Instruction Decode Unit

Instruction Decode Unit


The instruction reads:() the bottle before you take the medicine. A、shakeB、shiver

(e) Job instruction. (3 marks)

Choose the right structure of the computer which is general used,such as PC8086,Z-80, IBM360/3A.Single Instruction Single DataB.Single Instruction Multiple DataC.Multiple Instruction Single DataD.Multiple Instruction Multiple Data

An instruction is made up of operations that (1) the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated on. For example, if an instruction is to perform. the operation of (2) two numbers,it must know (3) the two numbers are. The processor's job is to.(4) instructions and operands from memory and to perform. each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it (5) instruction.A.skipB.smileC.smokeD.specify

Shipping instruction(短语翻译)

Each instruction is processed(75),and several instructions are at varying stages of execution in the processor at any given time,this is called instruction pipelining.A.exactlyB.sequencingC.sequentiallyD.intermittently

The program memory serves basically as a place(66)instructions, the coded pieces of data(67)direct the activities of the control processing unit(CPU). A group of(68)related in- structions stored in memory is referred to as a program. The CPU "read" each instruction from memory a logically(69)sequence and "use" it to initiate program action. If the program structure is coherent and(70), processing procedures produce intelligible and useful be storedD.storing

We know a computer is a machine that processes data(stored in main memory)into information, under control of a stored program. We also know that, internally, a computer is a binary machine; thus the data and the program instruictions must be stored in binary form. Characters are represented in(71). Numbers are stored as binary numbers, with each bit's positional value significant. A computer's main memory is divided into bytes, words or both(depending on the system), and each of these basic storage units is assigned an(72). Using this address, the processor can read or write selected bytes or words.The processor consists of a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers. Once a program is stored in main memory, the processor can begin to execute it. During(73), the instruction control unit fetches an instruction from main memory; during(74), the arithmetic and logic unit executes it. Precisely timed electronic pulses generated by the clock drive this basic(75)A.a binary codeB.wordsC.registersD.positional values

An instruction is made up of operations that(68)the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated on. For example, if an instruction is to perform. the operation of(69)two numbers, it must know(70)the two numbers are. The processor's job is to(71)instructions and operands from memory and to perform. each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it(72)instruction.A.smileB.skipC.smokeD.specify

______ means a unit in which goods are totally enclosed by sufficient strong boundaries such as a freight container, a tank or a vehicle unit with fabric sides or tops.A.UNITB.CONTAINERC.VEHICLED.CLOSED TYPE UNIT

Lexemeis( ). A.a physically defmable unit B.the common factor underlying a set of forms C.a grammatical unit indefinable unit

Filling Unit

Which logical unit number must be configured on an interface using PPP encapsulation?()A、unit 0B、unit 1C、unit 100D、unit 255

Which statement is true about logical units?()A、Logical units are similar to VLANs used by other vendors.B、A logical unit is required for transit interfaces.C、Frame Relay encapsulation supports one logical unit.D、Link speed and duplex are configured in the logical unit properties.

过程控制站distributed process unit(DPU),process control unit(PCU)

Instruction pointer

Code Prefetch Unit

B8018支持以下哪几种AEM单元()。A、NCDU(New Combiner Distribution Unit)B、NCEU(New Combiner Extension Unit)C、NCEN(New Combiner Extension Net Unit)D、NMCDU(New“M” Type Combiner Distribution Unit)

Your company has an organizational unit named Production. The Production organizational unit has achild organizational unit named RD. You create a GPO named Software Deployment and link it to the  Production organizational unit. You create a shadow group for the RD organizational unit.   You need to deploy an application to users in the Production organizational unit.  You also need to ensure  that the application is not deployed to users in the RD organizational unit.    What are two possible ways to achieve this goal()A、Configure the Enforce setting on the software deployment GPO.B、Configure the Block Inheritance setting on the RD organizational unit.C、Configure the Block Inheritance setting on the Production organizational unit.D、Configure security filtering on the Software Deployment GPO to Deny Apply group policy for the RD  security group.

单选题你要关闭SALES表中UNIT_PRICE列的非NULL约束。下列哪个语句能完成这个操作?()Aalter table sales modify(unit_prices null)Balter table sales modify(unit_prices not null)Calter table sales add(unit_prices null)Dalter table sales add(unit_prices not null)

单选题Which command allows you to decode packets in JUNOS?()Adebug packet interface-nameBshow interface extensiveCtraceoptions interface-nameDmonitor traffic interface interface-name

单选题Which SELECT statement should you use to extract the year from the system date and display it in the format "1998"?()ASELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'yyyy') FROM dual;BSELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'yyyy') FROM dual;CSELECT DECODE(SUBSTR(SYSDATE, 8), 'YYYY') FROM dual;DSELECT DECODE(SUBSTR(SYSDATE, 8), 'year') FROM dual;ESELECT TO_CHAR(SUBSTR(SYSDATE, 8,2),'yyyy') FROM dual;

单选题()social instruction on cargo securing.AHasBHadCHaveDHaving

单选题Your company has an Active Directory forest. Each branch office has an organizational unit and a child organizational unit named Sales. The Sales organizational unit contains all users and computers of the sales department. You need to install an Office 2007 application only on the computers in the Sales organizational unit. You create a GPO named SalesApp GPO. What should you do next()AConfigure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the domain.BConfigure the GPO to assign the application to the user account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.CConfigure the GPO to publish the application to the user account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.DConfigure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account. Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.

单选题Which statement is true about logical units?()ALogical units are similar to VLANs used by other vendors.BA logical unit is required for transit interfaces.CFrame Relay encapsulation supports one logical unit.DLink speed and duplex are configured in the logical unit properties.

单选题When securing a flash-type evaporator for an extended period of time, you should ().Afill the unit with saltwaterBfill the unit with de-scaling compoundCcompletely drain the unitDtightly seal the unit to exclude air

单选题In a storm,the leeward lines of a ship’s mooring system will().Apull the unit in the same direction that the weather is pushing itBpull the unit in the opposite direction that the weather is pushing itCtend to keep the unit on its original location over the well headDaffect the unit's draft and inclination as maximum mooring tensions are reached