


shortly before之前不久。


单选题ATo withdraw his deposit.BTo cash a check.CTo rob the bank.DTo get his prize.

填空题George and the party found plenty of gold deposits in Bonanza Creek.____


问答题Practice 1  中华文明历来注重(prominence)社会和谐,强调团结互助。中国人早就提出了“和为贵”的思想,追求天人和谐、人际和谐、身心和谐,向往“人人相亲,人人平等,天下为公”的理想社会。  今天,中国提出构建和谐社会,就是要建设一个民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱(fraternity)、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会,实现物质和精神、民主和法治、公平和效率、活力和秩序的有机统一。  中国人民把维护民族团结作为自己义不容辞的职责,把维护国家主权和领土完整(territorial)作为自己至高无上的使命。

填空题If you have problems with the foreign language, you should take a bilingual dictionary along.____


填空题In today’s libraries, the librarians are people who provide tech support for the public.____

单选题What is the real cause of the potential water crisis?AThe world population is increasing faster and faster.BHalf of the world’s water resources have been seriously polluted.CHumanity has not placed sufficient value on water resources.DOnly half of the world’s water can be used.

单选题The author concludes that historical changes would _____.Abe delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualitiesBnot happen without heroes making the necessary sacrificesCtake place if there were heroes to lead the peopleDproduce leaders with attractive personalities

填空题Although free of lignin, paper made from cotton and rag waste can also cost more money than wood pulp paper because there is much less cotton and rag than trees.____

问答题Practice 3  有个卖盾和矛的楚国人,夸他的盾说:“我的盾坚固得没有一个东西刺得破啊。”又夸他的矛说:“我的矛锋利得没有一个东西刺不破啊。”有人说:“用您的矛来刺您的盾,会怎么样?”那个人可就回答不出来啦。刺不破的盾和什么东西都刺得破的矛不可能同时存在。


填空题Holland transported tea to the whole Pacific area in the year 1602.____

单选题Those against oil drilling ANWR argue that _____.Ait will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan regionBit can do little to solve U.S. energy problemCit can cause serious damage to the environmentDit will not have much commercial value

填空题After the invention of printing press, people no longer had to live by oral tradition and memory.____

填空题The idea of a maintenance technician at Burt’s Bees turned out to be helpful and energy-efficient.____

单选题In the 1950s, classroom violence ______.Awas something unheard ofBwas by no means a rare occurrenceCattracted a lot of public attentionDbegan to appear in analysts’ data


单选题The study of sign language is thought to be _____.Aan approach to simplify the grammatical structure of languageBan attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of languageCa challenge m traditional views on the nature of languageDa new way to take at the learning of language

单选题AHe was once unemployed for three months.BHe doesn’t like his colleaguesCHe was a journalist in Evening News.DHe is a clock-watcher.


问答题Practice 4  随着外资银行在中国消费者中知晓度的提升,中外资银行的竞争在加剧。同时,年轻人群体正在迅速崛起,成为使用银行服务和金融投资产品的驱动力。在上海、北京和广州,中国消费者对外资银行的知晓度每年都在提升。如今,在中国的金融中心上海,很多消费者能够在不提示的情况下举出一家外资银行的名字。

填空题Which parts of the United States will become wetter or drier is the question that scientists currently unable to determine about the global warming effects on the U.S.____

填空题Having newspapers and magazines delivered to your doorstep is not economical.____

填空题If a thief does break into a house equipped with an alarm system, he is likely to have less time to make a thorough search of the house.____


单选题ASome are built underground.BSome can be eaten.CMost are sewed with grasses.DMost are dried by the sun.

填空题The author have conversations through e-mail with the computer.____