









词义辨析题。cancel“取消,删去”,weaken“削弱”,prevent“阻止,防止”,reduce“减少,缩小”。结合句意“联合国在____地震造成的损坏方面起了重要的作用”和下文提到的a thing of the past“成为历史”可知,此处需要填入表示“减小,缩小”的词,可先排除A和C。weaken指“削弱,使…变弱”,通常指把力量等变弱而不能指减少损坏力度,故应选reduce。


The ship, () to a shapeless wreck, was hardly recognizable. A.being reducedB.reducingC.reducedD.having been reducing

We must ________ our attention on the question of reducing our cost. A.payB.focusC.absorbD.promote

The Blair govemment was successful in all the fllowing aspects EXCEPT() A、limiting government spendingB、keeping inflation under controlC、reducing unemploymentD、reducing inequality

The up wash experience may save propelling energy as well as reducing resistance.

Sludge may be formed in the oil in the crankcase of a reciprocating air conditioning compressor as a result of ______.A.refrigerant bubbles in the lube oilB.refrigerant reducing the lube oil viscosityC.oxidation(氧化) of the lube oil from overheatingD.reducing the floc or cloud point of the oil

Inerting means ______.A.The introduction of inert gas into a tank with the object of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeB.The introduction of inert gas into a gas free tank for the purpose of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeC.The introduction of inert gas into a cargo tank during cargo discharge to replace the volume of discharged cargoD.All of the above

Which three customer needs are addressed by Cisco solutions?()A、reducing day one costsB、improving productivityC、gaining competitive advantageD、focusing on current needsE、obtainingA wide variety of point productsF、reducing TCO

Which two are characteristics of the cost-containment business challenge?()A、reducing security breachesB、using the Internet moreC、reducing upgrade chargesD、adopting new applications and services

还原糖(reducing sugar)

Saving or reducing expenditure in business is () A、Save money B、Increase costC、cost planningD、cost control

Saving or reducing expenditure in business is()A、save moneyB、increase costC、cost planningD、cost control

单选题To increase the distance to the vessel ahead by reducing one’s own speed means().Afall backBkeep low speedCrunning afterDdrop back

单选题We must find a way to cut prices _____ reducing our profits too much.AwithoutBdespiteCwithDfor

单选题Reducing the clearance between a valve stem and rocker arm will result in the valve ()Ahaving a shorter duration of openingBhaving a longer duration of openingCclosing soonerDopening later

单选题A more sophisticated pressure reducing valve incorporates a pilot valve which controls the fluid above the valve operating piston in response to downstream pressureThe bold and italic word “which” means ().Aa pressure reducing valveBa pilot valveCan operating pistonDdownstream pressure

单选题One of function of diesel engine lubricating oil is to ()Ainduce carbon formation on cylinder wallsBimprove fuel penetration in the combustion spaceCform a friction reducing film between mating surfacesDlubricate the fuel injection

单选题Saving or reducing expenditure in business is ()ASave money BIncrease costCcost planningDcost control

单选题Air line lubricators are used in compressed air systems to lubricate ().Athe suction and discharge valvesBtools and equipment served by compressed airCair line reducing valvesDall of the above

名词解释题还原糖(reducing sugar)

单选题Besides reducing human labor, robots can also ______.Amake a few decisions for themselvesBdeal with some errors with human interventionCimprove factory environmentsDcultivate human creativity

单选题Inerting means().Athe introduction of inert gas into a tank with the object of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeBthe introduction of inert gas into a gas free tank for the purpose of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeCthe introduction of inert gas into a cargo tank during cargo discharge to replace the volume of discharged cargoDAll of the above

单选题Sub-cooling is a method of reducing the temperature of the liquid refrigerant below its ().Afreezing pointBfloc pointCcondensing temperatureDcompression temperature

单选题Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the().Aroll periodBmetacentric heightCwaterplane areaDvessel's draft

单选题Saving or reducing expenditure in business is()Asave moneyBincrease costCcost planningDcost control

单选题One method of reducing the length of radio transmissions without distorting the meaning of your words is by using().AslangBsecret codesCprocedure wordsDanalogies

单选题Which of the listed devices would be installed at a control system air pressure reducing station?()AMoisture separatorBVacuum breakerCLubricatorDNon-return valve

单选题Which of the listed pressure control valves would be used to establish the maximum operating pressure of a hydraulic system?()APressure-reducing valveBUnloading valveCCounterbalance valveDPressure-relief valve

单选题The best title for this passage might be _____.AChina's Contribution to the Reduction of Poverty in the WorldBWorld Bank's Extraordinary Progress in Recent DecadesCIndia's Leading Role in Reducing Global PovertyDGlobal Progress in Reducing Poverty