单选题A. I’m anxious to get started on my thesis. Can we meet sometime before the weekend?  B: ______AWhat’s the point of talking about it?BYes, that could be easily arranged.CSorry, I can spare no time today.DYes, you are terrific!

A. I’m anxious to get started on my thesis. Can we meet sometime before the weekend?  B: ______

What’s the point of talking about it?


Yes, that could be easily arranged.


Sorry, I can spare no time today.


Yes, you are terrific!




Thank you for everything.- Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.- Thanks. ____________________________ A.Just stay here.B.I know.C.I hope we meet again soonD.I'm on my way.

听力原文:W: How are you getting on with your experiment?M: In spite of my continuous failure, I have already made some progress.What can we learn about the man's enperiment ?A.It is going on well.B.It has failed several times.C.It will soon be finished.D.It may have to be stopped.

Joe: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week? Nancy: I'm pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? ______. Joe: OK. Wednesday in two weeks.A.I can reach it on that WednesdayB.I can make it on that WednesdayC.I can get it on that WednesdayD.I can assure it on that Wednesday

--- What are you going to do this evening?--- ___________.A. I’m going to meet some friendsB. I’ve seen a film with some friends

If you’re ready, we can go to meet some of our key()A、 personalB、 personnelC、 person

–– Sophia: Hey,—————?–– Teresa: I wish I could. But I really have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.–– Sophia: Oh, maybe some other time, then.A: can I come to visit you tonightB: shall we have a barbecue some day this weekC: Lisa will leave Chicago tonight. Shall we go to see him offD: would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

–– Anderson: Hello. I’m Nigel Anderson. Let me get you some more to drink.–– David: Not at the moment, thank you. ____A: How do you do?B: How are you?C: I ’m glad to meet you.D: I ’mDavid Brown.

–– Frank: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week?–– Nick: I' m pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today?____.–– Frank: OK Wednesday in two weeks.A: I can reach it on that WednesdayB: I can get it on that WednesdayC: I can assure it on that WednesdayD: I can make it on that Wednesday

—Let me introduce myself. I'm Albert. —( )_.A. With a pleasureB. It's my pleasureC. I'm very pleasedD. Pleased to meet you

John: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord.Paul: I'm pleased to meet you.Mr Smith: ( ).A. Good morning, Paul.B. Very pleased to meet you, too.C. I'm fine, too.

________ is what I am anxious to know.A、How do you get rid of miceB、How you get rid of miceC、How can you get rid of miceD、How could you get rid of mice

We advised him to give up smoking,_______a lot of exercise. A、I'm afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonightB、Of course not. I have no idea doC、No, I can'tD、That's all set

I love traveling in the countryside, but I don't like losing my way. I went on a trip recently, but my trip took me longer than I expecteD."I'm going to Woodford Green," I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, "but I don't know where it is.""I'll tell you where to get off," answered the conductor.I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stoppeD.Looking around, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus."You'll have to get off here," the conductor saiD."This is as far as we go.""Is this Woodford Green?" I askeD."Oh, dear," said the conductor suddenly. "I forgot to put you off.""It doesn't matter," I saiD."I'll get off here.""We are going back now," said the conductor."Well, in that case, I would prefer to stay on the bus," I answereD.1. The conductor ________.:A.got angry when he found out the author was still on the busB.wanted to make a joke with the authorC.was rude to the author at firstD.forgot to tell the author where to get off the bus

If your knowledge can be in some way( )with my experiences,we are sure to succeed.A.joinedB.unitedC.connectedD.combined

