单选题Single ()aft to breast line and stern line.AtoBforCwithDup

Single ()aft to breast line and stern line.









解析: 暂无解析



单选题If they find out any serious deficiency,our ship will be detained. ()A如果他们查出任何严重的缺陷,我轮将被扣留。B如果他们出去查出任何严重的问题,我轮将被扣留。C如果他们查出严重的不足,我轮将被罚款。D一旦他们查出任何严重的缺陷,我轮将被扣留。


单选题Will you ()me to see your chief officer?AtakeBtookCtakingDtakes

单选题Anchor()(垂直).AupBdownCup and downDup or down


单选题“Ease the strain on the stern line” means “()”!AHeave away the stern line.BTake in the stern line.CSlack the stern line.DHeave in the stern line.

单选题船体被甲板和舱壁分隔。()AThe hull is divided by decks and bulwarks.BThe hull is divided by decks and bulkheads.CThe hull is divided by engine room and bulkheads.DThe hull is divided by decks and holds.


单选题Before entering or leaving a harbour, the ship should be given a ()(彻底) cleaning.AthrowBthroughCthoroughDthough

单选题Hold ()the breast line.AonBatCinDto

单选题We have to wait at the roadstead till().Athere is a free berthBthere are officers and the sailorsCthere are motormen and the sailorsDA、B and C

单选题Ships often become ()(脏). So cleaning is a frequent job on board.AcleanBclawCdirtyDdeck

单选题The main tasks for sailors on duty are, first of all, ()persons who come on board to do their business, such as the PSC inspectors, the agent, the ship chandler, etc.AreceivingBgettingCtakingDmeeting

单选题The hawser should be ().Atake great care ofBtake great careful ofCtaken great care ofDtaking great care of

单选题prolonged blast()A短声B短笛C长笛D长声

单选题Please remind everyone to ()(加强) the sense of fire .AimproveBspeed upCreinforceDenhance

单选题Get anchor ready and ring “stand by engine ” . ()A备锚,摇“备车”钟B备车,摇“备车”钟C备车,备锚D备车,摇铃

单选题Before going to the forecastle, ask the engine room for () on deck .ApowerBwaterCnothingDpower and water

单选题船长在哪里?()AWhere is the AB?BWhere is the bosun?CWhere is the captain?DWhere is the chief officer?

单选题At each drill a different person should be in ()(负责)of an extinguisher.AchargeBloadCdischargeDhandle

单选题This mooring line is a little slack. Please ()it.AfastBfastenCslack awayDslack

单选题Wire rope should be greased ()when not in use.Aevery half a monthBevery month or twoCevery half a yearDevery year

单选题The fire-fighting ()is ready.ApartyBpartCcrewDmembers

单选题When we hoist national flag together with other flags, we should keep the national flag in the ()place.AcentreBlowerCA+BDA o rB

单选题We are loading the flammable cargo.()A我们正在卸易燃货。B我们正在卸易爆货。C我们正在装易燃货。D我们正在装易爆货。

单选题At the fore end of a ship is the fore ()(尖舱).Apeak tankBpoop tankCbow tankDtank

单选题The fore part of a ship is called the ()(船头).AheadBbowCquarterDstern