单选题Please remind everyone to ()(加强) the sense of fire .AimproveBspeed upCreinforceDenhance

Please remind everyone to ()(加强) the sense of fire .



speed up






解析: 暂无解析


Everyone is working.Please, ______ a little. A.turn the radio offB.turn the radio upC.turn the radio downD.turn over the radio

The pictures remind me () the trip to the West. A、atB、onC、inD、of

Please speak loudly ________ everyone in the classroom can hear you. A.so thatB.so as toC.in order toD.so on

Boss: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over (56) Your annual report is well done.Mary: (57)Boss: I know you're a capable person.Mary: Thank you for saying that. (58) the wrong figures I gave you last time.Boss: (59) Everyone makes mistakes.Mary: Thank you so much for your forgiveness. (60)56.A. I'm leavingB. Thank youC. I'll do my bestD. and sit hereE. Please sit downF. But I worry aboutG. Take it easyH. Don't forget

Please remind me _____ the director at 10.A: to seeingB: seeingC: to seeD: by seeing

As a duty engineer, as soon as your hear the fire emergency signal, you should ensure that theA.ring buoys are thrown overboardB.engines are stoppedC.fire pumps are startedD.life preservers have been issued to everyone

A fire hose with a nozzle attached must be connected to each hydrant except when exposed to heavy weather or when the ______.A.Fire hose might be damaged by cargo operationsB.Vessel is in portC.Fire-main system is not chargedD.Fire pumps are used for purposes other than supplying water to the fire main

During a fire drill on a vessel, what action is required? ______.A.Start each fire pump.B.Launch and run a lifeboat.C.Inventory rescue and fire equipment.D.Inspect fire hoses

--Hi, this way, please.--Ok. I sometimes have no sense of__________when I arrive at the crossroad.A.directionB.positionC.situationD.condition

共用题干Do You Have a Sense of Humor?Humor and laughter are good for us.There is increasing evidence that they can heal us physically, mentally,emotionally,and spiritually.In fact,every system of the body responds to laughter in some positive,healing way.So how can we get more laughter into our lives?______(46)Psychologist and author.Steve Wilson,has some answers.Many people believe that we are born with a sense of humor.They think,"either you've got it,or you don't."Dr.Wilson points out that this is false.______(47)The parts of the brain and central nervous system that control laughing and smiling are mature at brith.______(48)(After all,when a baby laughs,we don't rush over and say,"That kid has a great sense of humor!")A sense of humor is something that you can develop over a lifetime.Sometimes people think that they don"have a good sense of humor because they are not good joke tellers.Dr.Wilson reminds us that telling jokes is only one of many ways to express humor.______(49) Then we will make others laugh, too.A person who has a true sense"'humor is willing and able to see the funny side of everyday life.One of the best definitions of a sense of humor is "the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation." Consider this sign from a store window." Any faulty merchandise will be cheerfully replaced with merchandise of equal quality." The store manager probably placed the sign in the window to impress customers with the store's excellent service.______(50)As Dr.Wilson says,"a good sense of humor means that you don't have to be funny;you just have to see what's funny."______(50)A:What is true,however,is that we are born with the capacity to laugh and smile.B:However,that does not mean that infants have a sense of humor.C:He advises us to lose our inhibitions(抑制)and try to laugh at ourselves.D:Is it possible to develop a sense of humor?E:Everyone experiences this emotion.F:He had a serious purpose,but if you have a sense of humor,you will probably find the sign funny!

Where do you post your ()(火势控制图)?A、fire control planB、fire controlC、fire planD、fire-fighting plan

消防泵()A、fire hose boxB、fire hydrantC、fire axeD、fire pump

I’m having ()around the ship.A、fire watchB、fire patrolC、fire protectionD、fire alarm

Chief, the ()(灭火队)is ready.A、fire bucket partyB、fire boatC、fire engineD、fire-fighting party


不是防火墙英文的正确解释?()A、fire protectionB、fire stoppingC、fire wallD、fire protection wall

“请上车”用英文表达为()。A、Please hold onB、Please get upC、Please keep itD、Please get on the car

单选题As soon as you hear the fire and emergency signal, you should ensure that the ().Aring buoys are thrown overboardBengines are stoppedCfire pumps are startedDlife preservers have been issued to everyone

单选题Fire detecting systems on merchant vessels may be arranged to sense ().AsmokeBrate of temperature riseCionized particlesDall of the above

单选题What is the passage about?AThe Great Fire of London.BWho was the first to discover the fire?CWhat Pepys was doing during the fire.DThe losses caused by the fire.

单选题When two fire hose teams are attacking a fire they should().Ause different fire hose pressuresBuse fire hoses of different sizesCnot attack the fire from opposite sidesDnot wear protective clothing

单选题Which of the following statements represents the correct action to take when three crew members discover a fire?()AOne man report the fire, and the other two men fight the fireBOne man report the fire, one man fight the fire, and one man evacuate and secure the areaCOne man report the fire, one man fight the fire, and one man act as a safety observerDAll three men fight the fire and report it immediately after it is extinguished

单选题An example of class "A" fire is a/an ().Aelectrical fire in the engine roomBoil fire in the engine room bilgesCoil fire involving a grade A petroleum productDmattress fire in a stateroom

单选题A fire is considered "under control" when ().Aall hands are at their fire stationsBall fire-fighting equipment is at the sceneCthe fixed systems are activatedDthe fire is contained and no longer spreading

单选题--Hi,this way,please.--Ok.I sometimes have no sense of ________when I arrive at the crossroad.AdirectionBpositionCsituationDcondition

单选题During a fire drill on a vessel,what action is required?().AStart each fire pumpBLaunch aand run a lifeboatCInventory rescue and fire equipmentDInspect fire hoses

单选题During a fire drill on a ship,what action is required?()AStart each fire pumpBLaunch and run a lifeboatCInventory rescue and fire equipmentDInspect fire hoses