单选题()(降低)the gangway, please.ALowerBHigherCLoweredDHigh

()(降低)the gangway, please.









解析: 暂无解析


Tony:Iced tea,please. 3

Two mineral water, please.()

Keep the receipt, please.的意思是:()。

舷梯有点儿高,我们应该降低舷梯。()A、The gangway is a little higher,we should lower it.B、The gangway is a little higher, we should low it.C、The pilot ladder is a little higher,we should lower it.D、The pilot ladder is a little higher, we should low it.

舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()A、A life craft should be located on the gangway.B、A life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.C、A life-raft should be located on the gangway.D、A life boat should be located on the gangway.

“Stand by the gangway” means “()”.A、Stand at the gangwayB、Wait at the gangwayC、Get the gangway readyD、Keep on the gangway

单选题The gangway is going to hit the ()(系缆桩) on the wharf.AbridgeBbittCbitDbits

单选题()attention to the safety of the gangway.APaidBPutCPayDPutting

单选题舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()AA life craft should be located on the gangway.BA life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.CA life-raft should be located on the gangway.DA life boat should be located on the gangway.

单选题A: I’d like to speak to the manager, please.  B: ______AWho are you?BThanks for calling.CHold the line, please. I’ll see if he is around.DYes, but the line is busy now.

单选题Spread a () net under the gangway.AsafeBsafetyCdangerDdangerous

单选题The sailor keeping ()watch should clean the gangway, the rails, bulwark and the spaces around the gangway.AnavigationBgangwayCportDanchor

单选题When a ship is in port, the sailor on duty ()a gangway watch.AhasBkeepsClooksDtakes

单选题When a ship is in port, ()must keep a gangway watch.AofficersBcrew membersCsailorsDmotorman

单选题The gangway is one meter lower, ()it please.AhingingBhighChigherDhighly

单选题舷梯有点儿高,我们应该降低舷梯。()AThe gangway is a little higher,we should lower it.BThe gangway is a little higher, we should low it.CThe pilot ladder is a little higher,we should lower it.DThe pilot ladder is a little higher, we should low it.