That place is()the south of the city.AatBinConDto

That place is()the south of the city.







Many members of the council () the building of the luxury houses in the center of the city. A、arguedB、opposedC、discouragedD、quarreled

The guests are often very well () by the host in that city. A、recoveredB、refreshedC、reassuredD、entertained

The old lady from the countryside was ________ by the crowds and traffic in the big city. A. bewilderedB. confusedC. fearedD. depressed

28. Which is a good place for studying?A. A clean and beautiful place.B. The place with a computer.C. The place with a television and a radio.D. A quiet place with a chair ,a desk and some study materials.

You can go to every part of America from this city.

There aren't _____ many job vacancies in the country as in the city. A.suchB.\

Mr. Smith () a most important part in the development of our city. A、tookB、hadC、playedD、made

This project () (accomplish) by the end of 2006 will greatly improve the basic facility of the city.

翻译句子The South Pole, by contrast, is over land, on the continent called Antarctica. Not only is the South Pole on a continent, it's on a very high continent.


The surface currents of the South Atlantic,South Pacific and South Indian Ocean follow,in general,a regular pattern of ______.A.counter-clockwise circulationB.clockwise circulationC.trend from east to westD.trend from north to south

汉译英:“装货地;卸货地”,正确的翻译为( )。A. place of loading; place of dischargeB. place of destination; place of dischargeC. place of arrival; place of loadingD. place of arrival ; place of shipment

There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United States.In the Northeast and Midwest,people are said to be closed and private.In the South and West,however,they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable.Ask someone from St.Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is,and he or she will politely give you directions.A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you,might give you a rather unexpected explanation.A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat.A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch.American stereotypes are abundant.New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful.Southerners are known for their hospitality and warmth.People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate,living conditions,and historical development.When travelling from place to place,Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.New Yorkers are usually open with strangerB.People from the South are usually considered good hostC.The friendliest Americans travel from place to placD.Different parts have different customs and habit

Text 2 When people talk about a"north-south divide"in Britain they are usually referring to house prices,employment and the ratio of private-sector to public-sector jobs.The south scores higher on all such measures.But new data from the British Trust for Ornithology(BTO),a research charity,hints at the growth of another north-south divide-this time to the north's benefit.Every 20 years the BTO produces a superbly detailed atlas of bird life in Britain and Ireland.The 2007 t0 2011 edition is cheery:more species are tallied than in previous atlases,and many birds are increasing in number.Compared with two decades ago,45%of regular native species are ranging more widely while 32%are living in smaller areas;the rest have stayed put.But the most striking news comes from the north.The overall populations of woodland,farmland and migrant perching birds are up in northern England and Scotland but down in the south.The same is true of individual species such as the garden warbler,bullfinch and swallow.The number of cuckoos,a closely-watched species,declined by 63%in England between 1995 and 2010 but by only 5%in Scotland.Raptors are faring especially well in the south,but their numbers are rising in most parts of Britain.Partly this reflects climate change,suggests Simon Gillings of the BTO.Some birds are drawn to warmer winters in Scotland and northem England;visiting migrants may stick around for longer.Hard though it may be to believe during a week of torrential rain,the south is becoming drier,pushing snipe northward.More efficient farming has squeezed some farmland species.Some birds find it harder to make homes in the south,too.Pressure on housing means dilapidated buildings and barns,handy for nesting,have been converted into human dwellings.Between 2006 and 2012 the number of vacant dwellings fell by 17%in London and by 12%in Kent.Over the same period the number of empty houses increased by 16%in Derbyshire and by 10%in Lancashire:Northern mining villages once full of workers are now sparsely populated,points out Ian Bartlett,a birdwatcher in Hartlepool,in north-east England.They have become hot spots for birds and the people who watch them.Culrural difference also plays a part,thinks Mark Cocker,an expert on birds.The"obsession with tidiness"is stronger in the south,he says.Fewer people cultivate gardens;they prefer to cover them in decking and remove weeds from between concrete slabs.Village greens are mowed short.In contrast,Scotland and northern England have more trees,grassland and wind-swept moors.Less popular with humans,rugged parts of the countryside are filling up with a winged population instead.It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that"hot spots"means_____A.the place the birds want to fleeB.the homes the birds want to stayC.the place for hunting birdsD.the place built for birds

Sydney is the capital city of ( ) . A.New South Wales B.Queensland C.South Australia D.Tasmania

The sentence “The baby smiled.” is a().Atwo-place predicationBthree-place predicationCno-place predicationDone-place predication

That place is()the south of the city.A、atB、inC、onD、to

The sentence “The baby smiled.” is a().A、two-place predicationB、three-place predicationC、no-place predicationD、one-place predication

The place where the goods are produced is______A、place of originB、place of orderC、place of interestD、place of issue

单选题The sentence “The baby smiled.” is a().Atwo-place predicationBthree-place predicationCno-place predicationDone-place predication

填空题My mother (enjoy) ____ a better health since we came to live in this beautiful seaside city.

单选题New England is located ______.Ain the south west of the U.S.Bto the south of CaliforniaCin the northeast of the U.S.Dto the west of Florida

填空题What purpose does the MRT serve?To provide a(n) ____ way to get about the city.

单选题Lianyungang is ______ attractive city. It’s such ______ nice place that many tourists come here every summer.Aa; aBthe; /Can; /Dan; a

单选题That place is()the south of the city.AatBinConDto

单选题The North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean.So scientists thought that______.Amost of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphereBmost of the ice melted in the Southern hemisphereCThe North Pole is colder than the South PoleDThe South Pole is colder than the North Pole

单选题The gap in the ozone hole over the North Pole can expand each summer enough, that it exposes regions as far south as Sweden by heightened UV radiation, also increasing rates of skin cancer in the northern regions by as much as 50 percent.Athat it exposes regions as far south as Sweden by heightened UV radiation, also increasingBthat regions as far south as Sweden have been exposed to heightened UV radiation, as well as having increasedCto expose regions as far south as Sweden to heightened UV radiation, increasedDto expose regions as far south as Sweden to heightened UV radiation and increaseEthat exposure to heightened UV radiation in regions as far south as Sweden, as well as increasing