


股票交易程序中所包括的主要环节有:I、交割II、委托III、证券账户开户IV、资金账户开户 V、过户 VI、交易正确的顺序为( )。








普通高等学校在校学生数指( )。








2011 年河南省普通高等学校年河南省普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语公共英语 真题真题卷卷 题号题号 I II III IV V VI 总分总分 分数分数 40 20 40 20 10 20 150 注意事项:注意事项: 答题前:考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号填写在答题卡上答题前:考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号填写在答题卡上 本卷的试题答案必须答在答题卡上,答在卷上无效本卷的试题答案必须答在答题卡上,答在卷上无效 Part Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was _ of cheating customers. A. accused B. charged C. scold D. cursed 2. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back. A. being tie B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 3. Needless to say, he _ his good looks and sense of humor or from his mother. A. inherited B. carried C. inhibited D. resembled 4. They have _most carefully the time and the materials needed to complete project. A. picked out B. left out C. taken out D. figured out 5. The room is quite neat, it _. A. doesnt need to cleaning B. neednt to cleaning C. doesnt need cleaning D. neednt cleaning 6. _ right now, she would get there on Sunday. A. Would she leave B. If she leave C. Were she to leave D. If she had left 7. He must have stayed up late last night, _ he? A. mustnt B. neednt C. hasnt D. didnt 8. _ he does not come, shall we go without him? A. Supposing B. To suppose C. Supposed D. to be supposed 9. He will pass two milestones _ that is, he will receive his masters degree and find a challenging job. 2011年河南省专升本英语考试真题(含解析)第 1 页,共 23 页 A. long ago B. not long ago C. before long D. long before 10. Some diseases are _ by certain water animals. A. transported B. transmitted C. transformed D. transplanted 11. Our hopes _ at the first sight of the doctor. A. arose B. raised C. rose D. aroused 12. Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. attribute to B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to 13. That _ lady is their English teacher. A. young beautiful foreign B. beautiful young foreign C. young foreign beautiful D. foreign young beautiful 14. I dont think it advisable that Tom _ to the job since he has no experience. A .is assigned B. will be assigned C. be assigned D. has been assigned 15. He is _ of those boys who is willing to take on another assignment. A. the only one B. only one C. one D. a 16. I dont think it will rain, but Ill take an umbrella _ it does. A. as if B. in case C. as though D. even if 17. All the tasks _ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week. A. had been fulfilled B. were fulfilled C. having been fulfilled D. been fulfilled 18. He didnt allow _ in his room, actually he didnt allow his family _ at all. A. to smoketo smoke B. smokingto smoke C. to smokesmoking D. smokingsmoking 19. Susan is _ to lift the heavy box. A. strong B. enough strong C. strong enough D. strong too 20. By the end of this term, we _ the textbook. A. finish B. have finished C. will finish D. will have finished 21. This hall can_ 1000 people. You can _ where you like. A. hold seat B. be seatedseated C. seatbe seated D. holdseating 22. I like English and I spent every minute I can _ English. A. to study B. studying C. studied D. study 23. _ of his name, we had a lot of trouble in finding the patient. A. Not informed B. Not having informed C. Not having been informed D. Having not informed 24. No matter how hard I searched my bag, my new pen was _. 2011年河南省专升本英语考试真题(含解析)第 2 页,共 23 页 A. nowhere to find it B. nowhere to be found C. to be found nowhere D. to be found anywhere 25. Rather than _ the bus, he ran all the way home. A. take B. to take C. taken D. took 26. _ with the book I brought yesterday, the one _ from the library doesnt seem interesting. A. When comparedborrowed B. While comparingborrowed C. Compareborrowing D. Comparingborrowing 27. If you cant see the words written on the blackboard very well, maybe you need _. A. examining B. to have you eyes examined C. to have examined your eyes D. to be examined your eyes 28. She must be looking forward as much to _ from him as he himself is to _from her. A. hearhearing B. hearinghear C. have heardhearing D. hearinghearing 29. I sent invitations to 20 people, _ came. A. of whom only 10 of these B. only 10 of these who C. of whom only 10 D. only 10 who 30. _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifthis B. Two fifthsare C. Two fifthare D. Two fifthsis 31. F、ree tickets will be given to _ phones us first. A. that B. whoever C. whomever D. who 32. _ his words, there were no grounds to justify his complaints. A. Such being B. Such were C. Were such D. Being such 33. It was ten oclock _ he came back. A. that B. when C. so D. which 34. _ difficulties we may come across, we will help one another to get them over. A. Whatever B. Whichever C. However D. What 35. _ raw material s into useful products is called manufacturing. A. Transform B. Transforming C.


A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5



A. 需要参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试
B. 经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试
C. 录取的入有关军队院校学习
D. 学制4年
E. 毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划


普通高等学校在校学生数指(  )。



国家鼓励( )毕业生到中小学或者职业学校任教。




正确答案: 具有高职(专科)学历的退役毕业生与其他普通专升本考生一起报名参加考试,享受招生计划单列、考试成绩单独划线、按报考人数30%比例择优录取的优惠政策。


考题 单选题参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制()年,毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划。A2B3C4D5正确答案: C解析: 暂无解析

考题 填空题参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制()年正确答案: 2解析: 暂无解析

考题 多选题根据《关于建立和完善教育收费决策听证制度的通知》,对政府举办学校的教育收费实行听证的有(  )。[2006年真题]A小学、初中的杂费B高中的择校费C高中的学费D普通高等学校专科、本科的学费E普通高等学校专科、本科的住宿费正确答案: E,C解析: 按国家规定的权限和程序制定政府举办的小学、初中的杂费,高中的学费,普通高等学校专科、本科的学费,应当实行听证,纳入地方听证目录。制定其他教育收费标准时,政府价格主管部门认为有必要的,也可以实行听证。

考题 多选题关于军队院校专升本的规定说法正确的是()A需要参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试B经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试C录取的入有关军队院校学习D学制4年E毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划正确答案: A,C解析: 军队院校专升本的规定:参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经省招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制2年,毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划。

考题 参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制()年,毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划。A、2B、3C、4D、5正确答案:A

考题 哪些人可以申请在省招就中心托管户口和档案?()A、江苏省内普通高校应届本科毕业生B、江苏省外普通高校江苏籍应届本科毕业生C、江苏省内在籍自考应届本科毕业生D、全国普通高等学校应届毕业研究生正确答案:A,B,C,D

考题 校普通毕业生系指按照国家普通高等学校招生计划的具有学籍、取得毕业资格的本科生、()、硕士研究生和博士研究生。 A、结业生B、肄业生C、专科生D、自考生正确答案:C

考题 参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制()年正确答案:2

考题 股票交易程序中所包括的主要环节有: 正确的顺序为() I、交割      II、委托 III、证券账户开户   IV、资金账户开户     V、过户   VI、交易A、IV, III, II, I, VI, VB、III, IV, I, V, VI,IIC、III, IV, II, VI, I, VD、V, II, III, IV, VI, I正确答案:C

考题 多选题根据《关于建立和完善教育收费决策听证制度的通知》,对政府举办学校的教育收费实行听证的有(  )。[2006年真题]A小学、初中的杂费B高中的择校费C高中的学费D普通高等学校专科、本科的学费E普通高等学校专科、本科的住宿费正确答案: A,E解析: 按国家规定的权限和程序制定政府举办的小学、初中的杂费,高中的学费,普通高等学校专科、本科的学费,应当实行听证,纳入地方听证目录。制定其他教育收费标准时,政府价格主管部门认为有必要的,也可以实行听证。