稳定指数(stability index(Lyzner index))

稳定指数(stability index(Lyzner index))


dmft index是A、恒牙龋失补指数B、乳牙龋失补指数C、龋均D、患病率E、龋病发病率

CPI (Consumer Price Index 居民消费价格指数)

Price index 价格指数

Youexecutedthefollowingproceduretocollectstatisticsregardinganindex:SQLANALYZEINDEXEMP_IDVALIDATESTRUCTURE;Whichviewwillyouusetodeterminewhetheryouneedtorebuildtheindexornot?() A.INDEX_STATSB.DBA_INDEXESC.DBA_IND_COLUMNSD.V$OBJECT_USAGE

Youissuedthefollowingstatementtomonitortheusageoftheindex:SQLALTERINDEXSCOTT.EMP_IDXMONITORINGUSAGE;Whichviewwillyouquerytoensurethattheindexisbeingmonitored?() A.INDEX_STATSB.DBA_INDEXESC.DBA_IND_COLUMNSD.V$OBJECT_USAGE



治疗指数(therapeutic index)

土壤酶稳定性 stability of soil enzyme

土壤单项污染指数 individual pollution index of soil


You executed the following procedure to collect statistics regarding an index:       SQLANALYZE INDEX EMP_ID VALIDATE STRUCTURE;   Which view will you use to determine whether you need to rebuild the index or not?() A、 INDEX_STATSB、 DBA_INDEXESC、 DBA_IND_COLUMNSD、 V$OBJECT_USAGE

You issued the following statement to monitor the usage of the index:        SQL ALTER INDEX SCOTT.EMP_IDX MONITORING USAGE;   Which view will you query to ensure that the index is being monitored?()  A、 INDEX_STATSB、 DBA_INDEXESC、 DBA_IND_COLUMNSD、 V$OBJECT_USAGE

You need to identify if malware is causing performance issues on your computer.  What should you do? ()A、Start a Windows Defender scan.B、Run chkdsk on each drive.C、View the Microsoft Windows Experience Index of the system.D、View the System Stability Chart on the Reliability Monitor taskpad.

问答题何为热应力指数(Heat Stress Index)、风冷却指数(Wind Chill Index)。

名词解释题土壤单项污染指数 individual pollution index of soil

单选题The stability which remains after a compartment is flooded is called().Aintact stabilityBinitial stabilityCimmersion stabilityDdamage stability

单选题You executed the following procedure to collect statistics regarding an index:       SQLANALYZE INDEX EMP_ID VALIDATE STRUCTURE;   Which view will you use to determine whether you need to rebuild the index or not?()A INDEX_STATSB DBA_INDEXESC DBA_IND_COLUMNSD V$OBJECT_USAGE

多选题Users in your production database complain that they are getting the following error message while trying to insert rows into the ORDERS table:  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-01654: unable to extend index USERS.ORDERS_IND by 8 in tablespace INDEXES.While investigating, you find that the INDEXES tablespace has run out of space and there is no more free space on the disk where the data files are available. Which two actions could you perform to overcome this error without affecting the queries that are currently being executed?()ADrop and re-create the inbox.BCoalesce the ORDERS_IND index.CCoalesce the INDEXES tablespace.DDrop and re-create the ORDERS table.ERebuild the index online and move it to another tablespace.

名词解释题Consumer price index 消费者价格指数(CPI)

名词解释题治疗指数(therapeutic index)

名词解释题污染物累积指数 accumulation index of pollutants

单选题表示试验在相同条件下,重复试验获得相同结果的稳定程度的指标是(  )。A特异度B阳性预示值C阴性预示值D精密度E约登指数(Youden'S index)

名词解释题土壤酶稳定性 stability of soil enzyme

单选题You issued the following statement to monitor the usage of the index:        SQL ALTER INDEX SCOTT.EMP_IDX MONITORING USAGE;   Which view will you query to ensure that the index is being monitored?()A INDEX_STATSB DBA_INDEXESC DBA_IND_COLUMNSD V$OBJECT_USAGE

多选题Users in your production database complain that they are getting the following error message while trying to insert rows into the ORDERS table: ERROR at line 1:  ORA-01654: unable to extend index USERS.ORDERS_IND by 8 in tablespace INDEXES  While investigating, you find that the INDEXES tablespace has run out of space and there is no more free space on the disk where the data files are available.  Which two actions could you perform to overcome this error without affecting the queries that are currently being executed?()Adrop and re-create the indexBcoalesce the ORDERS_IND indexCcoalesce the INDEXES tablespaceDdrop and re-create the ORDERS tableErebuild the index online and move it to another tablespace

名词解释题稳定指数(stability index(Lyzner index))