His kidney was given to his daughter so as to save her life.A:transformed B:transportedC:transmitted D:transplanted

His kidney was given to his daughter so as to save her life.



解析:本题考查对有tran-词缀的动词辫析。本句话的意思是“为了救女儿的命,他把自己的肾捐给了她”。 transform意为“改变,转变”,例如:Wealth transformed his character.财富改变了他的性格。transport意为“运输,运送”。transmit意为“传送,传递”。transplant意为“移植”,此选项符合本句意思。


My mother was relieved that her son would be satisfied with his performance so he wouldn't do another one, at least for her ______. A: sakeB: lakeC: makeD: wake

His first attempt failed,(). A、his second attenpt did eitherB、so did his second attenptC、# neither did his second attenptD、so his second attenpt did

His father likes going hiking. ________.A. So does his motherB. So is his motherC. So his mother isD. So his mother does

Charles thinks that nowadays running a small shop becomes increasingly difficult ______.A.so his shop will surely go bankruptB.but his shop will surely make good moneyC.and the only way to save his shop is to change the governmentD.because it's hard to keep up with the rising cost

By his genius he()all these old stories()masterpieces of his life. A、put; intoB、turned; intoC、wrote; asD、set; as

--Her father is very rich.______She wouldn't accept his help even if it were offfered A.What for?B.So whatC.No doubt

His chemistry is improving, () his physics. A、so isB、so dotsC、such dotsD、such is

Linda is never ( ) A、so more careful as her fatherB、so careful as that of his father’sC、so careful as her father’sD、so careful as her father

He _______ wrote some letters to his girlfriend, telling her how deep his love was for her. A.carelesslyB.carefulC.carelessD.carefully

This speech has an impact in his later life.()

The father repeatedly __________ with the police officer to set his daughter free, holding firm to his belief that she was innocent.A、arguedB、protestedC、angeredD、pleaded

By the end of his senior year, he was earning two hundred dollars a week writing science fiction, and his parents were reconciled to his pursuit of the literary life.

BOne afternoon, Mrs Smith and her daughter, Lucy are in a big shop near their house. Mrs Smith likes Lucy and wants to buy a new sweater for her. Lucy doesn’t like the new sweater. She likes something to eat. So her mother buys some apples for her. Lucy also wants to buy some picture books and color pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They all want to buy some things.( )36. One afternoon, Mrs Smith and ________. are in a big shop.A. his sonB. his daughterC. her sonD. her daughter

BMr Henry lived in a small village with high mountains all around it. All day he worked on his farm and never went to the city. Sometimes he went to the town which is not far away to buy something,but he always walked there and never took a bus or a train. His wife died after his only daughter was born* When the girl,Ann,grew up,she left her father and went to col-lege. Four years later Ann passed all her examinations and found work in a hospital in the cap-ital. As she was busy,she had no time to go back to see her father. But she missed her father very much, So she wrote to his father and asked him to come to the capital.When Mr Henry heard from his daughter,he was quite happy and was soon ready to set off. The next day,as soon as he got to the station,he rang Ann up and told her the train he would take. At eight in the morning the train arrived at the Capital Station. Mr Henry had spent about sixteen hours on the train. As soon as he got off,he saw his daughter standing.there to meet him. Ann ran up to him and found that her father looked pale."What,s the matter with you,Dad?"Ann asked in surprise. "Do you feel unwell? "Nothing,"answered Mr Henry. "I,m just not used to sitting backwards(背朝前) in the train. ""Oh,dear,"laughed the girl. "Why didn’t you exchange seats with the man opposite to you?""How can I do that?"answered Mr Henry. "No man sat opposite to me!( )26. Mr Henry was _________.A. a workerB. a driverC. a farmerD. a teacher

