Instruction pointer

Instruction pointer


设计递归算法,判断二叉树t是否满足小根堆的特点。二叉链表的类型定义如下: typedef int datatype;//结点的数据类型,假设为inttypedef struct NODE *pointer;//结点指针类型struct NODE {datatype data;pointer lchild,rchild;};typedef pointer bitree;//根指针类型

论述题 3 :针对以下 C 语言程序,请按要求回答问题( 18 分)已知 link.c 源程序如下:/*link.c 程序对单向链表进行操作 , 首先建立一个单向链表 , 然后根据用户的选择可以对其进行插入节点 、删除节点和链表反转操作 */#include#includetypedef struct list_node *list_pointer; // 定义链表指针typedef struct list_node{ // 定义链表结构int data;list_pointer link;}list_node;// 用到的操作函数:list_pointer create(); // 建立一个单向链表void insert(list_pointer *p_ptr, list_pointer node); // 在 node 后加入一个新的节点void delete_node(list_pointer *p_ptr, list_pointer trail, list_pointer node);// 删除前一个节点是 trail 的当前节点 nodevoid print(list_pointer ptr); // 打印链表节点中的值list_pointer invert(list_pointer lead); // 反转链表int main(){list_pointer ptr=NULL;list_pointer node, trail;list_pointer *p = ptr;int choose, location, i;printf("you should create a link first:\n");// 建立一个单向链表:ptr=create(); /* ptr 指向链表的第一个节点 */print(ptr);// 根据用户的不同选择进行相应的操作:printf("input number 0, you can quit the program\n");printf("input number 1, you can insert a new node to link\n");printf("input number 2, you can delete a node from the link\n");printf("input number 3, you can invert the link\n");printf("please input your choice\n");scanf("%d", choose);while(choose!=0){switch(choose){case 1:printf("you will insert a node to the link\n");printf("please input the location of the node:\n");scanf("%d", location);node = ptr;i = 1;while(ilocation){node = node-link;i++;}insert(p, node); /* p 为指向 ptr 的指针 */print(ptr);break;case 2:printf("you will delete a node from the link\n");printf("please input the location of the node:\n");scanf("%d", location);node = ptr;if(location ==1)trail = NULL;trail = ptr;i = 1;while(ilocation){trail = trail-link;i++;}node = trail-link;delete_node(p, trail, node);print(ptr);break;case 3:printf("you will invert the link\n");ptr = invert(ptr);print(ptr);break;default:break;return -1;}printf("please input your choice\n");scanf("%d", choose);}return 0;}// 根据用户的输入数值建立一个新的单向链表:list_pointer create(){int i, current, length;list_pointer p1, p2, head;printf("please input the node number of the link:\n");scanf("%d", length);printf("the number of the link is : %d\n", length);printf("please input the data for the link node:\n");i =0;p1= p2= (list_pointer) malloc(sizeof(list_node));head = p1;for(i = 0; iscanf("%d", ¤ t);p1-data = current;p2-link = p1;p2 = p1;p1 = (list_pointer) malloc(sizeof(list_node));}p2-link = NULL;return head;}……( 1 )画出主函数 main 的控制流程图。( 10 分)( 2 ) 设计一组测试用例 , 尽量使 main 函数的语句覆盖率能达到 100% 。 如果认为该函数的语句覆盖率无法达到 100% ,需说明原因。( 8 分)

从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()的正确的答案。Toolboxes and menus in many application programs were (A) for working with the mouse. The mouse controls a pointer on the screen. You move the pointer by (B) the mouse over a flat surface in the direction you want the pointer to move. If you run out of (C) to move the mouse, lift it up and put it down again. The pointer moves only when the mouse is (D) the flat surface. Moving the mouse pointer across the screen does not affect the document, the pointer simply (E) a location on the screen. When you press the mouse button, something happens at the location of the pointer.A: ① assigned ② designed ③ desired ④ expressedB: ① putting ② sliding ③ serving ④ takingC: ① board ② place ③ room ④ tableD: ① getting ② going ③ teaching ④ touchingE: ① constructs ② indicates ③ instructs ④ processes

The ______ controls a pointer On the screen .When you move it,?the pointer moves

(e) Job instruction. (3 marks)

Choose the right structure of the computer which is general used,such as PC8086,Z-80, IBM360/3A.Single Instruction Single DataB.Single Instruction Multiple DataC.Multiple Instruction Single DataD.Multiple Instruction Multiple Data

An instruction is made up of operations that (1) the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated on. For example, if an instruction is to perform. the operation of (2) two numbers,it must know (3) the two numbers are. The processor's job is to.(4) instructions and operands from memory and to perform. each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it (5) instruction.A.skipB.smileC.smokeD.specify

Shipping instruction(短语翻译)

