询问来意A.ask for helpB.inquire about intentionsC.serve for youD.lose one’s way


A.ask for help

B.inquire about intentions

C.serve for you

D.lose one’s way


有以下程序#include stdio.h#include string.hmain(){ char str[ ][20]={"One*World","One*Dream!"},*p=str[1];printf("%d,",strlen(p));printf("%s\n",p);}程序运行后的输出结果是A)9,One*WorldB)9,One*Dream !C)10,One*Dream !D)10,One*World

How many hours of housework did men do every week in the 1970s?A. About 23. B. About 26.C. About 13. D. About y.

How many hours of housework did men do every week in the 1970s?A.About 23.B.About 26.C.About 13.D.About y.

Nobody in ( ) right mind would do such a thing. A、hisB、theirsC、herD、one's

Are those your books? I want to borrow some good _____.A. oneB. onceC. onesD. one’s

How many books do you have? I have ______ book .That's ______ English book. A、a,anB、a,oneC、on,anD、one,one

有以下程序#includestdio.h#includestring.hmain( ){char str[][20]={“Qne*World”,“one*Dream!”},*P=str[1 ].prinff(“%d,”,strlen(p));printf(“%s\n”,P); ’}程序运行后的输出结果是A.9,One*World S)9,One*Dream!B.10,One*Dream!C.10,One*World

下面几个帮助吸烟者戒烟的行动中,()是5A戒烟干预模型。A.ASK—询问(吸烟情况)B.ASSIST—帮助(戒烟)C.ADVISE—建议(戒烟)D.ARRANGE FOLLOW UP—安排随访(防止复吸)E.FORECAST—预测(戒烟意愿)

Each man and woman must sign ______ full names before entering the examination room.A.hisB.herC.theirD.one’s