单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?AMcDonald's was found in 1948.BMcDonald's has opened its restaurants in every city of the world.CMcDonald's has over 30,000 locations in the world now.DMcDonald's was very small in scale in the beginning.

According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

McDonald's was found in 1948.


McDonald's has opened its restaurants in every city of the world.


McDonald's has over 30,000 locations in the world now.


McDonald's was very small in scale in the beginning.




单选题The rough draft of any research report should be edited to _____ that all data are correctly presented, that all equipments are listed, that all results are properly detailed.AensureBassureCsecureDinsure

单选题Next weekend he will visit the airport which he worked 30 years ago.ANext weekendBwillCwhichDworked

单选题Taken in time, the medicine can be quite_______AeffectiveBaffectedCefficientDsufficient

单选题As a gardener, Jim has to water the flowers and ______ the grass in the garden every morning.AtrimBimproveCrefineDrepair


单选题59. A join B come C joining D comingAABBCCDD

单选题Which of the following statements about Vandergrift's research is TRUE?AThe participants were postgraduates learning French as a second language.BAll the participants were taught using the conventional method, with the focus on listening strategies.CThe two groups were taught by different teachers.DThe participants were at the same initial skill level.

单选题Women who smoke during pregnancy produce _____.Alighter babies than those who don'tBheavier babies than those who don'tCbabies who can't live longDbabies who suffer from heart diseases

单选题Charles Dickens' father was put into prison because he______.Astole money from other peopleBrefused to pay taxesCdidn't pay for his children's educationDowe money to other people

单选题Passage2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. Salt is as necessary to life as water. In many areas of Africa people once drank the urine(尿)of animals because they had no other source of salt. Without salt, human beings die. The human body demands that the amount of salt in the blood always stay the same. When the body does not get enough salt, it protects itself by letting less salt leave the body in. urine and sweat. But it cannot reduce this output to zero. Some salt is always escaping. On a completely saltless diet, like that of some people in Africa, the body steadily loses small amounts of salt through the kidneys(肾) and sweat glands(腺). It then tries to adjust to this loss by speeding up its secretion(分泌) of water. (78) In this way, the body attempts to keep the amount of salt in the blood at the necessary level. The result is a slow drying up of body and, finally, death. The person dies of thirst. In cases where there is little or no water to drink, the body tries to do the opposite thing.Again, it must keep the salt level in the blood constant. Because it has little water, it attempts to stop water from leaving the body and to increase its secretion of. salt. But, as with the escaping salt, it cannot be completely successful. Some water still leaves and the person eventually dies of thirst. In short, the body's normal needs for salt and for water are both parts of the same important need to keep the salt level in the blood constant.7 In order to adjust to the loss of salt, the body______.Aloses some bloodBspeeds up its secretion of waterCspeeds up its secretion of saltDis drying up slowly

单选题Which sport has the most expenses______training equipment, players' personal equipment and uniforms?Ain place ofBin terms ofCby means ofDby way of

单选题70.A successful B thoughtful C revolutionary D primitiveAABBCCDD

单选题I find the article difficult _____.Ato understandBto be understoodCunderstandingDunderstand

单选题63 A stay B stays C stayed D stayingAABBCCDD

单选题58 A accounts B records C directions D collectionsAABBCCDD

单选题69 A off B on C with D forAABBCCDD

单选题67. A because of B instead of C in spite of D as a result ofAABBCCDD

单选题John, let's take a taxi,______?Awill youBshall weCwould youDshould we

单选题Now that we have lost all the money, it's no use to turn on me and saying it's all my fault.ANow thatBhave lostCto turn onDit's all

单选题Walking down the street the other day,______.AI saw unusual something happenBa terrible accident occurredCsomething unusual was seen by meDI saw a terrible accident

单选题My bike is old, ______ it is in good condition.AthereforeBsoCneverthelessDmoreover


单选题72. A time B moment C minute D placeAABBCCDD

单选题______succeed in doing anything.AOnly by working hard we canBBy only working hard we canCOnly by working hard can weDOnly we can by working hard

单选题By the end of next month he_____everything in school.Awill finishBwould have finishedCfinishesDwill have finished

问答题Visitors to the zoo usually pity the animals owing to their particular emotional associations(联想). Which animals should be indeed pitied? The first type are those clever and 56 developed animals 57 lively intelligence and desire for activity can 58 no outlet behind the bars of the cage. Those animals living in a free state before 59 in the zoo have a strong desire for moving about 60 , but have to turnaround repeatedly in their quarters. Owing to this disappointment, foxed and wolves 61 in places which are far too small, are among the most 62 0f all zoo animals.Another sad scene, seldom 63 by ordinary zoo visitors, is the 64 flying trials of swans (天鹅 ) at migration (迁徙 ) time. These creatures, like most other water birds, are generally made unable to fly by the 65 0f cutting off a tip of the wing bone. 66 such swans in the zoo generally seem happy under 67 care and they raise their young without any trouble, at migration time things become 68 . The birds never really 69 that they can no longer fly, and repeatedly swim to the 70 of the pond so that they can have the whole extent of its surface when trying to 71 against the wind. Meanwhile, their loud flying calls can be heard as they try to 72 , and again and again the grand preparations end in 73 .I do not like seeing those 74 water birds in the zoo. The missing tip of one wing and the still sadder picture that the bird makes when it 75 its wings hurt me badly. What a truly sorry picture it is. 56 A high B highly C deep D deeply 57 A whose B whom C that D which 58 A find B lose C declare D transform 59 A to be put B being put C to put D putting 60 A partly B highly C deeply D freely 61 A kept B keeping C rose D rising 62 A victorious B thoughtful C miserable D fortunate 63 A scattered B written C noticed D wakened 64 A similar B suitable C apparent D constant 65 A experiment B operation C treatment D movement 66 A Although B When C Since D Because 67 A original B proper C parallel D precious 68 A private B public C different D similar 69 A suggest B assure C underline D realize 70 A limit B side C middle D center 71 A take off B stand up C take up D stand by 72 A spring B raise C swell D rise 73 A passage B support C failure D success 74 A upright B powerful C valuable D unlucky 75 A spreads B strengthens C enlarge D inspects

单选题If I could put back the clock, I'll give more thought to _____ for a career.AprepareBbe preparedCpreparingDhave prepared

单选题59 A noticed B found C listened D heardAABBCCDD