Encounter Environmental Tours offerstrips to some of the most beautiful and isolated wildernesses in the world ___________all the comforts of five-star accommodations.A.bothB.plusC.thoughD.together

Encounter Environmental Tours offerstrips to some of the most beautiful and isolated wildernesses in the world ___________all the comforts of five-star accommodations.



解析:考查连词。空白处需要一个并列连词,把“trips…”和“all the comforts…”这两部分连接起来,作offer的宾语。只有plus(NR,还有)符合,它其实就相当于and also,along with。句意为“‘邂逅自然之旅’提供世界上一些最美的、与世隔绝的荒野之旅,还有五星级舒适的住宿条件”。


The author mentions big cities such as Tokyo, Singapore and Paris______.A. to show that city people all over the world have a lot in commonB. to let his readers be aware that they are some of the world's biggest citiesC. to illustrate their difference from American citiesD. because they are some of the cities that attract visitors most

Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.One of the most exciting races ever run is now in progress between doctors fighting malaria(疟疾)and mosquitoes. According to the most recent counts 225 million people a year suffer attacks of malaria and more than two million die. Public health workers around the world are doing all t11ev can to destroy malaria before the mosquitoes that pass on the disease become resistant to the poisons now used against them. It's a race against time and against difficulties,with millions of lives in danger and the chances of winning not in man's favour.Malaria,it is true,has been practically wiped out in thirteen countries. including the United States,and is under attack in many others. But it is equally true that in some parts of the world certain types of malaria-carrying mosquitoes have already learned to resist some of the sprays that formerly killed them. Other types of mosquitoes are not killed as quickly by present sprays as they once were.The World Health Organization is helping national governments to get rid of malaria before resistance among the mosquito population becomes so great that new poisons will have to be found to replace those in use at present. Most of the countries in the world have started,or are planning,campaigns against mosquitoes. If the race against resistance is won by man,it is possible that ten years from now dais old evil will have disappeared completely from the America,perhaps from the world.Malaria has been successfully got. rid of in______.A. all countriesB. some countriesC. no countriesD. most countries

Most of the environmental problems are man-made.()

What a ___ watch it is! A.most beautifulB.more beautifulC.the most beautifulD.beautiful

The greatest city of the world exercises a strong power of attraction over ____. A.some methods ofB.all methods ofC.all manners ofD.some manners of

Brithish football is the most successful of all European countries, although it is not necessarily the best in the world.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

How does the writer feel about the business she runs? ( )A.It's the biggest company in the world.B.It wili possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D.It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

In the author's opinion, __.A. developing countries should be responsible for environmental problemsB. overpopulation in the world is created by the developed countriesC. rich countries exercise worse influence on environment than poor countriesD. all countries should bring the population growth under control

Hurricane warnings are issued ______ when winds of force 12 or above are expected.A.in all parts of the worldB.in some parts of the worldC.from all corners of the worldD.from every corner of the world

How does the writer feel about the business she runs?A. It's the biggest company in the world.B. It will possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D. It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

A.the art market had witnessed a succession of victories B.the auctioneer finally got the two pieces at the highest bids C.Beautiful Inside My Head Forever won over all masterpieces D.it was successfully made just before the world financial crisis

In()each year the National Film Theatre hosts the London Film Fes-tival,at which some 250 new films from all over the world are screened.ASeptemberBOctoberCNovemberDDecember

The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because()Ait has the most beautiful seascape in the worldBit has the greatest number of islands in the worldCit has the most diverse and complex marine life in the worldDit has the longest coast in the world

The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because()A、it has the most beautiful seascape in the worldB、it has the greatest number of islands in the worldC、it has the most diverse and complex marine life in the worldD、it has the longest coast in the world

形容词“beautiful”的比较级和最高级是“()”。A、more beautiful,most beautifulB、beautifuler,beautifulestC、beautifuller,beautifuleestD、beautiful,beautiful

A remote host can be pinged from all switches except one.  Which of the following is the most likely reason for this failure?()A、VTP pruning has isolated the switch.B、IP routing is disabled on the switch.C、PoE is failing on the remote port.D、There is a loop in the topology.

单选题Which of the following about The Times is not true?AThe circulation is very small.BThis is the most famous of all British papers.CThe most important British people all over the world still read it.DIt is most critical of established interests.

单选题She wished to stay by the lake for the rest of her life because _____.Ashe liked the beautiful scenery thereBshe enjoyed the solitude thereCshe could withdraw from societyDshe might encounter a stranger

单选题Some people believe that citizens of the out-door world will have a sudden encounter with the forces of change. This _____ will cause serious problems if preparations are not made.AcomplicationBcorrelationCorientationDconfrontation

单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题。Passage 2 The common cold is the world's most widespread illness, which is plague that flesh receives.The most widespread fallacy of all is that colds caused by cold.They are not, They are caused by viruses passing on from person to person.You catch a cold by coming into contact, directly or indirectly, with someone who already has one.If cold causes colds, it would be reasonable to expect the Eskimos to suffer from them forever.But they do not.And in isolated arctic regions explorers have reported being free from colds until coming into contact again with infected people from the outside world by way of packages and mail dropped from airplanes.During the First World War soldiers who spent long periods in the trenches, cold and wet,showed no increased tendency to catch colds.In the Second World War prisoners at the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp, naked and starving, were astonished to find that they seldom had colds.At the Common Cold Research Unit in England, volunteers took part in Experiments in which they gave themselves to the discomforts of being cold and wet for long stretches of time.After taking hot baths, they put on bathing suits, allowed themselves to be with cold water, and then stood about dripping wet in drafty room.Some wore wet socks all day while others exercised in the rain until close to exhaustion.Not one of the volunteers came down with a cold unless a cold virus was actually dropped in his nose.If, then, cold and wet have nothing to do with catching colds, why are they more frequent in the winter? Despite the most pains-taking research, no one has yet found the answer, One explanation offered by scientists is that people tend to stay together indoors more in cold weather than at other times, and this makes it easier for cold viruses to be passed on.No one has yet found a cure for the cold.There are drugs and pain suppressors such as aspirin, but all they do is relieve the symptoms.Arctic explorers may catch colds when ____.Athey are working in the isolated arctic regionsBthey are writing reports in terribly cold weatherCthey are free from work in the isolated arctic regionsDthey are coming into touch again with the outside world

单选题Hurricane warnings are issued()when winds of force 12 or above are expected.Ain all parts of the worldBin some parts of the worldCfrom all corners of the worldDfrom every corner of the world

单选题The best title for the passage might be _____.AAn Ideal Place for ShoppingBA City with the Best ClimateCThe World’s Best City to Live inDThe World’s Most Beautiful City

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the city of Siena ______.Awas the birthplace 9f some important explorersBmade a significant contribution to the world of artCprizes the giraffe above all other animalsDwas one of medieval Italy's most important citiesEis a popular destination for tourists

单选题Encounter Environmental Tours offers trips to some of the most beautiful and isolated wildernesses in the world ____ all the comforts of five-star accommodations.AbothBplusCthoughDtogether

单选题The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because()Ait has the most beautiful seascape in the worldBit has the greatest number of islands in the worldCit has the most diverse and complex marine life in the worldDit has the longest coast in the world

单选题_____ wrote some of the most beautiful odes in the English language, which had the eulogy of beauty as their themes.AWilliam WordsworthBLord ByronCShelleyDJohn Keats

单选题—The scarves are all beautiful. I can’t decide which one to choose.—Oh, look at this red one. I think it’s ______.AbeautifulBmore beautifulCthe most beautifulDless beautiful