I was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.A:excitedB:anglyC:lostD:surprised

I was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.



解析:当我看到电话账单的长度时,我惊呆了。excited:激动的;angry:生气的;lost:茫然的; surprised:惊讶的,同shocked(震惊,‘凉呆)意思相近。


The instant _______ I saw him, I knew he was the man from the restaurant. (A)when(B) while(C) ×(D) then

When I saw him, he has finished the letter .

I have lost my job for one year. There are times when I wonder( )I will ever have a job again. A. thatB. whetherC. whichD. when

When I saw her smiling face, I knew she _____ from her son studying abroaD. A.hearB.has heardC.had heardD.was hearing

请教:2009年高考《英语》试卷-江苏卷第2大题第4小题如何解答?【题目描述】第24题:---- I m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have __ .----So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A. broken upB. finished upC. divided upD.closed up

I was_____ my _____to school when I saw the accident.A.on,wayB.in,wayC.on,time

It’s a long time since I saw you last .----Yes , and it will be a long time()we meet again .A. untilB. beforeC. thatD. when

When I found quite a few pages()in the dictionary, I wrote the bookstore a letter of complaint. A.missingB.lost

When I saw her crying.I realized I ( ) her the news so soon. A、shouldn't have toldB、should not tellC、should have toldD、must have told

This is the man()last night.A. whom I saw himB. whom I sawC. who I saw him

I()a book when the telephone().A. was reading…rangB. read…rangC. was reading…was ringing

______ that dress when I first saw you at the station?A、Were you wearingB、Have you wornC、Did you wearD、Do you wear

I was surprised when the shopkeeper told me that my father had visited the shop, paid for the framing and______ them wrapped.A、shouldB、wouldC、hadD、could

---- I' m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have __ .----So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A. broken up B. finished up C. divided up closed up

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,AHow I Turned to Be OptimisticI began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunt's house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning.I do not remember myself crying for this reason again. In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see-—the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then.The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism, but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost—having to study in three schools as a result of family moves. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried, and things became even more complex for me. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad, and saw no end to "the hard times."My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews with Immigration officers, took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.From my experiences I have learned one important rule: almost all common troubles eventually go away! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a little! I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy.56. How did the author get to know America?A.Fromherrelatives.B.Fromhermother.C.Frombooksandpictures.D.Fromradioprograms.

An accident came ______ my mind when I saw the broken case.A.inB.onC.toD.with

Today, when I think of my friend, I remember the way her face ( ) when she saw the picture of a handsome fellow. A. cheered upB. shone upC. stood upD. lit up

I wasshocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.A:surprisedB:lostC:excitedD:angry

Relief workers were shocked by what they saw.A:moved B:touched C:surprised D:worried

It′ s a long time __________ I saw youlast.--Yes, and what a pity! It will be a longtime __________ we see each other again.A.since; before B.when; sinceC.before; when D.before; since

ArraryList a = new ArrayList();  a.add(“Alpha”);  a.add(“Bravo”):  a.add(“Charlie”);  a.add(“Delta”);  Iterator iter = a.iterator(); Which two, added at line 17, print the names in the ArrayList in alphabetical order?()A、 for (int i=0; i a.size(); i++)  System.out.println(a.get(i)));B、 for (int i=0; i a.size(); i++)  System.out.println(a[i]);C、 while( iter.hasNext() )  System.out.println(iter.next()) ;D、 for (int i=0, i a.size(); i++)  System.out.println(iter[i]);E、 for (int i=0; i a.size(); i++)  System.out.println(iter.get(i));

请问您的电话号码?用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Must I have your telephone number please?B、May I have your telephone number please?C、Need I have your telephone number please?D、Would I have your telephone number please?

单选题When I first arrived in Japan, I was surprised _____ the way people greeted each other.AofBtoCwithDat

单选题An accident came()my mind when I saw the broken case.AinBonCtoDwith

单选题I was()than angry when I saw how they'd ruined the landscape.AmuchBlittleCmoreDless

单选题I couldn't help to laugh when I saw the little boy in his father's overcoat.Ato laughBwhenCinDhis father's overcoat

单选题Telephone enquiry Clerk: Lost property department. Can I help you?  Phone caller: ______ I left it on the Margate Mermaid when we cross from Olsten yesterday morning.AI want you help me find my lost camera.BI wonder if you have a camera of mine.CDo you think if you have a camera of mine?DI doubt if you could help me find my lost camera.