












单选题What does Mr. Peterson suggest?ARaising the issue with the boardBMeeting with Mr. VaganaCPresenting ideas onlineDSetting up an informal network


单选题Why was this email written?ATo respond to a customer inquiryBTo announce a policy changeCTo advertise to a new customerDTo apologize for an error

单选题What does the letter say about Ms. Brancato?AShe often travels within the company’s service area.BShe is interested in purchasing car insurance.CShe frequently drives between Montreal and Boston.DShe recently moved to Quebec.

单选题What does John Alderson suggest they do after the seminar?AAsk questions at the roundtable conferenceBDiscuss what they learned at the conferenceCHave their funds reimbursed by the Accounting DepartmentDAttend the roundtable conference with Dr. Bergeron

单选题What is one of the main items being featured in this advertisement?AA printerBA scannerCA notebook computerDA PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)

单选题What will accompany the letter?AAn underwater photographBThe defective productCThe camera’s original packagingDA copy of the sales flyer

单选题All employees must rise ______ the current difficulties and overcome them by working together.AacrossBaboveCtowardDupon

问答题Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture.Practice 1


问答题Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allotted. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.Practice 1  Some employers value education over work experience because they say it gives employees a more complete understanding of a specific field. Other employers prefer work experience, saying it proves the candidate can deal with real world challenges. Which do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

单选题In the email, the phrase “putting on” in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning toAadvertisingBevaluatingCperformingDhosting

单选题What does Ms. Dorn say she will do?ABecome a guide for tours of EgyptBSend a more detailed report of her journeyCContact the MT employees personallyDRecommend the company to her acquaintance

单选题All employees must rise ______ the current difficulties and overcome them by working together.AacrossBaboveCtowardDupon

单选题What document impressed Ms. Andersen?AThe budget reportBThe purchasing agreementCThe launch programDThe work schedule

单选题Price quotes ______ .Ahave daily been announcedBhave been announced dailyCdaily have been announcedDhave been daily announced

单选题Why was this email written?ATo respond to a customer inquiryBTo announce a policy changeCTo advertise to a new customerDTo apologize for an error


单选题_____Athat createdBcreatedCcreatesDto create

单选题_____AraisingBraisesCto raiseDraised

单选题Why did Mr. Eldridge write to Ms. Brancato?ATo introduce himself to herBTo encourage her to take a vacationCTo advertise his company’s servicesDTo inform her of an ongoing sale



单选题What is required to complete this form?AGovernment authorizationBAn identification photoCProof of employmentDA separate instructional booklet

单选题The video tape for job training is affordable; in addition, ______ comes with a manual in three different languages without an additional charge.AheBitsCitDshe

单选题The word “holds” in paragraph 3, line 2 is closest in meaning to ______ .ApossessesBconductsCenclosesDaccommodates

单选题Even though the exchange rate was high, we ______ from them.AbuyBmust have boughtChad to buyDhad better buy