单选题John, let's take a taxi,______?Awill youBshall weCwould youDshould we

John, let's take a taxi,______?

will you


shall we


would you


should we




----Let’s go to the West Hill Park by taxi.---- Oh, it is not far away from here. We _______take a taxi.A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t

—How was your final exam?—_____________ A.Take it easy.B.You are rightC.I am not sure.D.Let’s have a drink.

Let’s go to ______ cinema – that’ll take your mind off the problem for _____while.A. the; the B. the; aC. a; theD. a; a

John: Let's go fishing tomorrow. I'll wake you up at 4:00 a. m.Rose: ______

Let’s go to___cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for while A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a ; a

—What’s wrong with me, doctor? I feel quite bad.—_______A.I don’t know.B.Let me treat you some whisky.C.I’m not sure. Let’s take your temperature.D.You are a little overweight.

"This is our first really important test. Let’s take a stand." "take a stand" means().A、表明立场B、站起来C、休息一下D、理解

Let’s take a rest and have a cup of coffee, ( )?A.shall weB.won't weC.shall youD.won't you

—Let’s take a walk. -- (). A、Yes, let’sB、Oh, thanksC、Yes, pleaseD、No, thank you

---I’d love to invite you to dinner, John. Let’s make it Saturday if it is convenient to you.--- ______. I can’t wait to see you.A. That’s greatB. Please don’tC. Thanks for your dinnerD. I’d rather not

Gregory: Let's take a coffee break, shall we?Flora:_______, but I can't.A、I wish I couldB、We shallC、Yes, let'sD、You will

根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。以下是某教师的课堂教学片段:(教师拿出若干不同颜色的礼物盒摆在桌上,然后将一个玩具汽车快速藏人其中一个盒子里,请学生猜玩具在哪个盒子里)T:Where is the car?S:Is it in the red box?T:Maybe.T:Now let’S see where the cat is…Look!It’s in the yellow box.(教师用PPT呈现课文人物John的照片)T:Look at this photo.He’s John.He’s an American boy.He lives in our city.He studies in our school.But today he’s not in the classroom.Where is John?Guess,please!S:Is he at home?T:Maybe.S:Is he in the supermarket?T:Perhaps.S:Is he in the park?T:We don’t know.Now,let’s listen to the conversation and find out the answer.(教师用PPT呈现问题Where is John?并播放课文录音)T:Where is John?S:He’s at home.T:It’s school time.Whv is he at home?S:He is ill.T:John is ill.I’ll go and see him.Would you like to come with me?S:Yes.T:Let’s go.(教师用PPT呈现John躺在卧室床上的画面)T:Yes!He is in the bedroom.What’S the matter with him?S:He is ill.(教师组织学生做游戏操练对话的重点和难点Where is…?及其回答)在以上材料中,教师在复习导人环节、课文教学环节、语言操练环节分别创设了不同情境,阅读后请分别对其所使用的创设方法及其在教学中的作用进行分析。

Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? ()AYou can take a taxi.BIt‘s about thirty miles.CI‘ll fly to Sidney.DIt‘s only six hundred dollars.

You are welcome to take my taxi next time.的意思是:()。

现在天晴了。我们开始装货吧。()A、It’s raining! Let’s stop discharging .B、It’s clear up! Let’s start discharging .C、It’s clear up! Let’s start loading .D、It’s raining! Let’s stop loading .

We need some toothpaste.()A、Let's go to the bookstore.B、Let's get some.C、Let's buy them.D、Let's go.

--Let's take a walk. --()A、Yes, let’sB、Oh, thanksC、Yes,please

Let's take a walk.()A、Yes, let‘s.B、Oh, thanks.C、Yes, please.D、No, thank yhou

The taxi driver always reminds passengers to()their belongings when they leave the car.A、keepB、catchC、holdD、take

How was your final exam?()A、Take it easy.B、You are right away.C、I am not sure.D、Let's have a drink.

Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? ()A、You can take a taxi.B、It‘s about thirty miles.C、I‘ll fly to Sidney.D、It‘s only six hundred dollars.

单选题Let's take a walk.()AYes, let‘s.BOh, thanks.CYes, please.DNo, thank yhou

单选题--Let's take a walk. --()AYes, let’sBOh, thanksCYes,please

单选题—I think we need to sit down and have a talk.—I ______ agree more. Let’s take the bench over there.AcouldBcouldn’tCshouldDshouldn’t

单选题John, let's take a taxi,______?Awill youBshall weCwould youDshould we

单选题--Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? --()AYou can take a taxi.BI’ll fly to Sydney.CIt’s about thirty miles.DIt’s only six hundred dollars.

单选题John: I want to go to Chicago. When is the next train, please?  Booking clerk: In fifteen minutes.  John: How much is the fare?  Clerk: You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?  John: ______  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 10% of the fare.AWill it take me straight there?BHow much is it?CWhat’s the difference?DWhat is the fare?

单选题Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.Ahad better toBdon'tCmust notDdon't have to