B.is saying
C.is said
D.is being said
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
19春大学英语(三)练习1-0001试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)1.The newspaper _ the rain will last for another three days.A.is being saidB.saysC.is saidD.is saying正确答案:B2._ her and then try to copy what she does.A.MindB.SeeC.Stare atD.Watch正确答案:D3._ more time and experience, he could have done it far better. What a pity.A.WithB.WithoutC.GivingD.For正确答案:C4.The way we picture ourselves is often the way we turn _.A.fromB.outC.upD.into正确答案:B5.The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally _.A.pulled outB.pulled throughC.pulled upD.pulled over正确答案:B6.My father seemed to be in no _ to look at my school report.A.feelingB.attitudeC.emotionD.mood正确答案:D7.If I hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _ now.A.couldnt have smiledB.wouldnt be smilingC.didnt smileD.wont smile正确答案:B8.A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _.A.precautionB.crisisC.emergencyD.urgency正确答案:C9.I dont know the park, but its _ to be quite beautiful.A.saidB.toldC.spokenD.talked正确答案:A10.“I didnt know what to say” means _.A.I was puzzled about itB.I suspected itC.I was at a loss for wordsD.I would rather do it正确答案:C11.Every year thousands of lives _ in road accidents because of careless driving.A.loseB.lostC.have lostD.are lost正确答案:D12.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was _ of cheating customers.A.accusedB.chargedC.scoldedD.cursed正确答案:A13.I was always taught that it was _ to interrupt.A.rudeB.coarseC.roughD.crude正确答案:A14.Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ at different villages.A.continuallyB.continouslyC.graduallyD.unceasingly正确答案:A15.Its bad _ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A.behaviorB.actionC.mannerD.movement正确答案:A16.Attitudes _ daydreaming are changing greatly.A.toB.forC.onD.against正确答案:A17.Hitler strengthen _ his resolve not to allow himself or his bride to be made a spectacle.A.inB.upC.uponD.firm正确答案:A18.Since they speak different languages it is really hard for them to _ with each other.A.understandB.expressC.communicateD.go正确答案:C19.It was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline.A.must be sentB.would be sentC.be sentD.were sent正确答案:C20.The President called _ the state of emergency.A.onB.offC.inD.away正确答案:B
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
- 甲公司章程规定:董事长未经股东会授权,不得处置公司资产,也不得以公司名义签订非经营性合同。一日,董事长任某开一辆新款宝马车,遂决定以自己乘坐的公司旧奔驰车与王调换,并办理了车辆过户手续。对任某的换车行为,下列哪一种说法是正确的?()A、违反公司章程处置公司资产,其行为无效B、违反公司章程从事非经营性交易,其行为无效C、并未违反公司章程,其行为有效D、无论是否违反公司章程,只要王某无恶意,该行为就有效
- 下列各项中,除()外,都能开窍启闭,治疗牙关紧闭。A、下关B、关元C、合谷D、百会E、水沟
- 劳务出资
- 不属三棱针适应范围的是()。A、实证B、虚证C、热证D、瘀血E、疼痛
- 股票
- 公司资本与公司资本有什么不同?
- 按照是否发行股份可以将公司分为()。A、股份有限公司、有限责任公司B、股份有限公司和有限责任公司和国有独资公司C、有限公司和无限公司D、人合公司和资合公司
- 关于十五络脉的循行分布哪些是错误的()。A、阴经络脉别络于相表里的阳经B、阳经络脉别络于相表里的阴经C、督脉别络散于头D、任脉别络散布于胸胁E、脾之大络散于腹部
- 某学生试用八会穴治疗疾病。该生治疗骨质疏松,选大杼穴,因为该穴是:()。A、脏会B、骨会C、腑会D、血会E、气会
- 患者,男,33岁,体重80kg,因车祸外伤致双下肢、右上肢骨折。在气管插管静-吸复合全麻下骨折内固定术。麻醉诱导前BP120/75mmHg。手术结束患者对气管导管不能耐受,此时患者神志尚不清楚,无意识抬头超过10秒,双上肢很有力,数人帮助固定在手术床上;潮气量700ml,频率18次/分;BP140/85mmHg,心率92次/分,SaO299%,气管导管在患者挣扎情况下拔出。手术4小时共输液3500ml,(其中胶体液1000ml),尿量500ml。拔出气管导管后,患者安静入睡,普通吸氧面罩8L/min吸氧,但3分钟后患者的SaO2迅速下降到82%。麻醉医师立刻开放气道面罩正压通气,发现气道难以打开,无法进行有效气体交换。双肺听诊无呼吸音。经检查发现,患者无法进行有效气体交换的主要原因是舌根后坠引起上呼吸道梗阻。对舌根后坠引起上呼吸道梗阻的处理常用方法有()。A、侧卧位B、普通面罩吸氧C、放置口咽通气道D、文丘里面罩吸氧E、放置喉罩F、气管插管G、鼻导管吸氧H、头后仰托下颌和提颏法I、放置鼻咽通气道