











单选题_____Athe wayBthatCthe timeDwhat


单选题In the second paragraph, the word “summit” means _____.Ahighest pointBmountain topCawardDsummary

单选题_____Ain front ofBofCwithDfor

单选题It _____ only last year _____ I made her acquaintance.Awas; whichBwas; thatCwas; whomDis; that

问答题Practice 6  Then came the First World War and the Second World War. (1) After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make “village life” and “town life” almost alike. (2) Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about “village life.” It is just life, and that a better life.

单选题I’ll never forget the holidays _____ I worked in the factory.AwhichBwhenCthatDwhere

单选题Parents and children often disagree about what is important or right because _____.Athey have different styles of lifeBthey hate each otherCparents think that their children are troublemakersDthey are in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values



单选题If your new coat is too large, tailor can _____ it to fit you.AalterBtransformCvaryDchange

单选题By the time Juan gets home, her aunt _____.Awill leaveBleavesCwill have leftDis leaving

单选题Someone is coming here. Who _____ it be?AwillBshallCmustDcan

单选题_____ a satisfactory answer, so he had to write to them again.AAs he hadn’t receivedBNot having receivedCHaving not receivedDHe hadn’t received

单选题We don’t doubt _____ he can do a good job of it.AwhetherBthatCifDwhich

单选题As he had heart attack, he was told that he _____ continue the work.Aneedn’tBmay notCmustn’tDcan’t

单选题The dam was built along the river _____ floods.Ain any caseBin case ofCin no caseDin case



单选题What are the _____ that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese?AcharacteristicsBdifferencesCfeaturesDcontradictions

问答题Practice 13  (1) Actually, the world’s birth rate is falling. But so is death rate, as medical advances have made it possible for man to live longer than before. Such advances have also reduced baby death rate. (2) Unless population growth is reduced, the world population may reach l2 billion in a century. Is the earth capable of providing a good life for so large a population?

单选题The _____ Court is the highest court in the United States.ASuperiorBSuperCSupremeDGreat

单选题It was not until she arrived in class _____ realized she had forgotten her book.Aand sheBwhenCsheDthat she

单选题The flowers _____ often.Amust be waterBmust be wateredCmust wateredDmust water

单选题He insisted that he _____ in good health and _____ to work there.Awas; be sentBis; is sentCbe; was sentDbe; send

单选题The game was fixed for today but it has been _____ for a week.AtransferredBdelayedCtranslatedDpostponed


单选题I don’t like _____ you speak to her.Athe wayBthe way in thatCthe way whichDthe way of which