单选题AThe lifecycle of trees.BThe number of trees.CThe intensity of solar burning.DThe quality of air.


The lifecycle of trees.


The number of trees.


The intensity of solar burning.


The quality of air.


细节题。根据录音“carbon 14 levels change with the intensity of solar burning”,可知选C项。


The key ingredient to a successful quality management program are _____.A . management's quality philosophy, operational quality assurance and operational quality control.B . quality evaluation methods and functional quality integrators.C . technical quality administration, the technical quality specifications, and the quality process review.D . quality evaluation methods, quality progress reviews and the technical quality specifications.E . All of the above.

87 The key ingredient to a successful quality management program are _____.A. management's quality philosophy, operational quality assurance and operational quality control. B. quality evaluation methods and functional quality integrators.C. technical quality administration, the technical quality specifications, and the quality process review. D. quality evaluation methods, quality progress reviews and the technical quality specifications.E. All of the above

I was paid last week, but I can’t remember the exact_____of money. A、number.B、quality.C、amount.D、altitude.

Adam Smith saw that the division of labor ______.A.enabled each worker to make pins more quickly and more cheaplyB.increased the number of people employed in factoriesC.increased the possible output per workerD.improved the quality of pins produced

(c) Excluding the number of complaints by patients, identify and briefly explain THREE quantitativenon-financial performance measures that could be used to assess the ‘quality of service’ provided by theDental Health Partnership. (3 marks)

In countries where a solar calendar was (), the length of each year needed to be modified in order to have the same number of months in each year. A. ReceivedB. AdoptedC. UtilizedD. adapted

The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its ______.A.viscosityB.acid contentC.heating valueD.ignition quality

A low HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision) number such as 2 indicates a ______.A.poor fixB.good fixC.poor signal qualityD.good signal quality

共用题干Solar Power Without Solar CellsA dramatic and surprising magnetic effect of light discovered by University of Michigan researchers could lead to solar power without traditional semiconductor-based solar cells.The researchers found a way to make an"optical________(51)",said Stephen Rand,a professor in the departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Physics and Applied Physics.Light has electric and magnetic_______(52).Until now,scientists thought the effects of the mag-netic field were so weak that they could be________(53).What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity,when light is traveling through a material that does not_________(54)electricity,the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected.Under these circumstances,the magnetic effects develop strength_________(55)to a strong electric effect."This could lead to a new kind of solar cell without semiconductors and without absorption to produce charge separation,"Rand said."In solar cells,the_________(56)goes into a matenal,gets absorbed and creates heat.Here,we expect to have a very low heat load.Instead of the light being absorbed,energy is stored in the magnetic moment.Intense magnetization can be induced by intense light and then it is ultimately capable of providing a capacitive power________(57)."What makes this possible is a previously unde- tected brand of"optical rectification",says William Fisher,a doctoral student in applied physics.In tradi- tional optical rectification,light's electric field causes a charge separation,or a pulling_________(58)of the positive and negative charges in a material.This sets up a voltage,similar to______(59)in a battery.Rand and Fisher found that under the right circumstances and in right types of materials,the light's magnetic field can also create optical rectification.The light must be shone through a________(60)that does not conduct electricity,such as glass.And it must be focused to an intensity of 10 million watts per square centimeter. Sunlight isn't this_______(61)on its own,but new materials are being sought that would work at lower intensities,Fisher said."In our most recent paper,we show that incoherent light like sunlight is theoretically almost _________(62)effective in producing charge separation as laser light is,"Fisher said.This new_________(63)could make solar power cheaper,the researchers say.They predict that with improved materials they could achieve 10 percent efficiency in converting solar power to usable energy.That's equivalent to today's commercial-grade solar cells."To manufacture modern solar cells,you have to do. _______(64)semiconductor processing,"Fisher said."All we would need are lenses to focus the light and a fiber to guide it.Glassworks for _________ (65).It's already made in bulk,and it doesn't require as much processing.Transparent ceramics might be even better."_________(60)A:materialB:deviceC:detectorD:meter

共用题干Google's Solar Energy Gambit(策略)Google is making its largest investment yet in clean energy,setting up a $280 million fund to finance home solar rooftop(屋顶)installations.The search giant announced today it was teaming up with the Silicon Valley's Solar City一a company chaired by Paypal co-founder and Tesla Motors executive Elon Musk一in an effort to break down the biggest barrier to solar energy adoption:the cost."It's a great way to support installations going into more homes,"said Google spokesperson Parag Chokshi.The $280 million fund is the largest fund ever created for residential solar in the United States,according to Solar City,which has raised a total of$I.28 billion in financing capacity during its five-year history.Google over the past several years has invested in large,utility-scale wind and solar,enhanced geothermal(地热)energy,and other renewable energy projects,for a grand total of more than $680 million in the sector. But today's deal is not only Google's largest foray(突袭)into the sector, it is its first investment in distributed energy. Based in San Mateo,California,less than 20 miles north of Google's Mountain View headquarters,Solar City describes itseff as a solar power service provider. The idea is that people want affordable,clean energy一but they often can't afford to buy a photovoltaic system upfront. Solar City is one of a number of companies that have attempted to help people overcome that cost hurdle(障碍)by leasing,instead of owning their rooftop solar systems.Solar City's leases and power-purchase agreements to homeowners,businesses,and schools promise a lower monthly electricity bill(including a set payment to Solar City in addition to utility payments)than customers would get with their usual electricity from the grid.Solar City not only finances these photovoltaic projects,but also designs,installs,monitors,and maintains the systems. Recently,since buying the assets of a company called Business Solutions last year,Solar City has also begun offering energy audits and small home improvements(like installing programmable thermostats)that can make a big difference in energy use.Until now,Solar City has financed most of its 15,000 projects through banks,Chief Executive Lyndon Rive said in an interview. But the problem is only about a half dozen banks are doing solar financing,he said.So in order for Solar City's model to achieve"true scale,"it must"unleash the available capital of corporate America,"he said.Rive is hopeful that Google's move today will set an example for other corporations to make similar investments. Google is the biggest clean energy company in the world.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentiond

