单选题The aged expert with a pair of glasses is skeptical and therefore rejects authority as the _____ basis for truth.AexclusiveBcomprehensiveCextensiveDintensive

The aged expert with a pair of glasses is skeptical and therefore rejects authority as the _____ basis for truth.











单选题How()you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?AcanBmustCneedDmay

问答题某旅游团在国外旅游时,在当地遇到了“强制消费”的恶性事件。回国后,旅游团的领队向国外旅行社写了一封投诉信,讲述了当时的遭遇,表达了游客们的不满,并希望对方能够对此展开调查,尽快将结果反馈回来。  请你以旅行团领队的名义写下这封投诉信,要求语言规范,行文流畅,字数为150~200字,内容需要覆盖以下三部分:  (1)肯定对方提供的优质服务;  (2)详细阐述“强制消费”事件的经过,并表达对此次事件的不满;  (3)希望对方能尽快展开调查,并将结果反馈回来;

单选题Are trees()along the road right now?AplantBplantingCbeing plantedDplanted

单选题The chemical instructor told the students that heat is _____ whenever certain chemicals are mixed together.AcirculatedBproducedCengagedDmodified

填空题It is when you nearly lose someone when you become fully conscious of how much you value them.

问答题Practice 13Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.  1. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities),为什么会有这种现象?  2. 举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。


单选题How long have you lived in London? ()AI moved here from Paris.BMy whole life.CI‘ve worked here for almost 10 years.DI‘ve never traveled there.


单选题It is quite evident that attendances at football matches have _____ since the coming of television.Adropped outBdropped downCfallen offDfallen out

单选题The number of students of this school()large.AareBare notCisn'tDaren't

单选题The atmosphere()certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.Acomposes ofBis made upCconsists ofDmakesup of

单选题Johnson seldom tells his parents where he goes, ()?Adoesn’t heBdoes heChas heDhasn’t he

单选题The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible()the explosions that happened last month in London.AforBonCatDabout

单选题It happened to be very cold()the morning of our sportsAatBofCon

单选题--I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? --Not at all()AI’d rather not.BI’d be happy to.CI’d like it.DI’ve no time.



单选题The young()interested in pop music.AisBhaveChasDare

单选题As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals _____ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.ArelieveBreleaseCdismissDdiscard

单选题To suppress this uprising completely seemed to be too difficult a mission to these officials.AadvocateBconcealCupholdDcrush


单选题I have lived here()1997.AforBsinceCfrom

单选题Playing electronic games for hours _____ does great harm to one’s eyesight.Aon purposeBon endCon businessDon schedule

单选题For more information, visit our()at www.cambridge.org.AnetBwebsiteCinternetDnetwork

单选题Before you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good friends.AcareerBholidayCplanDresearch

问答题It"s no good learning English without practice.

单选题The passage is focused on _____.Ahow the scientists tried to protect endangered speciesBhow the symbolic endangered species has been chosenCthe relation between global warming and endangered speciesDthe problems in and the future of endangered species protection