单选题Must we hand in our homework now?()AYes, you willBYes, you mustn‘tCNo, you needn‘tDNo, you mustn‘t

Must we hand in our homework now?()

Yes, you will


Yes, you mustn‘t


No, you needn‘t


No, you mustn‘t


解析: 暂无解析


We must ________ our attention on the question of reducing our cost. A.payB.focusC.absorbD.promote

Only by combining our efforts ____ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties we are now facing. A、intoB、ontoC、withinD、with

--Must we finish our homework now? --No, you ______. You _______ finish it after school. A.needn't , mayB.mustn't , mayC.can't , canD.needn't , must

“Must I finish my homework now?” “No, you() . But you() finish it this evening. ” A. mustn’ t…mustB. needn’ t…mustC. can’ t…canD. can’ t…must

Now that we\'ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions_________?A.takingB.takeC.takenD.to take

Now, we have enlarged and ()our domestic market and European market. A、mergedB、consolidatedC、purchased

We have to()our annual work report to the manager next week.A. hand inB. hand outC. hands up

We believe we must increase our export sales if we want to continue to grow, and we hope to increase exports to 40 % of production.

If we had a sample in hand, we () to negotiate business with our end-users now.A、would be ableB、should haveC、had been ableD、should have been able

We're ______ to hand in our homework next week.A、proposedB、supposedC、opposedD、imposed

30. What is the passage mainly about? 、A. We must make more friends.B. Don-t quarrel with our parents.C. What should we do when our parents quarrel.D. Sometimes we must stay away from our parents.

We must live ___________ our income,or we have to face economic problems.A. without B. within C. in D. from

We must harness the skill and creativity of our workforce.A:convert B:storeC:utilize D:receive

The professor insisted that we_______our homework before next month.A.handed inB.will hand inC.hand inD.must hand in

“Must we start the experiment now?” “No, you ().”Awon’tBneedn’tCcan’tDmay not

Must we hand in our homework now?()AYes, you willBYes, you mustn‘tCNo, you needn‘tDNo, you mustn‘t

Must we hand in our homework now?()A、Yes, you willB、Yes, you mustn‘tC、No, you needn‘tD、No, you mustn‘t

单选题—Mr. Li will check our homework this afternoon ______you ______ it?—Not yet. I’m doing it right now.ADo finishBHad; finishedCWill; finishDHave; finished

单选题We must make______our minds where to go for our vacation this winter.AoutBupCforDin

单选题We have done all we could and now our cherished project is at the mercy of our new CEO.Aunder the guidance ofBin the power ofCwith the guidance ofDon the agenda of

单选题Must we hand in our homework now?()AYes, you willBYes, you mustn‘tCNo, you needn‘tDNo, you mustn‘t

单选题“Must we start the experiment now?” “No, you ().”Awon’tBneedn’tCcan’tDmay not

单选题—Must I finish my homework now?—No, you ______. You can go home now.Aneedn’tBmustn’tCshouldn’tDcan’t

单选题We must make ______ our minds where to go for our vacation this winter.AoutBupCforDin

单选题—Must I finish my homework now?—No, you ______. You can do it tomorrow.Acan’tBneedn’tCmay notDmustn’t

单选题Alan: Wow, your homework looks great!  Celia: Thanks.______  Alan: But didn’t Mrs. Smith tell us we had to write it in our books?  Celia: ______ ... What am I going to do now?AI typed it on my Dad’s computer. ; Oh no, you’re right!BHow did you do your homework? ; I remember now.CJason helped me with it. ; No, she didn’t, I’m afraid.DIn fact I did it poorly. ; Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

单选题—Must I hand in my homework now, Mr. Smith?—No, you ______.Acan’tBshouldn’tCwouldn’tDneedn’t

单选题Now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions _____?AtakingBtakeCtakenDto take