共用题干Father's Day:All Happy Families Are AlikeSome writers are so consumed by their art that their families are eclipsed,while other writers manage an enviable closeness with their loved ones.On the occasion of Father's Day,RBTH recalls what kind of fathers the great Russian writers were and what became of their children.Leo Tolstoy,the giant of Russian literature,and his wife Sofia had 13 children,five of whom died in childhood.Tolstoy was very attentive to his family,but as his daughter Tatyana recalled, "________(46)"Tolstoy was more interested in them when they had grown up a little,when he would play with them and tell them stories.His love for his family did not deter the Count and prominent writer from giving away his property to the poor,________(47)The youngest daughter Alexandra became closest of all to Tolstoy, and she became the literary executor of his estate.Today there are more than 400 descendants of Tolstoy,the most famous of which is the writer Tatyana Tolstaya and her son Artemy Lebedev,a designer and popular blogger. Vladimir Tolstoy is the director of the"Yasnaya Polyana"Museum on the Tolstoy family estate,________(48)Four children were born to the jewel in the crown of Russian literature,the poet Alexander Pushkin,and his wife Natalya: daughters Maria and Natalya and sons Alexander and Grigory. Pushkin became distraught(忧心如焚的)when he first saw his daughter Maria. Considering himself unattractive and finding her to resemble him,________(49)But he was worrying unduly.Maria grew into a pretty young girl and a future lady-in-waiting(侍女)to the Empress, and some say that Tolstoy even gave her likeness to Anna Karenina. His eldest son Alexander emerged as a hero of the Russian-Turkish war and attained the rank of general,while the youngest son Grigory became a magistrate(法官).Pushkin's youngest daughter,the beautiful Natalya,was born just eight months before her father's fateful duel. She became the morganatic(非皇室的)spouse of the Prussian Prince Nikolai. Maria and Grigory did not have children,while Alexander fathered 13,and Natalya six.________ (50)_______(48)A:he was deeply anxious for the little girl.B:which caused some tension within the family.C:Today more than 200 descendants of Pushkin live around the world.D:Russian is famous for her many literary giants.E:he never showed tenderness to the very small children.F:where the descendants hold family reunions every two years.

It was with great joy __________ Davidreceived the news that his long lost daughter would soon return home.A.as B.that C.so D.for

问答题Most Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm. They prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others. They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make up their own minds. They are prepared too take the initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so. They have courage and do not give in easily. They will take any sort of job anywhere rather than be unemployed. They do not care to be looked after by the government. The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.

问答题When David is twice as old as he is now he will be four times as old as his daughter Jane will be in five years time. If in 1990, four years ago, he was four times as old as his daughter, in what year was she born?

问答题Practice 2  President Bill Clinton's My Wife shows US the progress of a remarkable American, who, through his own enormous energies and efforts, made the unlikely journey from Hope, Arkansas, to the White House—a journey fueled by an impassioned interest in the political process which manifested itself at every stage of his life:in college, working as an intern for Senator William Fulbright; at Oxford, becoming part of the Vietnam War protest movement;at Yale Law School, campaigning on the grassroots level for Democratic candidates;back in Arkansas, running for Congress, attorney general, and governor.  We see his career shaped by his resolute determination to improve the life of his fellow citizens, all unfaltering commitment to civil rights, and an exceptional Understanding of the practicalities of political life.  We come to understand the emotional pressures of his youth—born after his Father's death;caught in the dysfunctional relationship between his feisty, nurturing mother and his abusive stepfather, whom he never ceased to love and whose name he took;drawn to the brilliant, compelling Hillary Rodham, whom he was determined to marry;passionately devoted, from her infancy, to their daughter, Chelsea, and to the entire。Experience of fatherhood; slowly and painfully beginning to comprehend how his early denial of pain led him at times into damaging patterns of behavior.

单选题Why did the father name his daughter Chaofan?ABecause he knew her great talent.BBecause he wished her a splendid life.CBecause he arranged her bright future.DBecause he understood her disability.

单选题Jim was so angry that he ______ his daughter when she tried to comfort him.Awhistled atBwhisperedCsnapped atDmurmured at

单选题Dr. Robert went to New York, bought some books and _____.Avisiting his daughterBto visit his daughterCvisit his daughterDvisited his daughter

单选题What does his/her feedback focus on if a teacher's comment is "John, it would be much better if you have given more details!"?AContent.BLanguage.CAttitude.DAptitude.

单选题What does his/her feedback focus on if a teacher's comment isJohn, it would be muchbetter if you have given more details!?AContent.BLanguage.CAttitude.DAptitude.

单选题Through the open window we saw on the floor the happy father lying () his stomach, his daughter riding excitedly on his back.AonBwithCaboveDfrom

单选题Previous _____ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter.AtoBofCinDfrom

单选题His daughter was a _____ to him during his illness.ApropBpropellerCspindleDcurb