We have to()our annual work report to the manager next week.A. hand inB. hand outC. hands up

We have to()our annual work report to the manager next week.

A. hand in

B. hand out

C. hands up


Read the paper and ______ it ______ to the other teachers. A. hand⋯inB. pass⋯onC. turn⋯onD. live⋯on

[A] honor [B] belief [C] hand [D] way

We use ________ when proceeding in dense fogA.auto-steeringB.gyro-pilotC.rudder gearD.hand-steering

The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.

阅读下列函数说明和C++代码,回答问题[说明]任何一种程序都是为了解决问题而撰写的,解决问题时需要实现一些特定的运算法则。在策略(Strategy)模式下,可以更换实现算法的部分而不留痕迹,切换整个算法,简化改为采用其他方法来解决同样问题。以下是一个“剪刀石头布”游戏。猜拳时的“策略”有2种方法:第一种是“猜赢后继续出同样的招式”(WinningStrategy),第二种是“从上一次出的招式中,以概率分配方式求出下一个招式的几率”(ProbStrategy)。程序中定义了Hand类表示猜拳时的“手势”,类内部以0(石头)、1(剪刀)、2(布)来表示。Hand类的实例只会产生3个。以下是C++语言实现,能够正确编译通过。[C++代码]class Hand{private:int handvalue;static Hand *hand0;static Hand *hand1;static Hand *hand2;(1) ;Hand(int handvalue){this-handvalue = handvalue;}public:(2) Hand* getHand(int handvalue){/*省略具体实现*/}};Hand *Hand::hand0 = new Hand(0);Hand *Hand::hand1 = new Hand(1);Hand *Hand::hand2 = new Hand(2);class Strategy{public:(3) Hand* nextHand() = 0;};class WinningStrategy : public Strategy{private:bool won;Hand *prevHand;public:winningStrategy(){won = false;}Hand* nextHand(){if(!won){prevHand = Hand::getHand(rand()%3);}return prevHand;}};class probstrategy : public Strategy{public:Hand* nextHand(){int handvalue = 0;/*省略具体实现*/return Hand::getHand(handvalue);}};class Player{private:string name;Strategy* strategy;public:Player(string name, (4) strategy){this-name = name;this-strategy = strategy;}Hand *nextHand()(//向战略请示手势return (5) ;}};

PubMed数据库中检索韩冬季(HanDongji)的文章,检索式输入正确的是哪项?() A.Han D.JB.Han D JC.Han DJD.Han D.

The “Mode” selector switch on the autopilot steering stand is used to select any of the following with the EXCEPTION of ______.A.automatic pilot steeringB.hand-electric steeringC.non-follow-up steeringD.rudder adjustment

______school is much larger than ______.A.Our;yourB.Our;yoursC.Ours;yoursD.We;you


请填入合适的单词:¿Qué ____ dicho?(您说什么?)A.heB.hasC.hanD.ha