


[A] variation[B] balance[C] frequency[D] stability

The amount of freeboard affects the ______.① amount of reserve buoyancy of a vessel ② range of stability of a vessel.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

The author argues that( )[A] AFDC regulations are to blame for family instability[B] the agreement between couples reinforces martial stability[C] expected AFDC income helps to strengthen family stability[D] public assistance upsets the balance between benefit and cost of marriage

Freeboard is a measure of which of the following?Ⅰ.The amount of reserve buoyancy.Ⅱ.The initial stability of the vessel.A.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.Both Ⅰ and ⅡD.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

The stability which remains after a compartment is flooded is called ______.A.intact stabilityB.initial stabilityC.immersion stabilityD.damage stability

______water is the water to keep the ship’s stability.A.BilgeB.BallastC.SlopD.Sanitary

GM is a measure of ______.① The initial stability of a vessel.② The rightingness of the vessel.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

土壤酶稳定性 stability of soil enzyme

The WDM components making up a WDM system should meet the following requirements .()A、插入损耗低 Low insertion lossB、具有良好的带通特性 Excellent bandpass propertyC、温度稳定性好 Performance stability in spite of temperature changeD、复用通路数多A number of multiplexing channelsE、具有较高的分辨率 High resolutionF、几何尺寸小 Small size

劳斯判据 (Routh stability criterion)

If an application issues the same query more than once in the same Unit of Work, which isolation level will not permit this application to see additional rows inserted by other applications?()A、Read Stability (RS)B、Repeatable Read (RR)C、Uncommitted Read (UR)D、Cursor Stability (CS)

单选题The major objective of system configuration management is which of the following?系统配置管理的主要目标是下列哪一个?()Asystem tracking.系统跟踪Bsystem operations.系统操作Csystem maintenance.系统维护Dsystem stability.系统稳定性

单选题Initial stability is indicated by().AGMBKMCdeck loadDmaximum allowed KG

单选题Your vessel is damaged with no list,but down by the stern. There is progressive flooding and trim by the stern is increasing. What is the effect on transverse stability after the deck edge at the stern is submerged?()AKB increases,increasing BM and therefore GMBKG increases due to the weight of the added water on deckCBM decreases from loss of water plane and greater volumeDThere is no effect on transverse stability

单选题What is the stability term for the distance from the center of gravity (G) to the Metacenter (M),when small-angle stability applies? ()Ametacentric heightBmetacentric radiusCheight of the metacenterDrighting arm

单选题The angle of loll is a stability term which applies to a floating ship with().Aoff-center loadingBstiff characteristicsCexcessive pitch or rollDnegative initial stability

单选题The stability which remains after a compartment is flooded is called().Aintact stabilityBinitial stabilityCimmersion stabilityDdamage stability

单选题Topside icing decreases vessel stability becauseit increases().AdisplacementBfree surfaceCdraftDKG

单选题For optimum stability during jacking operations,mat ballast tanks or spud cans should be().AemptyBfully ballastedCpartially ballastedDsealed

单选题() is not the information necessary for the master to obtain guidance as to the stability of the ship.Aa curve of minimum operational metacentric height(GM)versus draughtBinstructions concerning the operation of cross-flooding arrangementsCthe signals or lights being exhibited or soundedDall other data and aids which might be necessary to maintain stability after damage

单选题At all angles of inclination, the ttrue measure of a vessel''s stability is the().Ametacentric heightBdisplacementCrighting momentDinclining moment

名词解释题土壤酶稳定性 stability of soil enzyme

单选题Stability is determined principally by the location of the center of gravity and the().Aaft perpendicularBcenter of buoyancyCkeelDcenter of flotation

单选题What is used as an indicator of initial stability? ()AGMBKGCKMDGZ

单选题The principal danger from ice collecting on a vessel is the().Adecrease in capabilities of radarBdecrease in displacementCadverse effect on trimDloss of stability

单选题The stability which exists after the unintentional flooding of a compartment on a ship is called().Aintact stabilityBinitial stabilityCimmersion stabilityDdamage stability

单选题Transverse stability calculations require the use of().Ahog or sag calculations or tablesBhydrostatic curvesCgeneral arrangement plansDcross-sectional views of the vessel