A new hotel () in the center of town at the moment. A、has been builtB、is builtC、was builtD、is being built
A new hotel () in the center of town at the moment.
A、has been built
B、is built
C、was built
D、is being built
The most traditional definition of a human community was a group of people larger than a family that interact. A community may include people who have at least one common point of interest. In the past, community members lived relatively close to one another in one geographical location: in the same village, town, or city. Nowadays, however, the word community can mean a national, an international, or even an online group of interacting individuals. Therefore, a new definition of community might be a group of people that recognize that they have something in common.
The general manager of the hotel makes a point of explaining ( ) to all new hands.A. hotel's tariffB. hotel's cultureC. hotel's incomeD. business concept
The word"motel" comes from"motor + hotel". This is an example of__________ in morphology.A.backformationB.conversionC.blendingD.acronym
以下哪一条HTML语句用于设置表格某一行中的所有单元格内容居中()。A.<table align=”center”>…</table>B.<tr align=”center”>…</tr>C.<td align=”center”>…</td>D.<th align=”center”>…</th>