Passage TwoEvery year just after Christmas theJanuary Sales start.All the shops reduce their prices and for two weeks,theyare full of people looking for bargains.My husband and I do not normally go tothe sales as we don′t like crowds and in any case are short of money as we haveto buy lots of Christmas presents.Last year,however,I took my husband with me to the sales at thelarge shop in the center of London.We both needed some new clothes and werehoping to find a television set.When we got to Oxford Street,it was so crowdedthat we decided to split up and meet again at the underground station.So Ileft my husband and started looking around the shops.Unfortunately all theclothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me.But I did buya television at a very cheap price,so I felt quite pleased with myself.When I arrived at thestation,my husband was not there.So I sat down in a nearby car6 to have a cupof tea.I quickly finished my tea when I saw my husband and went out to meethim.He looked very happy.Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavycardboard box."Oh,dear!"I thought.Yes,we had no new clothes buttwo televisions.We shall not be going to the sales again.The husband and wife in the story__A.wished to buy a TVB.went to the sales the year beforeC.often went to the sales to buy clothesD.were usually not short of money afterChristmas

Can you help clean the window?()AI'd like thatBSure, go aheadCSorry, but I have to meet my uncleDIt's none of my business

-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -()A、I don’t knowB、Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsC、No, I can’t

Can you help clean the window?()A、I'd like thatB、Sure, go aheadC、Sorry, but I have to meet my uncleD、It's none of my business

问答题以下片段选自某课堂实录:  Betty: Darling, what are you going to do at the weekend? What are your plans?  Jimmy: On Saturday morning, I’m going to check my e-mail and then I’m going to do my homework. In the afternoon, I’m going to have a piano lesson.  Betty: I’m going to buy some clothes on Saturday afternoon.  Jimmy: On Saturday evening, I’m going to a party at a friend’s home. We’re going to listen to some music. Would you like to come?  Betty: Yes, that’s a good idea.  Jimmy: What are you going to do on Sunday?  Betty: I’m going to stay in bed in the morning. Then I’m going to revise for my test. What about you?  Jimmy: I’m going to get up early and then I’m going to play table tennis with some friends. In the afternoon, I’m going to meet Kelly and Peter in the park and we’re going to have a picnic. And you are going to come, too!  Betty: Am I? Great!  问题:  (1)分析教学片段中体现的听力目标。  (2)课堂教学中听力活动的组织应该注意什么?

单选题A. I’m anxious to get started on my thesis. Can we meet sometime before the weekend?  B: ______AWhat’s the point of talking about it?BYes, that could be easily arranged.CSorry, I can spare no time today.DYes, you are terrific!

单选题Can you help clean the window?()AI'd like thatBSure, go aheadCSorry, but I have to meet my uncleDIt's none of my business

单选题How can we get _____ the new taxes and keep for some more money for our business?AoutBaroundConDaway

单选题Bill: What's the time?  Blanche: 8 o'clock, so we'd better get a move on if we're going to meet your sister at the airport.  Bill: That's alright. Her flight doesn't arrive until 8:30.  Blanche: Yeah, but it'll take us an hour to get there—you know what the traffic is like.  Bill: OK. ______.  Blanche: What's wrong with those shorts?  Bill: I don't like driving in shorts. I'm going to put some jeans on.AI'll just go and get changed.BI'll wash my hands.CPlease wait me a moment.DI'll be back soon.

单选题A: Say, I don't think we've met, have we?  B: ______ . My name's Donna.  A: Nice to meet you, Donna. I'm Tim Clark.AYes, I think soBI haven't seen you for agesCI've heard so much about youDNo, I don't think so

单选题If you’re ready, we can go to meet some of our key .()ApersonalBpersonnelCperson

单选题Harry: I hear you are going to get married soon.  Ron: That’s right, next June. June 21st. Can you come to the wedding?  Harry: Oh! ________ That’s when we’re away on vacation.  Ron: Never mind, we’ll send you some wedding cake.AThat’s great!BWhat a pity!CYou have my deepest sympathy.DYou certainly can.

单选题From “I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents”, we can infer that _____.ARowling’s expectation is different from her parents’BRowing’s parents hoped to be richCRowling’s parents support her writing careerDRowing and her parents didn’t get along well

单选题Which of the following shows the general intonation pattern in a complex sentence?AWhen I started my ↗ career there was no↗ unemployment.BWhen I started my↗ career there was no↘ unemployment.CWhen I started my↘career there was no↗unemployment.DWhen I started my↘career there was no↘unemployment.