共用题干Google's Solar Energy Gambit(策略)Google is making its largest investment yet in clean energy,setting up a $280 million fund to finance home solar rooftop(屋顶)installations.The search giant announced today it was teaming up with the Silicon Valley's Solar City一a company chaired by Paypal co-founder and Tesla Motors executive Elon Musk一in an effort to break down the biggest barrier to solar energy adoption:the cost."It's a great way to support installations going into more homes,"said Google spokesperson Parag Chokshi.The $280 million fund is the largest fund ever created for residential solar in the United States,according to Solar City,which has raised a total of$I.28 billion in financing capacity during its five-year history.Google over the past several years has invested in large,utility-scale wind and solar,enhanced geothermal(地热)energy,and other renewable energy projects,for a grand total of more than $680 million in the sector. But today's deal is not only Google's largest foray(突袭)into the sector, it is its first investment in distributed energy. Based in San Mateo,California,less than 20 miles north of Google's Mountain View headquarters,Solar City describes itseff as a solar power service provider. The idea is that people want affordable,clean energy一but they often can't afford to buy a photovoltaic system upfront. Solar City is one of a number of companies that have attempted to help people overcome that cost hurdle(障碍)by leasing,instead of owning their rooftop solar systems.Solar City's leases and power-purchase agreements to homeowners,businesses,and schools promise a lower monthly electricity bill(including a set payment to Solar City in addition to utility payments)than customers would get with their usual electricity from the grid.Solar City not only finances these photovoltaic projects,but also designs,installs,monitors,and maintains the systems. Recently,since buying the assets of a company called Business Solutions last year,Solar City has also begun offering energy audits and small home improvements(like installing programmable thermostats)that can make a big difference in energy use.Until now,Solar City has financed most of its 15,000 projects through banks,Chief Executive Lyndon Rive said in an interview. But the problem is only about a half dozen banks are doing solar financing,he said.So in order for Solar City's model to achieve"true scale,"it must"unleash the available capital of corporate America,"he said.Rive is hopeful that Google's move today will set an example for other corporations to make similar investments. The biggest barrier to solar energy adoption is the cost.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentiond

What can be used to maintain the voice quality on a link by limiting the number of calls that can be active at any given time?()A、 Call Management Link AgentB、 Traffic policingC、 Call Admission ControlD、 QoS Link Congestion ManagementE、 Oversubscription Link Detection

The project sponsor wants the project manager to develop and implement Quality Management techniques to ensure a smooth project transition to the deployment phase. What is an appropriate Quality Management technique to implement?()A、Evaluate phase exit milestones using sufficiency criteriaB、Flexible entry and exit criteria to minimize schedule delaysC、Quality measures reported only to the project steering committeeD、Many work teams with few members to maximize the number of deliverable hand-offs


单选题The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its()AViscosityBacid contentCheating valueDignition quality

单选题According to the passage9 which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?ASolar panels are very expensive to install.BSheridan Community Schools is completely solar-powered.CIn 2014, fewer than l,000 schools used solar power in the US.DMore and more schools are switching to solar power to cut costs.

单选题The international number,location and/or name,geographical co-ordinates,characteristics and intensity,elevation in metres,range in sea miles and description of structure of a light can be found in().AOcean Passages for the WorldBAdmiralty List of Radio SignalsCIALA Maritime Buoyage SystemDAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

单选题This passage is mainly about ______.Adeforestation in the rural agricultural societiesBuse of rice husks as an insulation materialCdesign and use of a solar ovenDmaintenance of temperature in a solar oven

单选题下列组合正确的是(  )。A质量管理—quality controlB质量管理—quality managementC质量管理—quality assuranceD质量管理—quality circleE质量管理—total quality management

单选题Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?AMost average teachers want to leave school because of high pressure.BExcellent teachers often leave schools for better jobs.CThe average quality of the teachers in America is declining.DTeachers’ quality is closely related to a number of factors.

单选题The higher the cetane number, () the ignition quality of the fuel.Athe worseBthe betterCthe smallerDthe greater

单选题The project sponsor wants the project manager to develop and implement Quality Management techniques to ensure a smooth project transition to the deployment phase. What is an appropriate Quality Management technique to implement?()AEvaluate phase exit milestones using sufficiency criteriaBFlexible entry and exit criteria to minimize schedule delaysCQuality measures reported only to the project steering committeeDMany work teams with few members to maximize the number of deliverable hand-offs

单选题The ignition quality of a diesel fuel is indicated by the ()Acetane numberBvolatility pointCviscosity indexDoctane number

单选题What is the fourth paragraph of the passage mainly about?AThe ways to use solar power.BThe advantages of solar power.CThe places to build the solar power plants.DThe difficulties of putting solar power to use widely.

单选题A low HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision) number such as 2 indicates a ().Apoor fixBgood fixCpoor signal qualityDgood signal quality

单选题What can be used to maintain the voice quality on a link by limiting the number of calls that can be active at any given time?()A Call Management Link AgentB Traffic policingC Call Admission ControlD QoS Link Congestion ManagementE Oversubscription Link Detection

单选题A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day. This difference is due to().Airregularities in the daily rotational rate of the SunBthe space motion of the solar systemCthe precession of the equinoxesDthe use of different reference points