填空题Lignin is essential for the tree but it will make paper easy to break.____

Lignin is essential for the tree but it will make paper easy to break.____


根据题干中的信息“essential for the tree和make paper easy to break”可以定位到D段。“Lignin eventually breaks down and releases acid products into the paper. This will weaken the bond between the cellulose fibers and the paper will become brittle and look rather brown and careworn.”提到木质素是木头的主要组成物,其作用是凝聚纤维素,但它会使纸张变得易碎,故匹配段落为D。


填空题Color green fascinated the Vikings?____

单选题AHe was once a friend of the ruler.BHe was a tax collector.CHe was a government official.DHe was once a school teacher in India.

填空题Those who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually practiced because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.____

填空题The Coriolis Effect cause westward-running trade winds, hurricanes and eastward-running jet streams.____

问答题Practice 2  鸦片战争后的100多年中,列强又多次发动对中国的侵略战争,使中国的主权与领土完整继续遭到破坏,使中国人民遭受殖民主义者的欺辱;同时,中国也涌现出许许多多的抵抗侵略,挽救国家危亡的可歌可泣的事。如太平天国运动、戊戌变法运动、义和团运动等,特别是1911年孙中山领导的辛亥革命,推翻了中国2,000多年的封建君主专制制度,建立了中华民国;1919年的五四运动,为中国共产党的诞生奠定了基础;1921年,中国共产党的诞生,使中国革命出现了新局面。1949年,在中国共产党的领导下,中国人民赶走了帝国主义势力,推翻了国民党在大陆的统治,结束了半殖民地半封建社会的历史,取得了革命的胜利。

填空题By increasing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, human activities are strengthening Earth’s natural greenhouse effect.____


填空题According to the passage, visualization works without searching deeply into concepts and theories.____

单选题The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England _____.Awill soon become a problem for people living in central EnglandBhas now become a threat to the local residentsCis quickly changing the map of EnglandDcan be stopped if proper measures are taken

单选题Marketers need to know which of the four stages a product is in so as to _____.Apromote its productionBwork out marketing policiesCspeed up its life cycleDincrease its popularity

单选题It can be seen from the passage that the expansion of America’s elderly population _____.Awill provide good job opportunities in many areasBwill impose an unbearable burden on societyCmay lead to nursing home abuse and age discriminationDwill create new field of study in universities

单选题Which of the following is closest to the word “cushions” (Line 1, Para.2)?AAdds up to.BDoes away with.CLessens the effect of.DLays the foundation for.

问答题Practice 9  中国进出口商品交易会又称“广交会”(Canton Fair),创办于1957年春季,每年春秋两季在广州举行,是目前中国层次最高的商品交易会。同时,它也是到会客商最多、成交效果最好的交易会。概括来讲,它是一个综合性国际贸易盛会。广交会以出口贸易为主,也做进口业务,还开展多种形式的经济技术合作与交流,以及保险、运输、广告、咨询等业务。来自世界各地的客商云集广州,互通商情,增进友谊。


问答题Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The problem of Graduates’ jobs hunting. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Are Electronic Dictionaries Good? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

填空题When a pub staff takes part in a pub-argument, it suggests that the argument is public.____

问答题Practice 2  最近在高校毕业生择业问题上出现一种倾向,这就是毕业生越来越青睐大公司。很少人愿意到研究单位。在崇尚物质的(materialistic)社会里,这是一个不可避免的问题。学生还没有走出校门,大公司便在竞相聘用他们,向他们提供具有诱惑力的薪水和福利待遇。这些情况不仅严重影响青年人的择业观,而且还影响了教育。许多教师哀叹,现在单纯为了学知识而学习的人越来越少了。


填空题To shop wisely, one can save money by buying products in farmer’s markets.____

填空题The etiquette of pub-arguments reflects principles of equality, interaction, the pursuit of intimacy and a non-aggression agreement.____

单选题ARegular driver training.BImproved highway design.CStricter traffic regulations.DBetter public transportation.

单选题ABy decorating our homes.BBy being kind and generous.CBy wearing fashionable clothes.DBy putting on a little make-up.

填空题During the whole manufacturing process, the final product is made from a pulp of cellulose fibres.____



单选题AThe Slave House on the island of Senegal.BThe Slave House on the island of Goree.CThe plantation on the island of Goree.DThe plantation on the island of Senegal.

单选题ABecause they have a driving license.BBecause they have received special training.CBecause the traffic conditions in London are good.DBecause the traffic system of the city is not very complex.