1z0-883 题目列表
多选题Mysqldump was used to create a single schema backup; Shell mysqldump –u root –p sakila sakila2013.sql Which two commands will restore the sakila database without interfering with other running database?()AMysql> USE sakila; LOAD DATA INFILE 'sakila2013.sql';BShell> mysql –u root –p sakila sakila2013.sqlCShell> mysql import –u root –p sakila sakila2013.sqlDShell> mysql –u root -p –e 'use sakila; source sakila2013.sql'EShell> mysql –u root –p –silent < sakila2013.sql

单选题Consider the following: Which statement best describes the meaning of the value for the key_len column?()A It shows the total size of the index rowB It shows how many columns in the index are examinedC It shows the number of characters indexed in the keyD It shows how many bytes will be used from each index row

单选题You use—login-path to access a MySQL server on a Linux installation. Which statement is true about the – login-path option that is created by using mysql_config_editor?()AAll system users have access to the MySQL server via—login path localBlogin-path can be used only for MySQL servers running on a local machineClogin-path allows you to provide login credentials without passing clear text passwords on the command lineDWhen using – login-path to connect to a remote MySQL server, the remote server version must be 5.6 or later

单选题Review the definition of the phone_list view. CHEATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=MERGE DEFINER= 'root'@localhost' SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW 'phone_list' AS SELECT e . id as id 'e . first_name AS 'first_name' 'e . last_name AS 'last_name' 'coalesce ( ph1.phone_no, ' – ') AS 'office_no' 'coalesce (ph2 .phone_no, ' – ') AS 'cell_no' FROM employees e LEFT JOIN employee_phone ph1 ON ph1.emp_id = e.id AND ph1.type = 'office' LEFT JOIN employee_phone ph2 ON ph2 .emp_id = e.id AND ph2 .type = 'mobile' The tables employees and employee_phone are InnoDB tables; all columns are used in this view. The contents of the phone_list view are as follows: Mysql select * from phone_list; 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Which method can you use to change the cell_no value to '555-8888' for John Doe?()AINSERT INTO employee_phone (emp_id, phone_no, type) VALUES (1, '555-8888','mobile')BUPDATE phone_list SET cell_name '555-8888' WHERE first_name= 'John' and last_name= 'Doe'CDELETE FROM phone_list WHERE first_name= 'John' and last_name= 'Doe'; INSERT INTO phone_list (first_name, last_name, office_no, cell_no) VALUES ('John' , 'Doe' , 'x1234' , '555-8888)DUPDATE employee_phone SET phone_no= '555-8888' where emp_id=1

单选题You want to start monitoring statistics on the distribution of storage engines that are being used and the average sizes of tables in the various databases. Some details are as follows: The Mysql instance has 400 databases. Each database on an average consists of 25-50 tables. You use the query: SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, 'ENGINE', COUNT (*), SUM(data_length) total_size FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE= 'BASE TABLE' GROUP BY TABLE_SCHEMA, 'ENGINE' ; Why is this query slow to execute?()ACollecting information requires large numbers of locks on various INFORMATION_SCHEMA tablesBAggregating details from various storage engine caches for the final output is time consumingCCollecting information requires various disk-level operations and is time consumingDCounting and summarizing all table pages in the InnoDB shared tablespace is time consuming

单选题You have taken a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) snapshot backup of a volume that contains the MySQL data directory. Why is it important to remove snapshots after completing a RAW backup in this way?()AThe snapshot size will continue to grow as changes to the volume are madeBThe snapshots take a significant amount of disk space as they are a duplicate copy of the dataCThe system can only support one snapshot per volume, and you need to remove it to be able to take your next backupDThe system keeps a copy of changes in memory and can cause an out of memory event

单选题While reviewing the MySQL error log, you see occasions where MySQL has exceeded the number of file handles allowed to it by the operating system. Which method will reduce the number of file handles in use?()AActivating the MySQL Enterprise thread pool pluginBRelocating your data and log files to separate storage devicesCDisconnecting idle localhost client sessionsDImplementing storage engine data compression options

单选题You adjust a default configuration to the following /etc/my.cnf on a Linux installation:[mysqld] Loq-bin Binrylog_format=ROW You do not notice the spelling error in binrylog_format and restart your production server. How does the MySQL server behave with incorrectly spelled options?()AMysqld uses internal configuration versioning and reverts to the previous configurationBWhen using mysql_config_editor for configuration adjustments, it detects incorrect syntax and typing mistakesCThe mysqld_safe script skips the unknown variable and starts using the remaining configuration changesDMysqld prints to the error log about an unknown variable, and then exits

多选题Which two requirements would lead towards a high availability solution?()AWhen uptime is criticalBWhen data must be refactoredCWhen application concurrency is staticDWhen data loss is unacceptableEWhen application is a single point of failure

多选题What are three facts about backups with mysqldump?()ACan back up a remote database serverBAllow a consistent backup to be takenCAre always faster to restore than binary backupsDAre able to back up specific items within a databaseECreate automatically compressed backupsFWill lock all storage engines for duration of backup

多选题Which three tasks can be performed by using the performance Schema?()AFinding queries that are not using indexesBFinding rows that are locked by InnoDBCFinding client connection attributesDFinding the part of a code in which a single query is spending timeEFinding the size of each table

多选题Which two capabilities are granted with the SUPER privilege?()AAllowing a client to kill other client connectionsBAllowing a client to shut down the serverCAllowing change of the server runtime configurationDAllowing client accounts to take over the account of another user

多选题A Mysql instance is running on a dedicated server. Developers access the server from the same network subnet. Users access the database through an application that is running on a separate server in a DMZ. Which two will optimize the security of this setup?()ADisabling connections from named pipes or socket files (depending on the operating system of the server)BEnabling and using SSL for connections to the Mysql databaseCInstalling Mysql on the application server, and running the database and application on the same serverDStarting the server with – bind- address= specifiedERunning the server with – skip-networking specifiedFLimiting logins to originate from the application server or the server's subnet'

多选题Which two requirements would lead towards a high availability solution?()AWhen uptime is criticalBWhen data must be refactoredCWhen application concurrency is staticDWhen data loss is unacceptableEWhen application is a single point of failure

多选题What are three facts about backups with mysqldump?()ACan back up a remote database serverBAllow a consistent backup to be takenCAre always faster to restore than binary backupsDAre able to back up specific items within a databaseECreate automatically compressed backupsFWill lock all storage engines for duration of backup