问答题简述Electronic Commerce和Electronic Business的区别。

简述Electronic Commerce和Electronic Business的区别。


解析: 暂无解析


() that store digital certificates are particularyly handy when you shop at a site that. A、None of the aboveB、Electronic checksC、Electronic walletsD、Electronic Cash

狭义的电子商务的英文表达是:()A.Electronic GovernmentB.Electronic BusinessC. Electronic BankingD.Electronic Commerce

Has changed the way people buy,sell,hire,and,organize business activities in more ways and more rapidly than any 0ther technolgy in the history of business( ).A.EDIB.Web pageC.The InternetD.Electronic Funds Transfers

Electronic commerce may be defined as the entire set of processes that support ______ activities on anetwork and involve information analysis.A.postB.exchangeC.transfersD.commercial

Business-to-Business electronic commerce could also change the relationships among different groups of companies in the supply chain. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

B2B electronic commerce may give companies the less advantages that they need to achieve productivity gains. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

中文“电子商务”一词源于英文的“(25)”。A.Electronic ConsumerB.Electronic CommerceC.Electronic ChangeD.Electronic Communication

Businesses have also been engaging in a type of electronic commerce , ( )occurs when one business transmits computer-readable data in a standard format to another business.A.EFT B.EDI C.ERP D.CRM

An( ),serving a function similar to a physical wallet, holds credit card numbers,electroruc cash, owner identification, and owner contact information and provides that information at an electronic commerce sites checkout counter.A. electronic wallet B. electronic commerceC. third party payment D. Internet banking

The five general electronic commerce categories are business-to-consumer, business-to-business, business processes, consurler-to- (71) ,and business-to-government.A.consumerB.govern nentC.businessD.customers

About electronic wallet, the correct descoiption is (72).A.electronic wallets require consumers to enter their information at every site with which they want to do businessB.a client-side electronic wallet stores a customer's information on a remote server belonging to a particular merchant or wallet publisherC.a server-side electronic wallet s ores consumers' information on their computerD.when consumers select items o purchase, they can then click their electronic wallet to order the items quick,

Amaze-Mart has announced plans to set up additional online stores in key cities in Asia, beginningwith Bangkok.The Seattle-based electronic commerce firm currently () its online stores from the US, Canada andA.functionsB.operatesC.evaluatesD.serves

About electronic wallet,the correct description is ______.A.electronic wallets require consumers to enter their information at every site with which they want to do businessB.a client-side electronic wallet stores a customer's information on a remote server belonging to a particular merchant or wallet publisherC.a server-side electronic wallet stores consumers' information on their computerD.when consumers select items to purchase, they can then click their electronic wallet to order the items quickly

The five general electronic commerce categories are business-to-consumer,business-to-business,business processes,consumer-to-______,and business-to-government.A.consumerB.governmentC.businessD.customers

Businesses have also been engaging in a type of electronic commerce, ______ occurs when one business transmits computer-readable data in a standard format to another business.A.EFTB.EDIC.ERPD.CRM

An(),serving a function similar to a physical wallet, holds credit card numbers, electronic cash, owner identification, and owner contact information and provides that information at an electronic commerce site's checkout counter.A.electronic walletB.electronic commerceC.third party paymentD.Internet banking

简述Electronic Commerce和Electronic Business的区别。

电子商务定义有广义和狭义之分。电子商务的英文是Electronic Commerce(EC)或者Electronic Business(EB)。前者是狭义的电子商务,后者是指广义的电子商务。

EDI的英文全称为()。A、Easy Data InterchangeB、Electronic Data InterchangeC、Electronic Data InterconnectionD、Easy Data Interconnection

“电子商务”英文正确写法是()A、Electron CommerceB、Electronic CommerceC、Electronics CommerceD、Electronic Contract

广义上的电子商务的英文名是()。A、Electronic BusinessB、Electronic CommerceC、Extranet BusinessD、Extranet Commerce

电子病历EMR是如下哪个答案的缩写?A、Electronic Medical ResourceB、Electronic Medical Record

On which HMC GUI panel can the ’Enable Electronic Service Agent’ option be found?() A、HMC ManagementB、Systems ManagementC、Service ManagementD、Electronic Management


问答题Directions:  Please write an essay in about 150 words entitled “On Electronic Dictionary” based on the following outline  (1)Advantages of electronic dictionary.   (2)Disadvantages of using electronic dictionary.   (3)Your opinion.

判断题电子商务定义有广义和狭义之分。电子商务的英文是Electronic Commerce(EC)或者Electronic Business(EB)。前者是狭义的电子商务,后者是指广义的电子商务。A对B错

问答题简述Electronic Commerce和Electronic Business的区别。

单选题According to the speaker, how does the price of an electronic keyboard compare with the price of a piano?AThe electronic instrument is much more expensive.BThe electronic instrument is slightly more expensive.CThe piano is slightly more expensive.DThe piano is much more expensive.