询问来意()A、ask for helpB、inquire about intentionsC、serve for youD、lose one’s way


  • A、ask for help
  • B、inquire about intentions
  • C、serve for you
  • D、lose one’s way


– Could you show me the way to the nearest supermarket? – () (A)Sure. It’s just cross the street.(B) That’s right.(C) Don’t ask that.(D) I forgot it.

One way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new country is the distinction of (), depression, adjustment and acceptance. A、criticismB、admirationC、euphoriaD、shock

What does the author advise you to do to pay the high cost of college?A. To ask the family for helpB. To make a study of financial courses.C. To do research on the price of collegeD. To get to know how to ask for financial aid

When your colleague brings about a problem, you should _______ .A. find a better way to handle the problemB. blame him for his lack of responsibilityC. tell him to find the cause of the problemD. ask a more able colleague for help

You asked me to tell you about culture shock for an Iranian in Britain.There is culture shock in a sense.One of the things was that when you talk to people in Iran, you can comfortably ask how much people earn and which religion they are.I found this very difficult with English people.They don' t tell you, they look away or they somehow get around the question.I didn' t understand why.I mean, I still don' t understand why people are uncomfortable answering that sort of question.In Iran, it's no problem, there' s no problem in asking anybody It’ s not rude at all.I had that confirmed to me when in one of my English classes my teacher told me not to talk to English people about three things politics, religion and money.(判断正误)26.People in Iran are not happy to talk about their salary or their religion.()27.People in England try to avoid personal questions.()28.In Iran, it's rude to ask questions about salary and religion()29.The writer was advised to avoid talking to English people about politics, religion and money.()30.The main idea of the passage is culture shock.()

Which of following is NOT a nonverbal behavior. in people’s communication? () A.the way one sitsB.how much one smilesC.the telephone messagesD.how much eye contact one makes

询问来意A.ask for helpB.inquire about intentionsC.serve for youD.lose one’s way

If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measures the engineer on duty should _______.A.stop main engine immediatelyB.ask the captain and the chief engineer's permission for stopping the engineC.inquire the bridge for the situation initiativelyD.stop engine and inform bridge

When backing down with sternway,the pivot point of a vessel is ______.A.about one-quarter of the vessel's length from the sternB.at the bowC.about one-third of the vessel's length from the bowD.aft of the propellers

The fact that it has become more onerous or more expensive for one party than he thought ______ sufficient to bring about a frustration.A.is notB.isC.will probably beD.is one of the way by which it is

What is the purpose of Ms. Walter's letter?A.To ask about the automated billing systemB.To update her contact informationC.To report receiving duplicate billsD.To challenge the company's assertions

Passage ThreeAmericans are well known for the strange diets they always seem to be following.It seems that Americans like to diet almost as much as they like to eat.New types of diet plans are always coming out.Usually,though,they don't stay popular for long.There are many diets on the market.It is often difficult to know which ones really work.It's also hard to believe how fast a dieter is supposed to shed pounds.A lot has been written about dieting.And some interesting facts about diets and foods have been discovered.For example,did you know that the more celery you eat,the more weight you will lose?Celery has“negative”calories.The body burns up more calories digesting a piece of celery than there are in the celery stick itself.Dieters?shun?potatoes because they think they are fattening.But they aren't.A potato has about the same number of calories as an apple.To gain a single pound,you would have to eat eleven pounds of potatoes!Some dieters even worry about getting fat from licking postage stamps.But they have nothing to worry about.The glue on an average stamp has only about one-tenth of a calorie.Maybe a diet of post-age stamps would be popular?One could conclude from this passage that______A.dieting is not a healthy practiceB.everyone dietsC.there is only one good way to lose weightD.dieting can be confusing

