单选题“Stand by the gangway” means “()”.AStand at the gangwayBWait at the gangwayCGet the gangway readyDKeep on the gangway

“Stand by the gangway” means “()”.

Stand at the gangway


Wait at the gangway


Get the gangway ready


Keep on the gangway


解析: 暂无解析



If the freeboard is more than 9 meters, we should rig().A、gangwayB、ladderC、pilot ladderD、gangway combined with pilot ladder


When you keep a gangway watch, you should ()the mooring lines according to the rise and fall of the tide.A、adjustedB、adjustingC、adjustsD、adjust

If the freeboard is less than 9 meters, we should rig().A、a gangwayB、a pilot ladderC、rope ladderD、gangway combined with pilot ladder

舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()A、A life craft should be located on the gangway.B、A life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.C、A life-raft should be located on the gangway.D、A life boat should be located on the gangway.

“Stand by the gangway” means “()”.A、Stand at the gangwayB、Wait at the gangwayC、Get the gangway readyD、Keep on the gangway

The pilots disembark through the ().A、gangwayB、gangway combined a pilot ladderC、pilot ladderD、B or C

Get ready the mooring machinery, mooring lines and the gangway for ().A、loading cargoB、arrival in portC、departure from portD、unloading cargo

When a ship is in port, ()must keep a gangway watch.A、officersB、crew membersC、sailorsD、bosun

When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()A、An officer.B、A sailor on duty.C、Wharf man.D、An engineer.

The ()(烟囱和大桅) stand on deck like a guard.A、funnel and mastB、weather deckC、gangway chainD、derrick and mast

As a duty sailor, he should ().A、keep a gangway watchB、often look around the shipC、hoist and lower national flag on timeD、A+B+C

The sailor keeping ()watch should clean the gangway, the rails, bulwark and the spaces around the gangway.A、navigationB、gangwayC、portD、anchor

When you keep a ()(舷梯班), what are your duties?A、deck watchB、navigational watchC、gangway watchD、engine watch

The sailor on gangway watch should ().A、keep sharp lookout at the forecastleB、receive visitorsC、expect the agentD、steering wheel

单选题When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a ()hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.A12B8C24D48

单选题When you keep a gangway watch, you should ()the mooring lines according to the rise and fall of the tide.AadjustedBadjustingCadjustsDadjust

单选题Get ready the mooring machinery, mooring lines and the gangway for ().Aloading cargoBarrival in portCdeparture from portDunloading cargo

单选题When a ship is in port, ()must keep a gangway watch.AofficersBcrew membersCsailorsDmotorman

单选题舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()AA life craft should be located on the gangway.BA life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.CA life-raft should be located on the gangway.DA life boat should be located on the gangway.

单选题()(降低)the gangway, please.ALowerBHigherCLoweredDHigh

单选题When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()AAn officer.BA sailor on duty.CWharf man.DAn engineer.

单选题The sailor keeping ()watch should clean the gangway, the rails, bulwark and the spaces around the gangway.AnavigationBgangwayCportDanchor

单选题()the gangway, please.ALowerBHigherCLoweredDHigh

单选题If the mooring order is “Get fenders ready fore and aft!”, the sailors fore and aft will ().Atie fenders fore and aftBput the fender on the boardCunmoor all linesDtie a fender to the gangway

单选题keep a gangway watch()A值甲板班B值班C值航海班D值舷梯班