单选题How()you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?AcanBmustCneedDmay

How()you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?









解析: 暂无解析


- I am really fed up with Larry!_________________________________ A.How is she?B.Are you OK?C.Why do you say that?

I’m really quiet lost.______ me how to get out of here? A.Would you mind showingD.Would you be showingD.you to beD.Would you mind to showing

-Good night and thank you again.-( ). A. You can't say thatB. No, no. It's what I can doC. How can you say thatD. Good night

It is what you do rather than what you say ______matters.A. whatB. whenC. thatD. how

— Generally speaking, value added tax is mainly charged on the taxable services.— Well,() A. how do you know it?B. why do you say so?C. what do you mean by that?

I am really fed up with Larry!_____________ A.How is sheB.Are you OK?C.Why do you say that

You have been walking a long way, so()is a good rest.A、that you really needB、that you are really neededC、what you really needD、that you are really needing

What do you think of your new computer?A、 I think so.B、 how about you?C、 It is really fantastic.

When you go shopping and want to buy some clothes,you should think about which kind of clothes you really need and decide how_____money you can _____on them. Then look at the labels that are inside the new clothes. They tell you how to _____the clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only” and cleaning in water may _____this coat. If you do _____the directions say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best.1.A. muchB. manyC. large2.A. costB. spendC. take3.A. take place ofB. take use ofC. take care of4.A. changeB. replaceC. ruin5.A. asB. byC. for

How can you expect him to understand? He's a () child. A、onlyB、mereC、justD、merely

Why does the writer say “Going to a dinner party is strange ”? A、Because you tell the hosts that you enjoy the evening.B、Because you cannot complain how bad the party is.C、Because you invite the hosts to your dinner party.D、Because what you do is different from what you really feel.

-- How would you like to go to a movie tonight? A、No. I’m really not in the mood.B、Shall we?C、Yes, I do.D、How about you?

—My whole body feels weak and I've got a headache. — ( )?A. How long ago did you get it thisB. How long have you been like thisC. How soon have you got itD. How soon have you liked this

If someone offers you some food that you really don't like, you might say:()A、I'm fed up.B、I don't care for that.C、Sure, I'd love some more.D、Thanks, but I'm really full.

When introduced to an older professor or to a friend's parents, what would you say?A、" How are you?B、" Hello" and bow.C、" Hi! Glad to know you."D、"Hello, it's nice to meet you", and then shake hands.

How good the news is for you!()AYou are kind to tell meBI'm glad to see thatCIt's kind of you to say soDIt's nice to hear from you

How do you understand the difference between approach, method, and technique?

How()you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?AcanBmustCneedDmay

How good the news is for you!()A、You are kind to tell meB、I'm glad to see thatC、It's kind of you to say soD、It's nice to hear from you

Do you know()in English?A、how say itB、how to say itC、how saying itD、how to saying it

Good Communication for Making Friends As a communication skills trainer, I've met a wide range of people. Some people have trouble associating with others and have difficulty making friends. So I would like to discuss two key points to making good friends. The first is to show respect and love for your friends through your words. Try to say things to others that would feel good to you if you heard them. For example, say things like, "Thanks for the great time" and "It was really nice to get to know you."If you are not good at speaking, then smiling and using body language to express your sincerity is also an effective way to communicate. Additionally, I recommend that when you meet someone new send them an e-mail or letter before the day is over to express how nice it was to meet them. The goal of good communication is to reach another person's heart and form a comfortable relationship. It is, therefore, based the premise that you get rid of your worries and become a bright and positive person. When there is static noise over the phone line, you can't hear the other person clearly, right? In the same way, when your mind is full of worries and you try to communicate with another person, you cannot give or receive messages accurately. For example, let's say you are still tied to a past wound of being betrayed by a friend and feeling hurts .Even if you meet someone new and he or she tells you, "Let's be good friends," you may not be able to accept it because you will hear a negative inner voice saying something like "I might be betrayed again" or "the person might have a hidden agenda."With this worry in your mind, you will not be able to make friends. If you can be refreshed and get rid of your worries, you should be able to sense others' thoughts and feelings without prejudice and build a relationship of trust. If you really can't let go of your painful past experience, then try to change your perspective on the experience. For example, try to think that it was a necessary lesson for you to understand others' pain. If you can think of the positive intention behind the event, then you will be able to view the experience favourably and feel better.The main topic of the passage is()A、how to communicate with othersB、how to refresh yourselfC、how to forget the past unhappinessD、how to show respect and love for your friends

问答题【参考范例六】PART 2Describe a person who is living near of you. You should say: who the person is how you got to know him/her when you became the neighbour and explain why you like to choose this person to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题【参考范例一】PART 2Describe a child you like. You should say:  what the child’s name is   how old the child is  what the child likes or dislikes  and explain why you like this child.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

单选题How()you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?AcanBmustCneedDmay

单选题How good the news is for you!()AYou are kind to tell meBI'm glad to see thatCIt's kind of you to say soDIt's nice to hear from you

问答题How do you understand the difference between approach, method, and technique?

单选题Could you say it again? I can’t understand ______ you are talking about.AhowBwhenCwhatDwhich

单选题()I understand what you say, I can't agree with youAWhileBWhenCAsDIf