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students can master the usage of new phrases: in front of, across from, next to.Ability aim:Students can use these words to describe the way to some places and help others to find the way correctly in their life.Emotional aim:Through various activities, students can improve their oral ability and cooperative spirit.Key and difficult point:Key Point: students can understand the meaning of these phrases and use them to describe the way to some places.Difficult Point: students can apply the knowledge in their daily life and also improve their speaking skills and cooperative spirits through different activities.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Show students some pictures of the famous scenic spots in our city. And ask them two questions: Q1: Where are these famous places?Q2: Do you know how to give directions to others in English?Step 2: Presentation1. Set a situation that our old friend Tommy is visiting our city, and he wants to go some places. Ask students to help him find his way based on the map on the blackboard.2. Ask students to listen to the tape and answer the following questions. They will be divided into three groups, and each group need to answer one question. In this process, the teacher teaches students new phrases through visual demonstration.Q1: Where’s the library?Q2: Where’s the park?Q3: Where’s the pay phone?Step 3: Practice1. Pair work. Ask students work in pairs. One acts as A, and the other acts as B. They need to practice the dialogue, and two pairs will be invited to have a show in the front.2. Describe the pictures. Students need to describe how to get to the places on the pictures by using these phrases.Step4: ProductionDo a survey: ask students to investigate the location of their partners’ homes and write down the results, some volunteers will be invited to do a report.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to draw a map about the way from their homes to school and describe it to their parents or friends.Blackboard design:1. What teaching methods are used in your class?2. How do you organize students to make a survey?

One's economic condition often affects his or her way of life.A: determinesB: showsC: influencesD: confines

Metaphor is a way of talking about one thing in terms of another. It is a device for creating and extending meaning.()A对B错

This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. ——()A、You may ask for helpB、I’ll give you a handC、Please do me a favorD、I’d come to help

Metaphor is a way of talking about one thing in terms of another. It is a device for creating and extending meaning.()

The client team tends to bring the pSeries technical specialist in very late in the process.  This has caused several problems where the specialist has had to correct some misunderstandings about the technology.  The specialist is getting very frustrated and would like to avoid these misunderstandings in future. What would be the most appropriate way to handle this?()A、Refuse to work with the account team unless they are brought in right at the beginning.B、Talk to the account team and ask them to bring them in earlier so that they can better understand the account.C、Explain the situation to the customer and ask them to talk to the account team about bringing them in earlier.D、Explain the situation to the sales manager and ask him to talk to the account team about bringing them in earlier.

A customer's plant maintenance manager invites a solution advisor to discuss Enterprise Asset Management in general and how it might help the maintenance group work more effectively and efficiently.   What should the solution advisor do in the first meeting with the plant maintenance manager?()A、Ask the plant maintenance manager about the company's history, competition, and market value.B、Ask the plant maintenance manager about their background, education, and professional experience.C、Ask the plant maintenance manager about current systems in use, issues with the system,and key areas where the manager wants to see improvements.  D、Ask the plant maintenance manager about the number of employees, union representation, and how IBM Maximo Asset Management can represent employees and their skill sets.

单选题The fact that it has become more onerous or more expensive for one party than he thought ()sufficient to bring about a frustration.Ais notBisCwill probably beDis one of the way by which it is

单选题Lovely useless things, according to the author, serve the purpose of _____.Adecorating the houseBshowing off one’s artistic tasteCreminding people of things pastDrevealing one’s tendency to waste money

单选题询问来意()Aask for helpBinquire about intentionsCserve for youDlose one’s way

填空题What purpose does the MRT serve?To provide a(n) ____ way to get about the city.

单选题Why was this letter written?ATo order a replacement for a damaged itemBTo ask about the rules at a swimming poolCTo request reimbursement for a purchaseDTo inquire about a product advertised on TV

单选题What is the main purpose of the first email?ATo confirm this week's scheduleBTo inquire about an upcoming tripCTo provide an update on operationsDTo seek approval for a decision

单选题What is the main purpose of Mr. Peterson’s email?ATo raise awareness of a humanitarian crisisBTo make a suggestion about a fundraising activityCTo inquire about company sponsorship fundsDTo recommend that employees do some charity work

单选题Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?AIt's Harder to Admit One's Mistake.BI Was Once the Culprit.CI Remember an Incident.DA Case of Mistaken Identity.