填空题The idea of a maintenance technician at Burt’s Bees turned out to be helpful and energy-efficient.____

The idea of a maintenance technician at Burt’s Bees turned out to be helpful and energy-efficient.____


根据题干信息“At Burr’s Bees”和“maintenance technician”可以定位到C段“an idea he had for making the firm’s manufacturing procedures more energy-efficient. His ideas proved helpful ...”。故匹配段落为C段。



填空题Once the monitored alarm is set off, service personnel will phone your home first.____

单选题To be successful in negotiations, one must _____.Ameet his boss at the appropriate timeBarrive at the negotiation table punctuallyCbe good at influencing the outcome of the interactionDbe familiar with what the boss likes and dislikes

单选题ACall the mother to come fight away.BTry to communicate with them first.CHelp them to get out of their misty.DRemind them that they have children to take care of.

单选题Early fitness spas were intended mainly for _____.Athe promotion of aerobic exerciseBendurance and muscular developmentCthe improvement of women’s figuresDbetter performance in aerobic dancing


单选题In order to recover their share of the world market, U.S. auto-makers’ are _____.Aimproving product qualityBincreasing product featuresCmodernizing product styleDrepositioning their product in the market

填空题George and Kate fished for salmon at the mouth of the Klondike River.____

填空题The results of the Leeds University’s test show that contagious yawning and empathy are related to the same parts of the brain.____

填空题Recently many libraries are trying to provide the visitors with a new service: making their catalogs accessible via the Internet.____