针对以下C语言程序,请按要求回答问题。已知link. c源程序如下:/*link. c程序对单向链表进行操作,首先建立一个单向链表,然后根据用户的选择可以对其进行插入结点、删除结点和链表反转操作*/include<stdio. h>include<stdlib. h>typedef struct list_node * list_pointer; //定义链表指针typedef struct list_node{ //定义链表结构int data;list_pointer link;}list_node;//用到的操作函数list_pointer create(); //建立一个单向链表void insert(list_pointer * p_ptr,list_pointer node); //在node后加入一个新的结点void delete_node(list_pointer * p_ptr,list_pointer trail,list_pointer node);//删除前一个结点是trail的当前结点nodevoid print(list_pointer * p_ptr); //打印链表结点中的值list_pointer invert(list_pointer lead); //反转链表int main(){list_pointer ptr=NULL;list_pointer node,trail;list_pointer * P=&ptr;int choose,location,i;printf("you should create a link first:\n");//建立一个单向链表prt=create(); //ptr指向链表的第一个结点print(ptr);//根据用户的不同选择进行相应的操作:printf("input number 0,you can quit the program\n");printf("input number 1,you can insert a new node to link\n"):printf("input number 2,you can delete a node from the link\n");printf("input number 3,you can invert the link\n"):printf("please input you choice\n");scanf("%d",&choose);while(choose!=0){switch(choose){case 1:i=1:while(i<location){node=node->link;i++:}insert(p,node); //p为指向ptr的指针print(ptr);break;case 2:printf("you will delete a node from the link\n");printf("please input the location of the node:\n");scanf("%d",location):node=ptr;if(location==1)trail=NULL;trail=ptr;i=1:while(i<location){trail=trail->link:i++:}node=trail->link;delete_node(p,trail,node);print(ptr);break;case 3:printf("you will invert the link\n");ptr=invert(ptr);print(ptr);break;default;break;return -1;}printf("please input you choice\n");scanf("%d". &choose):}return 0;//根据用户的输入值建立一个新的单向链表:list_pointer create(){int i,current,length;list_pointer p1,p2,head;printf("please input the node number of the link:\n");scanf("%d". &length):printf("the number of the link is:%d",length);printf("please input the data for the link node:\n");i=0;p1=p2=(list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node));head=p1;for(i=1;i<length;i++){scanf("%d",&current);p1->data=current;p2->link=p1;p2=p1;p1=(list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node));}p2->link=NULL;return head;}画出主函数main的控制流程图。

Each instruction is processed(75),and several instructions are at varying stages of execution in the processor at any given time,this is called instruction pipelining.A.exactlyB.sequencingC.sequentiallyD.intermittently

You are attempting to parallel two AC generators and the synchroscope pointer is revolving in the slow direction. This indicates that the frequency of the incoming machine isA.higher than the bus frequencyB.lower than the bus frequencyC.file same as file bus frequency but out of phase with itD.the same as the bus frequency, and the circuit breaker may be closed at nay pointer position

链表的定位函数loc(I:integer):pointer; {寻找链表中的第I个结点的指针}procedure loc(L:linklist; I:integer):pointer;var p:pointer;j:integer;

单链表的插入操作procedure insert(L:linklist; I:integer; x:datatype);var p,q:pointer;

单链表的删除操作procedure delete(L:linklist; I:integer);var p,q:pointer;

The(67)controls the cursor or pointer on the screen and allows the user to access commands by pointing and clicking.A.graphicsB.printerC.programD.mouse

An instruction is made up of operations that(68)the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated on. For example, if an instruction is to perform. the operation of(69)two numbers, it must know(70)the two numbers are. The processor's job is to(71)instructions and operands from memory and to perform. each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it(72)instruction.A.smileB.skipC.smokeD.specify

When you move the mouse pointer to a(),the pointer's shape usually changes to a pointing hand. A.hyperlinkB.selected textC.selected graphicD.web page

Interrupt Service Routines (ISR) are the )ortions of the program code that handle the interrupt requests. When an Interrupt is triggere i (either a hardware or software interrupt), the processor breaks away from the current task. moves the (72) to the ISR, and then continues operation. When the ISR has comr Leted, the processor retums execution to the previous location.A.memoryB.functionC.instruction pointer D variable

下面对结构或类中成员的访问中,不正确的访问是 ______。A.*pointer. salary;(其中pointer为指向类对象的指针)B.pointer->salary;C.x=orker,salary;(其中worker为具有类类型的对象)D.Location rA=A1;Int x=rA. GetX();(Location为已定义的类,A为对象)


Instruction Decode Unit

TU12 Loss of Pointer告警跟哪块板卡有关?()A、TUBB、GPBC、ET-MF41D、ET-MFX

While running the Oracle Universal Installer on a Unix platform to install Oracle Database 10g software, you are prompted to run script. What does this script accomplish?()A、It creates the pointer file.B、It creates the base directory.C、It creates the Inventory pointer file.D、It creates the Oracle user for installation.E、It modifies the Unix kernel parameters to match Oracle’s requirement.

单选题()social instruction on cargo securing.AHasBHadCHaveDHaving

单选题The most important information to be obtained from a barometer is the().Adifference between the reading of the two pointers,which shows wind directionBlast two figures of the reading of the pointer,such as 87,76,or 92Cpresent reading of the pressure,combined with the changes in pressure observed in the recent pastDweather indications printed on the dial (such as cold,wet,etc.) under the pointer

单选题Movement of the diaphragm or bellows is () by a linkage to a needle or pointer display to indicate the differential pressure between two sides of the diaphragm or bellows.AmeasuredBrecordedCtransferredDcontrolled

单选题You are attempting to parallel two AC generators, and the syncope pointer is revolving in the fast directionThis indicates that the frequency of the incoming machine is ().Ahigher than the bus frequencyBlower than the bus frequencyCthe same as the bus frequency but out of phase with itDthe same as the bus frequency and the circuit breaker may be closed at any pointer position