Threefourths of the homework()today.Ahas finishedBhas been finishedChave finishedDhave been finished

Threefourths of the homework()today.

Ahas finished 

Bhas been finished 

Chave finished 

Dhave been finished



Catholicism has the demographic supremacy in Australia today.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

I've been trying that ___________ all my customers today. A. withB. toC. onD. at

If I had () in business, I might be a very wealthy man today. A.doneB.goneC.stayedD.stopped

在本机的IIS上的默认Web站点中,有一个名称为homework的虚拟目录,如果要浏览此目录中的student1.aspx文件,则需在IE的地址栏中,键入( )即可浏览此网页。 A、http://localhost/studentaspxB、、http://localhost/homework/studentaspxD、

You seem to be ill today. (改为同义句)______ _____ that you are ill today.

( ) is absent from school today. A. NeitherB. NoneC. NoD. Not

25. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Some students are so careless that they spend lots of time on their homework. 'B. A11 the students stay up late for their homework,C. Children should be given less homework,D. Schools and parents should take care of children.


Many a student______(do)not like having to do their homework.

Mary’s________(marry) will take place at 12 o'clock today.

Plastic traveling bags are sold out today. (英译汉)

In the past, taking a train in China was as comfortable as it is today.()

Please hand () your homework in time .

I wonder if it would be __________(convenience) to meet you today.

It was hot yesterday,but it is very hotter today.()

根据下面材料,回答第 21~25 题:Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents, but in recent years it has been particularly scorned. School districts across the country, most recently Los Angeles Unified, are revising their thinking on his educational ritual. Unfortunately, L.A. Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses, homework may no longer count for more than 10% of a student’s academic grade.This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. But the policy is unclear and contradictory. Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot do without expensive equipment. But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives, it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a pat of schooling: teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want. But with homework counting for no more than 10% of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see vey little difference on their report cards. Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework, but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework? It is quite possible that the homework helped. Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule.At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. Conversely, if homework does nothing to ensure that the homework students are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board, which is responsible for setting educational policy, looks into the matter and conducts public hearings. It is not too late for L.A. Unified to do homework right.第 21 题 It is implied in paragraph 1 that nowadays homework_____.[A] is receiving more criticism[B]is no longer an educational ritual[C]is not required for advanced courses[D]is gaining more preferences

L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students_____.[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education[B]have asked for a different educational standard[C]may have problems finishing their homework[D]have voiced their complaints about homework

A suitable title for this text could be______.[A]Wrong Interpretation of an Educational Policy[B]A Welcomed Policy for Poor Students[C]Thorny Questions about Homework[D]A Faulty Approach to Homework

—It’s cold today. You’d better _________ your sweater. 学科网 —OK. I will.学科网A. p —It’s cold today. You’d better _________ your sweater.—OK. I will.A. put on B. turn on C. get on

It took him half an hour to do his homework.(改为同义句)He__________ half an hour__________ his homework.

Text 1 Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents,but in recently years it has been particularly scorned.School districts across the country,most recently Los Angeles Unified,are revising their thinking on this educational ritual.Unfortunately,L.A.Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses,homework may no longer count for more than 10%of a student's academic grade.This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework.But the policy is unclear and contradictory.Certainly,no homework should be assigned that students cannot complete on their own or that they cannot do without expensive equipment.But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives,it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a part of schooling;teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want.But with homework counting for no more than 10%of their grades,students can easily skip half their homework and see very little difference on their report cards.Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework,but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework?It is quite possible that the homework helped.Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students,the policy imposes a flat,acrosstheboard rule.At the same time,the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework.If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students'academic achievement,it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments,not make them count for almost nothing.Conversely,if homework matters,it should account for a significant portion of the grade.Meanwhile,this policy does nothing to ensure that the homework students receive is meaningful or appropriate to their age and the subject,or that teachers are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board,which is responsible for setting educational policy,looks into the matter and conducts public hearings.It is not too late for L.A.Unified to do homework right.23.According to Paragraph 3,one problem with the policy is that it may_____A.discourage students from doing homeworkB.result in students'indifference to their report cardsC.undermine the authority of state testsD.restrict teachers'power in education

Text 1 Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents,but in recently years it has been particularly scorned.School districts across the country,most recently Los Angeles Unified,are revising their thinking on this educational ritual.Unfortunately,L.A.Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses,homework may no longer count for more than 10%of a student's academic grade.This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework.But the policy is unclear and contradictory.Certainly,no homework should be assigned that students cannot complete on their own or that they cannot do without expensive equipment.But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives,it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a part of schooling;teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want.But with homework counting for no more than 10%of their grades,students can easily skip half their homework and see very little difference on their report cards.Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework,but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework?It is quite possible that the homework helped.Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students,the policy imposes a flat,acrosstheboard rule.At the same time,the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework.If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students'academic achievement,it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments,not make them count for almost nothing.Conversely,if homework matters,it should account for a significant portion of the grade.Meanwhile,this policy does nothing to ensure that the homework students receive is meaningful or appropriate to their age and the subject,or that teachers are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board,which is responsible for setting educational policy,looks into the matter and conducts public hearings.It is not too late for L.A.Unified to do homework right.L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students______A.tend to have moderate expectations for their educationB.have asked for a different educational standardC.may have problems finishing their homeworkD.have voiced their complaints about homework

Reasons for the British coal mining is called a “sick” industry today.

单选题Kate and Mike always do()homework together.AhisBherCtheir

单选题Threefourths of the homework()today.Ahas finishedBhas been finishedChave finishedDhave been finished

单选题He helps me()my homework.AwithBforCatDfrom

单选题Some in the sentenceSome still exist today. refers to _____.Acocoa treesBchocolateCshopsDmeeting places