If you have a problem, don′t worry! Itis easy to say if you don′t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don′t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you!You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?"The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That′s the way it iswith every living thing."It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it′s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"The author′s attitude towardproblems can be described as ______.A.indifferent B.neutralC.positive D.pessimistic

If you have a problem, don′t worry! Itis easy to say if you don′t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don′t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you!
You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?"
The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That′s the way it iswith every living thing."
It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it′s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"
The author′s attitude towardproblems can be described as ______.



解析:态度题。文章第一段最后一句“most ofyour problems may actually be good for you”指出,大部分麻烦对你来说其实都是有好处的。可见作者对于麻烦的态度是积极的,故选C。


— I'm afraid I have spilled some coffee on the table cloth.— ____________ A.Oh, don't worry about that.B.You needn’t apologize.C.I feel sorry for that.D.Oh, you shouldn’t have done that.

Maybe it is true that we don't know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we don' t know what we have been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don’t expect love in return; but be content that love has grown in your own heart.It takes an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don’t rely on one's appearance; it can deceive. Don’t rely on wealth; even that fades away. Rely on someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts others, too. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness waits for those who cry, those who have been hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You can't go on well in life until you let your past failures and heartaches go off. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.(1)You should rely on someone who makes you smile_______________.A、because a smile can make your dark time easier.B、because a smile is bright.C、because you have nothing.D、because you can believe someone(2)What does the word “assurance” mean in the first paragraph?A、returnB、promiseC、maintainD、storage(3)In the third paragraph, “Always put yourself in other's shoes” means_______________.A、you should try other's shoes before you buy it.B、you should make yourself small enough.C、you should consider from another person's aspect.D、None of the above.(4) If you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying when you die, you areA、SatisfiedB、UpsetC、SadD、Indifferent(冷漠的)(5)What has been mentioned in the passage?A、to tell us not to demand too muchB、to warn us not to believe in appearanceC、to consider other people and learn to forgiveD、all of the above

–I don’t know which major I should choose to study.–() A、I have no idea.B、Have you ever thought of computer science?C、You ask a wrong person.D、You don’t know at this moment

–We are going to have another heat wave. –()! (A) Oh, no(B) I don’t(C) No, we don’t(D) No, you can’t

You have overworked yourself.() a holiday to relax? A、Why not to go onB、Why don't go onC、Why don't haveD、Why not go on

Don't worry, your watch () and you can have it in no time. A、is repairedB、has been repairedC、is being repaired

2. You_________ make the dishes if you don t like to.A. have not toB. has not toC. don't have toD. doesn’t have to

Mary: I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find that tape you lent me. I must have lost it.Susan: Oh no! _________.Mary: But don't worry. I'll buy you a new one.A. Don't do thatB. What a shameC. Don't say thatD. How pity it is

You seldom have to do the cooking,______?A. have youB. haven't youC. do youD. don't you

We won’t entertain your claim _______ the inspection certification from the Commodity Inspection Bureau. A unless you will have ;B unless you don’t have ;C unless you have

If you don't have anything ________ to say I'd rather you kept quiet.A constructiveB effectiveC investigatorsD inspectors

Even if you don't like the work, you ( ) it. A、should have doneB、must have doneC、must doD、have to do

If you have a problem, don′t worry! Itis easy to say if you don′t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don′t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you!You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?"The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That′s the way it iswith every living thing."It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it′s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"In the writer′s opinion, the people whodon′t have troubles are ______.A.the persons who go to Great Barrier ReefB.the persons who have passed awayC.the persons who are being testedD.the persons who are healthy

If you have a problem, don′t worry! Itis easy to say if you don′t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don′t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you!You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?"The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That′s the way it iswith every living thing."It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it′s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"The ocean side of the reef is livelyand colorful because______.A.it is in still waterB.it has no challenge to its survivalC.it has a lot of sunshineD.it has to fight for its survival everyday

If you have a problem, don′t worry! Itis easy to say if you don′t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don′t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you!You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?"The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That′s the way it iswith every living thing."It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it′s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"After reading this passage, we should______.A.live in our comfort zoneB.live in the ocean side of the reefC.face the test and challenge bravelyD.stay away from any trouble

Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.()ANot at allBDon 't say soCI don't think soDIt doesn't matter

Good morning. Have you got a single room with a bathroom, please?()AI don't know.BI'd rather not say.CWell, guess.DYes, we have.

You()to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A、needn't to comeB、don't need comeC、don't need comingD、needn't come

Don't worry, your watch()and you can have it in no time.A、is repairedB、has been repairedC、was repairedD、is being repaired

Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.()A、Not at allB、Don 't say soC、I don't think soD、It doesn't matter

Are you feeling better today, Jack?()A、There must be something wrongB、Just have a good rest.C、Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.D、Don't worry about me.

翻译:I’d like to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer if we don ’ t hear from you by next Monday.

单选题Good morning. Have you got a single room with a bathroom, please?()AI don't know.BI'd rather not say.CWell, guess.DYes, we have.

单选题A: Say, I don't think we've met, have we?  B: ______ . My name's Donna.  A: Nice to meet you, Donna. I'm Tim Clark.AYes, I think soBI haven't seen you for agesCI've heard so much about youDNo, I don't think so

单选题Sorry, we cannot _____ you the job because you don’t have any work experience.AmakeBsendCofferDprepare

单选题—You don’t forget when we borrowed that reference book, do you?—I can’t remember now but _____ sometime last week?Amight it beBcould it beCcould it have beenDshould it have been

单选题Don't you think it's the most worst film we have seen since we came here ten years ago?ADon't youBthe most worst filmChave seenDsince