The underlined words “tipping points” most probably refer to
A. freezing points B. burning points C. melting points D. boiling points
Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and then
3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
As is illustrated in the picture, the two disabled persons whose crippled legs are bound together do a lot of traveling. Accordingly, this far-reaching picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: the people who are in the dark want to turn the corner but they can not make it respectively and in turn they have to choose to pull together in times of trouble.
There are several reasons accounting for this. Since we have to live in an on-the-move lifestyle, we may encounter various plights, where we would be at a loss rather than to seek for others’ assistance. Further more, if we do not offer help to each other when we confront dilemma, we would not realize our dream. And no issue in China is as basic to build up the society in harmony as to conduct coordination in face of disasters.
Judging from what have been argued above, people have come to realize the value of mutual aid. It is, therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to advocate spirit of supporting each other. To begin with, the government should make laws to encourage people to unite. In addition, people should enhance the awareness of caring each other especially when they are in trouble. Only in those ways, can we make people, even not being acquaintance, help each other.
国家开放大学电大专科英语阅读(2)期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156) 2022盗传必究Fart 1Questions 1*10 art based on Passage L (30 points* 3 points each)Passage 1When Betty Burwood won the national lottery, she And her hut(bnndt Kill, moved into a berautiful big bungalow nnd she bought herself a very expensive pearl necklaceThe following summer the Burwoods decided to throu a party. Enrly on the iiftrrnoon of the party Beity took her new silk dres out of the wardrobe and put her expenRivr prnrl nccklflcc on her dresstng-tablc ready to put on in the evening. Then, she went to sec how the prcpsrAtions for the party were going.The caunng company had jul arrived r cook. Mrs- Moore and hrr two helpers. Nancy and Harnet. They were nil in the kitchen unpacking the piles of boxes which they had brought with lht?E. Soon, the fourth member of the team, Charlie Chivrrs ready to be brought out when the guests arnvcd5ing pearls, but couldn f t find them anywhere. It was then that they decided they must call the police*Soon. InnpertGr Morgan arrived and started to question all the susprclH. .Raid Passage 1 and then try to give short answers to Questions 1-5. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet1. Why could Brtty afford nn expensive nrcklnce?2. Why did she fuke her necklace out early in the day?3. How many people were there in the catering company?4. Whn: do you think in the boxes brought by the catering company?5* How Ions did thev search for thr nnxsinpRend Passage 1 again and Ihen fill tn the followInK blanks numbered G-10 with the information from the passage. Write yonr answers on the Answer ShcrLHead Passaic I again and ihrn fill In the rollowlnx blanks numbered G-10 with the inrormailun from I heWrite ynwr answer* n the Anwwrr SheetTimeActionWhen Fktty won the lottrryThe couple movtsl into n h氓(6) und Bk her newout ol ihr closet And pul thenecklncc un fhr drrMing fnhleBy 6t00Everything wm prrpurrd. I hr gxrdt!n nppr/ircd ( 8) with Hniall round tnb!r and colorful chntr* nnd nun nhA(lrH.Al 6|10Iktty wrm t(i hc bedroom to get rc/idy. Whilr? ahc (9) Brfty rrlurd ihul the necklace wm nimninK.Al (10)Vhr couple (Nilcii tu find out the prurh nnd then ihry rnndr up lheir mind* to cnll the police Ahrr whilePhr poher arrived ami began tn inqur the suspectPurt II Multiple ( holccwQiMtkrn* 11-20 iire ba.wd on2 & 3.Quevtionv I l-20i I herr arc 2 pavui&m In (hh purl thut ure rollowcd by 10 queMionw. For each qiteiillnn. there lire four ugKctcd unwrrt inMrkcd lh . Krnd the piKNUKc* riirrrully mid then chMe thv bt*t anMcr to cnch of I hr qucli(in. Wri
What is the recommended distance between controller-based access points for support of roaming?()
- A、50 feet [15 meters]
- B、200 feet [60 meters]
- C、150 feet [45 meters]
- D、100 feet [30 meters]
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- 本行为付款行,对方行为收款行的网内往来汇划业务是发出贷方报单业务。
- 最底层的需要是( )。A.生理需要B.安全需要C.归属和爱的需要D.尊重的需要
- ( )是我们后天慢慢习得的一种社会规范和道德,亦即被内化的道德。A.自我B.超我C.本我D.自性
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