单选题You work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. Now according to the company requirement, you are designing a consolidated repository of performance data. You must make sure that the four requirements below are met: the data collector is used to gather performance information; a single database stores performance information for all instances; performance information that is older than 15 days is deleted; reduce the administrative effort to manage performance to the least. So what action should you perform to achieve this goal? ()AYou should create a SQL Agent job process on each instance to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances. BYou should configure a management data warehouse process on each instance, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances. CYou should configure an automated server-side trace process on each instance, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances. DYou should create and schedule a single Microsoft SQL Service Integration Services (SSIS) package process, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
You work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. Now according to the company requirement, you are designing a consolidated repository of performance data. You must make sure that the four requirements below are met: the data collector is used to gather performance information; a single database stores performance information for all instances; performance information that is older than 15 days is deleted; reduce the administrative effort to manage performance to the least. So what action should you perform to achieve this goal? ()
You should create a SQL Agent job process on each instance to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
You should configure a management data warehouse process on each instance, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
You should configure an automated server-side trace process on each instance, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
You should create and schedule a single Microsoft SQL Service Integration Services (SSIS) package process, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
问答题背景资料: 水利工程通过公开招标确定了施工单位,合同采用《水利水电土建工程施工合同条件》(GF-2000-0208)。施工进度计划已经达成一致意见。合同规定由于甲方责任造成施工窝工时,窝工费用按原人工费、机械台班费60%计算。 在专用条款中明确6级以上大风、大雨(80mm/天)、大雪、地震等自然灾害按不可抗力因素处理。工程师在收到索赔报告之日起28天内予以确认,工程师无正当理由不确认时,自索赔报告送达之日起28天后视为索赔已经被确认。在施工过程中出现下列事件: 1.因业主不能及时提供图纸,使工期延误20天,10人窝工; 2.因施工机械故障,使工期延误10天,5人窝工; 3.因业主供电故障,使工期延误2天,20人窝工; 4.因下大雨(90mm/天),工期延误3d,20人窝工; 根据双方商定,人工费定额为32元/工日,机械台班费为2000元/台班。 根据上述约定乙方提出工期补偿33天,费用13056(所有事件窝工费用及机械费用之和)索赔的要求。如果工程师未在收到报告后28天内给予答复意见或确认,工期延长多少天?结算费用补偿为多少?
问答题某市一房地产开发公司(营改增试点一般纳税人),2017年发生以下业务: (1)1月通过竞拍取得市区一处土地的使用权,支付土地出让金6000万元,缴纳相关税费240万元。 (2)以上述土地开发建设普通标准住宅楼、会所和写字楼各一栋,占地面积各为1/3。 (3)住宅楼开发成本3000万元,分摊到住宅楼利息支出300万元,包括超过贷款期限的利息40万元。 (4)写字楼开发成本4000万元,无法提供金融机构证明利息支出具体数额。 (5)与住宅楼配套的会所开发成本480万元,无法准确分摊利息支出,根据相关规定,会所产权属于住宅楼全体业主所有。 (6)9月份全部竣工验收后,公司将住宅楼出售,取得不含税收入15000万元;将写字楼作价9000万元与他人联营开设一商场,收取固定收入,不承担经营风险,当年收到250万元(含税)。 其他相关资料:该房地产公司当年与住宅楼和会所相关的全部可抵扣进项税额1100万元;所在省规定,按土地增值税暂行条例规定的高限计算扣除房地产开发费用。 要求:根据上述资料,回答下列问题。计算公司应缴纳的土地增值税。