A new hotel()in the center of town at the momentAhas been builtBis builtCwas builtDis being built
A new hotel()in the center of town at the moment
Ahas been built
Bis built
Cwas built
Dis being built
A: How much is the rent of the flat? B:(). A、The hotel room is expensiveB、It is 450 pounds a monthC、It is near the center of the city
A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel near the town square yesterday, ( )at least 12 people.A、having been injuredB、having injuredC、injuredD、injuring
A new hotel () in the center of town at the moment. A、has been builtB、is builtC、was builtD、is being built
The general manager of the hotel makes a point of explaining ( ) to all new hands.A. hotel's tariffB. hotel's cultureC. hotel's incomeD. business concept
David ( ) on a new database at the moment.A. currently workB. is currently workingC. currently working
Since 1780, when the town’s first hat factory ______ in Danbury, Connecticut, the town has been a center for hat manufacturing in the United States.A、were establishedB、was establishingC、had been establishedD、was established
Vicki became suspicious of David Bieber because 。A. the police called herB. he looked very strangeC. he came to the hotel with little luggageD. he came to the hotel the day before New Year’s Eve
The whole event probably lasted about hours from the moment Bieber came to the hotel to the arrival of some armed officers。A. 6 B. 8 C. 11 D. 14
The righting moment can be determined by multiplying the displacement by the ______.A.vertical center of gravity(KG)B.longitudinal center of gravity(LCG)C.righting arm(GZ)D.center of gravity(CG)
The new hotel built a few months ago is large enough to( )over two hundred people.A.containB.holdC.provideD.accommodate
The facilities of the older hotel__________.A.is as good or better than the new hotelB.are as good or better than the new hotelC.is as good as or better than that of the new hotelD.are as good as or better than those of the new hotel
The only decent hotel in town had hung out a “Full House” sign, so their only choice ( ) at a small inn.A.is to put upB.has been to put upC.will be put upD.was to put up
In the early 19th century,New York City was()Athe capital of the United StatesBthe center of Harlem RenaissanceCthe center of knickerbockersDNone of the above
A new hotel()in the center of town at the momentA、has been builtB、is builtC、was builtD、is being built
单选题At bottom dead center, the centerline of the connecting rod usually coincides with the()Aangularity of the piston motionBinertia moment from the pistonCcenterline of the cylinderDcenterline of the king pin
单选题A new hotel()in the center of town at the momentAhas been builtBis builtCwas builtDis being built
单选题A tank 36 ft. by 36 ft. by 6 ft. is filled with water to a depth of 5 ft. If a bulkhead is placed in the center of the tank running fore-and-aft along the 36-foot axis,how will the value of the moment of inertia of the free surface be affected?()AThe moment of inertia would remain unchangedBThe moment of inertia would be 1/4 its original valueCThe moment of inertia would be 1/2 the original valueDNone of the above
单选题Aboard a ship,multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity from the centerline results in the load’s().ALCGBtransverse momentCrighting momentDinclining moment
单选题Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the vertical moment by the total weight yields the vessel’s().Avertical momentBtransverse position of the center of gravityCinclining momentDrighting moment
单选题On a vessel,multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity above the baseline results in a(n)().Atransverse momentBvertical momentCrighting momentDinclining moment
单选题M: Excuse me, please. I wonder if ______? W: Yes, um.., a very nice, cheap clean hotel is on the main road out of town and it’s on the right-hand side. It’s a white building.Ayou could recommend a good hotelByou need recommend a good hotelCyou recommend a good hotelDyou recommend me a good hotel
单选题The city council opted _____ a bypass to carry heavy traffic away from the town center.AoutBforCinDto
单选题If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity,there will always be an increase in the().Ametacentric heightBrighting armCrighting momentDvertical moment