The thief dispersed the papers all over the room while he was searching for the money.A:abandonedB:vanishedC:scatteredD:desejied

The thief dispersed the papers all over the room while he was searching for the money.



解析: 本句意思:那个贼找钱的时候把这些文件撒得满屋子都是。disperse(使)散开,消散,驱 散。scatter撒;abandon舍弃,放任;vanish消失;desert遗弃。


Passage 1Once an honored man was having a birthday party. His sons and servants were busy welcoming guests. A thief slipped into the house. He hid himself by lying face down on a beam in the ceiling of the hall where the birthday banquet was to be held. From there, the thief could look down upon the guests and see all the gifts of silks, jade, and jewels brought in. He tried to remember where these were put so that he could steal them after the party was over.Later that evening, the host was looking at all his presents happily. He leaned over them with his back turned to the thief hiding on the beam. The thief was looking around the room so that he would be able to move quietly when the lights were off. As the thief hung his head over the beam it made a shadow on the floor.The host did not show that he had seen the shadow. He called for his servant to set a table for one guest with the best food and drink. Turning towards the beam on which the thief lay, he bowed low and said, “Will the gentleman on the roof-beam now come down to have some refreshments?”There was nothing else the thief could do but climb down. His host fed him well. After the thief had eaten his fill, the host gave him a bag of silver coins and begged him to make good use of them. Then the host saw the thief to the door and bid him good night.Ten years passed, and again the honored man held a birthday party. Many visitors came to bring him presents. The man was very old by now and could not greet all theguests. His grandson met the visitors at the door and invited them to dine with his grandfather in the evening. He then took the gifts in for the old man to see.Towards the end of the day a stranger came, bringing gifts of gold and jewels. He would not give his name, but asked to see the honored old man.The stranger was led to the old man’s room. The old man did not know this guest and asked for his name.The stranger smiled, “I am an honest man. I have learned to live a good life. But it was not always so. Do you remember how you once asked me to come down from the roof-beam and eat your food?”The host was amazed. He was even more surprised when he heard how his kindness had changed the thief into an honest man.21. How did the thief get into the house?A. He carefully disguised himself as a guest.B. He followed the servants, carrying dishes.C. He broke into the house through a window.D. He went into the house without being noticed.

Jim did not do the stealing himself,______.A. so he was not a thief in factB. because he was less intelligent than otherC. but he made stealing plans and gave ordersD. for he was afraid of being caught

He spent the whole day in his room.He was in his room___day. A.the holeB.the allC.allD.all of

No one saw the thief when he entered( )the buliding. A.forB.intoC.*

While________(cross) the road, he was knocked over.

听力原文:W: Did you hear about Mr. William's case last week?M: Yes. It's too terrible. As a matter of fact, he should not issue an open cheque in favor of a third party. Anyone who holds it would present it to the paying bank and obtain cash against it.Q: What happened to Mr. Williams?(16)A.He lost a cheque and the thief cashed it.B.He opened a cheque account.C.A thief stole the money from the bank.D.He cashed the cheque but the money was stolen by a thief.

He will do anything()he can earn money. A、as far asB、as long asC、in caseD、while

He went from door to door, gathered waste papers and magazines.()

He admitted ________ the money. A、takenB、takingC、takeD、to take

The meeting____ over,we all left the room.A、isB、to beC、beingD、would be

The computer system broke out suddenly while he was searching for ination on the Internet.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Due to the large amount of heat picked up by the air in boiler and engine rooms, it would be impracticable to maintain ambient conditions within the comfort zone by air conditioning or any other means. The normal practice is to provide copious mechanical ventilation; in boiler rooms, the quantity is equated to the combustion requirements, while in a motor ship engine room the supply may be 25-50% in excess of the requirements of the engines.The axial flow fan is particularly suited to handle these large air volumes at the moderate pressures required, while of course the “straight-through” flow feature places it at an advantage over the centrifugal fan.The increasing adoption of automation, with the provision of a separate control room makes less significant the fact that comfort conditions cannot be maintained in the engine room all the time. Which of the following devices should be taken to maintain ambient conditions of the boiler and machinery space?A.air compressorB.air coolerC.air-conditioning plantD.mechanical ventilation plant

Jack packed up all the things he had accumulated over the last ten years.A:futureB:farC:pastD:near

He is__________nervous__________he moved about the room all the time.A.such;thatB.that;;;as

So loudly_______that all the people in the room got a fright.A.he shoutedB.shout heC.did he shoutD.he did shout

The computer system()suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.Abroke downBbroke outCbroke upDbroke in

While you are turning the windlass over slowly , ()all the moving parts.A、oilB、greaseC、oiledD、greased

单选题Which of the following about The Times is not true?AThe circulation is very small.BThis is the most famous of all British papers.CThe most important British people all over the world still read it.DIt is most critical of established interests.

单选题Finally, the thief handed everything______he had stolen to the police.AwhichBwhatCwhateverDthat

单选题There is no ()that he was once a thief. But it doesn't mean you can always regard him as a thief.AdenyBdeniedCdeniesDdenying

问答题Practice 11  If you ask an Englishman about the Press in his country, he will almost certainly begin talking about the morning daily and Sunday “national newspapers”, all of which now have their head offices in London. Later, almost as an afterthought, he may go to talk about the provincial morning dailies, the London and provincial evening papers, and finally the weekly local papers. The dominating position of the national daily morning papers is due to the smallness of the country, with every large town in England and Wales able to be reached by train in less than five hours from London. A paper printed in London around midnight can be at any breakfast table in England the next morning, except in remote country districts. All over the country, most people read the same newspapers and the dominant position of the London papers may reflect a lack of regional identity. The national dailies are generally classed as either “quality” (The Times, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) or “popular”.

单选题Now that the stress of examinations and interviews are over, we can all relax for a while.ANow thatBareCallDrelax

单选题The computer system()suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.Abroke downBbroke outCbroke upDbroke in

单选题The police ______ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.Ais searching forBare searching forCwere searching forDwas searching for

单选题After the cameraman had taken three or four photographs of the soldier ants, he found they had ______ all over his feet.AgatheredBflockedCcrowdedDswarmed

单选题The news _____ he had landed on the moon spread all over the world.AwhichBthatCwhatDas

单选题_____ he’s never been abroad, though his mother is a business woman and travels all over the world.ACurrentlyBTerriblyCRemarkablyDExtraordinarily