问答题Directions:Recently, the fact that more and more students have spent too much time playing computer games has aroused great concern. Though the computer and the Internet have brought us great convenience and pleasure in getting information, entertainment and contact with others, we should not ignore their negative impacts on people, especially young students. What bad influences do the computer games have on people and what should we do with them? Write a composition to give your views. You should write at least 160 words.

Directions:Recently, the fact that more and more students have spent too much time playing computer games has aroused great concern. Though the computer and the Internet have brought us great convenience and pleasure in getting information, entertainment and contact with others, we should not ignore their negative impacts on people, especially young students. What bad influences do the computer games have on people and what should we do with them? Write a composition to give your views. You should write at least 160 words.


解析: 暂无解析


Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?Teachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests.

If he had followed the directions carefully in taking the medicine, he would have felt better (). A.much quickerB.more quickC.much quicklyD.more quickly

________ other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is ________ student. A.Compared with; a most satisfiedB.Compared to; the most satisfiedC.Comparing to; the more satisfyingD.Compared with; a more satisfying

The students expected there _________more reviewing classes before the final exams.A.isB.beingC.areD.to be

The author thinks that with full government fundingA. teachers are less satisfiedB. students are more demandingC. students will become more competentD. teachers will spend less time on teaching

According to Federal health officials ,the fact that more West Nile cases have been reported indicates that[A] more states are affected.[B] the average age dropped drastically.[C] health officials are more alert to the disease.[D] the epidemic season began a month earlier.

What is not the disadvantage of the Western system of education?A、Students learn more math and science.B、Students study more hours each day and more days each year.C、Students cannot think themselves.D、Students haven’t studied as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries on high school graduation.

More recently, lasers have been used to () skin discolorations. A.takeB.removeC.recoverD.move

Choose the best topic sentence from the group below.() A. More and more students have part-jobs out of campus.B. The population of university students having part-time jobs is increasing quickly.C. Part-timejobs can foster university students' sense of competition.D. More people support students to have part-time jobs.

The more the young students worked, the ________ energetic they became.A: muchB: moreC: mostD: very

Of the existing theories about the origin of carnival ,people are not sure which theory is more true to the fact.()

The fact that "almost one-fourth of engineers in America who earned Ph.D. s are foreign born" implies that( )[A] the majority of American people are not interested in getting Ph.D.[B]foreign students are more eager to get Ph. D.[C] the American education has lagged behind in the New Economy[D]American students are not as clever as foreign students

The fact that it has become more onerous or more expensive for one party than he thought ______ sufficient to bring about a frustration.A.is notB.isC.will probably beD.is one of the way by which it is

In face of the rising cost for higher education,fields of graduate study that are favored by students are those that()Aoffer greater professional satisfactionBmake graduates more easily employedCoffer easy enrollmentDoffer more rewarding jobs in terms of payment

单选题Which of the following is probably the most significant measure to fight cheating?APutting less emphasis on where the students are going to go in the future.BLetting students know that honesty is more important.CWriting examinations for which it is hard to cheat.DSetting up more strict campus honor codes.

单选题The fact that it has become more onerous or more expensive for one party than he thought ()sufficient to bring about a frustration.Ais notBisCwill probably beDis one of the way by which it is

单选题The examination system we are now using can only make the students ______.Again more and more knowledgeBmake rapid progressCremember what is taughtDthink for themselves

判断题Recently, people have more and more confidence in the government because of its works.A对B错

问答题Recently, the fact that more and more students are spending too much time playing computer games has aroused great concern. What influences do the computer games have on people and what should we do with them? Write a composition to give your views. You should write at least 120 words.

单选题The most effective way to regain students’ mental health is that______.Acounselors hold mental-health screening sessions more frequently.Bcampuses offer more online services to keep students’ privacy.Coutreach programs are created by students themselves.Dneuroscience majors found more associations in psychological aspect.

问答题Practice 2Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Changing Criteria for Good Students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

单选题To make Buy Nothing Day mote popular, the students in Albuquerque plan to _____.Aprovide free food to more peopleBpersuade more restaurants to donate foodCput up more advertising posters on that dayDhave another dinner to inform more people of the Day

问答题Male students emit more heat than female students do, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces.

问答题Directions:Recently, the fact that more and more students have spent too much time playing computer games has aroused great concern. Though the computer and the Internet have brought us great convenience and pleasure in getting information, entertainment and contact with others, we should not ignore their negative impacts on people, especially young students. What bad influences do the computer games have on people and what should we do with them? Write a composition to give your views. You should write at least 160 words.

问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the topic “The more I learn, the more ignorant I find myself to be.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “More and more teenagers use cell phones.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

单选题The more conservative your work place is, ()it is, in fact, to do this.Athe riskyBthe more riskyCthe riskierDthe more riskier

单选题The “teacher-free exam” means that students take their exams ______ teachers. Students must be more honest.AwithoutBagainstCthroughDby