix printerC. Thermal transfer printerD. Inkjet printerE. Xerographic printer

Which of the following types of printers uses a fuser to print a document?() A. ThermalB. LaserC. InkjetD. Dot Matrix









试建立企业内部因素分析矩阵IFE MATRIX的步骤。

对risk matrix理解正确的是?()A、风险级别表B、风险登记表C、风险矩阵图D、风险分析报告

社会核算矩阵(Social Accounting Matrix,简称SAM)是以矩阵形式反映的国民核算体系(SNA)


状态转移矩阵 (state transition matrix)

A technician receives a dot matrix printer for repair and the work order states that the printer is only printing one-half of each character. Which of the following should the technician replace?()A、print headB、fuserC、injectorD、print nozzle

Which of the following are impact printers?()A、Line printerB、Dot matrix printerC、Thermal transfer printerD、Inkjet printerE、Xerographic printer

Which of the following types of printers uses a fuser to print a document?()A、ThermalB、LaserC、InkjetD、Dot Matrix


问答题试建立企业内部因素分析矩阵IFE MATRIX的步骤。

名词解释题点矩阵(dot matrix)

名词解释题社会核算矩阵(Social Accounting Matrix,简称SAM)是以矩阵形式反映的国民核算体系(SNA)

名词解释题打分矩阵(scoring matrix)

单选题对risk matrix理解正确的是?()A风险级别表B风险登记表C风险矩阵图D风险分析报告