单选题62. A Fortunately B In fact C Logically D UnfortunatelyAABBCCDD

62.  A Fortunately    B In fact   C Logically     D Unfortunately











62. Usually at weekends the girl will _______.A. stay at home B. play with their classmatesC. do whatever she likes D. go to different kinds of training courses

His success was due to () he had been work hard. A、thatB、the fact whichC、the fact thatD、the fact of

– I had a minor accident yesterday but fortunately nothing is serious. –() (A) What a relief to hear that!(B) I’m sorry to hear that.(C) What can I do for you?(D) Don’t worry.

Fortunately somebody who happened to be passing by called the fire department() the fire broke out. A、hurriedlyB、quicklyC、instantlyD、Shortly

____________[A] progress [B] fact [C] need [D] question

2, 90, 46, 68, 57, ( )。A. 65B. 62. 5C. 63D. 62

I ( ) see the excellent performance yesterday.A、was luck toB、was fortunate toC、was luckyD、was fortunately

The two of them often go scuba diving together.Fortunately,________ of them has been injured. A.TwoB.BothC.NeitherD.All

设有一个递归算法如下int fact(intn){//n 大于等于0 if(n<=0)return 1; else return n* fact(n--); }则计算fact(n)需要调用该函数的次数为(30)次。A.nB.n+1C.n+2D.n-1

设有一个递归算法如下 im fact(int n){ if(n<=0)return 1; else return n * fact(n-1); } 下面正确的叙述是(35)。A.计算fact(n)需要执行n次函数调用B.计算fact(n)需要执行n+1次函数调用C.计算fact(n)需要执行n+2次函数调用D.计算fact(n)需要执行n-1次函数调用


设n的初始值为正整数,设计一个递归算去如下: int fact (int n) { if (n<=0) return l; else return (n*fact (n-l)) ; 以下叙述中正确的是(49) 。A.计算fact(n)需要执行n次函数调用B.计算fact(n)需要执行n+l次函数调用C.计算fact(n)需要执行n+2次函数调用D.计算fact(n)需要执行n-l次函娄[调用

It seems that living green is easy and affordable. A small step masks a big difference.A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly


The technical group spent more than a week improving the product design, and __________ ,the clients were satisfied.A.fortuneB.fortunesC.fortunateD.fortunately

Their boat was damaged by the big waves. Fortunately, they were__________by a passingship.A.set upB.taken upC.made upD.picked up

设n的初值为正整数,设计一个递归算法如下:int fact(int n){if(n<=0)return 1;else return(n*fact(n-1));}以下叙述中,正确的是______。A.计算fact(n)需要执行n+2次函数调用B.计算fact(n)需要执行n+1次函数调用C.计算fact(n)需要执行n次函数调用D.计算fact(n)需要执行n-1次函数调用

设有一个递归算法如下: int fact(int n) {  //n大于等于0               if(n=0) return 1;               else return n*fact(n-1);        }  则计算fact(n)需要调用该函数的次数为()A、 n+1B、 n-1C、 nD、 n+2


单选题What, according to the passage, makes the research conducted by the scientists at the Oregon Department of Health so unique?AThe fact that the scientists managed to measure the average hourly increase of NNK.BThe fact that the scientists succeeded in making more people realize the harm of smoking.CThe fact that the scientists did a lot of experiments on smokers in public areas.DThe fact that the scientists discovered NNK, a carcinogen in cigarette smoke.

多选题Despite the fact that the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas are ______ mountains, the region is in fact a high plateau.AloftyBtechnicallyCreportedlyDakin toElabeledFdubbed

单选题Fortunately, Jack was only slightly injured in the traffic()AincidentBeventCcaseDaccident

单选题66 A idea B fact C case D truthAABBCCDD

单选题62. A Fortunately B In fact C Logically D UnfortunatelyAABBCCDD

单选题62. A putting B making C containing D consistingAABBCCDD

单选题According to Green peace spokesman Bryan Bence, the crisis in garbage stem in part from _____.Athe fact that we produce too much garbageBthe fact that we’ve ignored long-term disposal problemsCthe fact that the world is actually swimming in the garbageDthe fact that we spend a lot of money disposing the garbage

填空题When free-association is involved, pub talks may rarely evolve logically.____

单选题This actually makes it harder to dress appropriately, but fortunately most offices also()a few signals.Asend forBsend offCsend upDsend out