I wish to propose a toast to our friendship.A:stateB:sayC:suggestD:announce

I wish to propose a toast to our friendship.



解析:本句意思:我提议为我们的友谊干杯。propose提议,(为……)祝酒。suggest建议,提 议;state陈述;say说;announce宣布。第2部分:阅读判断


He said that he would regard our gift as a token of friendship.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

I wish I ______ you yesterday.A. seenB. did seeC. had seenD. were to see

2.I _________to visit Guilin and I_________ you to go with me.A. wish ; hopeB. hope; wishC. hope; wish forD. wish; hope that

—I wish I could. But I’m on my way out. I have to be in the city in an hour.—63

I’d like to _______ her to you for the job. She is very clever and industrious girl.A.referB.suggestC.recommendD.propose

-Could I suggest we meet to review the issue and propose a mutually satisfactory solution? -__________________________ A You are welcome. You can visit us any time you like. ;B That’s alright. I’ll wait for your reply as soon as possible. ;C Sure, we will try our best jointly to deal with the issue.

How I wish I________(can) make up for the lost time.

i wish i could give you the __________to your problems. A. answerB. endC. replyD. conclusion

We are pleased to note that you wish to expand our relationship ,()suggest that we consider the matter of agency later .A. andB. butC. howeverD. nevertheless

I’ll begin by talking about our total sales last year, and then I’ll talk about our market share of our product in some major countries.Finally I’ll talk about our main customers and future plans.

I _______ you a happy birthday.A. hopeB. wantC. expectD. wish

()our S/C NO.6539 dated August 8.we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by the end of next month. A、With reference toB、ReferC、ReferringD、With refer to

One of the sailors found it necessary to ____ the captain ____ the nearest island by radio.A. declare … to contactB. propose … contactC. insist … to contactD. wish … contact

I wish he _______ here at the moment.A、wereB、wasC、would beD、is

I wish I ____ longer this morning, but I had 选择 IwishI____longerthismorning,butIhadtogetupandcometoclass.(A)couldhaveslept(C)mighthaveslept(B)slept(D)haveslept

下面是某教师的课堂教学片段:T: ... Now, let's make our own wishes with"if only". But please don't forget to give a description, even though it's very brief, of situation, the context, where you make the wish with one or two sentences ... How about Liz?Liz: Now it's 5 o'clock, and there is a traffic jam on the express way. The hotel will cancel our room at 6 o'clock if we do not get to the hotel. Then, I'll say:Oh, I wish if only I didn't go on the journey.T: Listen, Liz. You see, once you use"I wish", you don't need to use"if only". Just use either one.Liz: Yes.T: So will you try again? Just the wish.Liz: If only I didn't go on the journey.T: To make it better, you can say"if only I hadn't gone on this journey", because you are already on the way. Go on, please.请根据所给材料,分析该教师的教学目的和教学过程,评价其教学行为和反馈方式。

I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.A:suggestB:requestC:demandD:order

I didn't attend the conference,but I wish I__there.A.had beenB.beC.wereD.would be

I’d like to_______him to you for the job.He is a very clever and industrious boy.A.referB.suggestC.recommendD.propose


单选题How I wish that I_______law when I was at college !Ahad learnedBhave learnedClearnedDwould learn

单选题—Did you see her off the day before yesterday?—No, but I wish I ______.AwereBdidChadDwould

单选题I wish you were here now so that I can thank you in person.AwishBwereCcanDin person

单选题I wish to have a word with you, _____?Ado IBdon’t ICmay IDdid I

单选题I wish I _____ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.Acould have sleptBsleptCmight have sleptDhave slept

单选题()view of the fact, I wish to submit this report.AInBOnCToDFor

单选题I wish I finished writing the essay yesterday, but I was too busy.AwishBfinishedCyesterdayDwas too busy