在用例图建模实操中,创建的新工程中要新建一个用例模型,操作路径是:【File】→【New Model】→【Model types】→【Object-Oriented Model】→【Use Case Diagram】。

在用例图建模实操中,创建的新工程中要新建一个用例模型,操作路径是:【File】→【New Model】→【Model types】→【Object-Oriented Model】→【Use Case Diagram】。



用例(use case)用来描述系统对事件做出响应时所采取的行动。用例之间是具有相关性的。在一个“订单输入子系筑”中,创建新订单和更新订单都需要核查用户账号是否正确。用例“创建新订单”、“更新订单”与用例“核查客户账号”之间是()关系。 A.包含(includE.B.扩展(extenD.C.分类(classification)D.聚集(aggregation)

● 用例(use case)用来描述系统对事件做出响应时所采取的行动。用例之间是具有相关性的。在一个“订单输入子系统”中,创建新订单和更新订单都需要核查用户账号是否正确。用例“创建新订单”、“更新订单”与用例“核查客户账号”之间是 (32) 关系。(32)A. 包含(include)B. 扩展(extend)C. 分类(classification)D. 聚集(aggregation)

System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on( ). Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of theanalysis model are( ). There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.( )focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the( )of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.( )addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.A.functional decomposition B.object abstraction C.data inheritance D.information generalization A.function model,class model and state model B.class model,interaction model and state model C.class model,interaction model and sequence model D.function model,interaction model and state model A.Static analysis B.Semantic analysis C.Scope analysis D.Domain analysis A.static structure B.system components C.data flows D.program procedures A.Program analysis B.Function requirement C.Application analysis D.Physical model


● System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on (71). Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of theanalysis model are (72). There are two substages of object-oriented analysis. (73) focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the (74) of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.(75)addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.(71)A. functional decompositionB. object abstractionC. data inheritanceD. information generalization(72)A. function model,class model and state modelB. class model,interaction model and state modelC. class model,interaction model and sequence modelD. function model,interaction model and state model(73)A. Static analysisB. Semantic analysisC. Scope analysisD. Domain analysis(74)A. static structureB. system componentsC. data flowsD. program procedures(75)A. Program analysisB. Function requirementC. Application analysisD. Physical model

存储模型伪操作,格式如下: .MODEL memory_model [,model options]。( )

可以通过下列方式打开一个空白模型窗口( )。 A.在MATLAB主界面中选择【File:New Model】菜单项B.单击模块库浏览器的新建图标;C.选中模块库浏览器的【File:New Model】菜单项;D.点击右键,弹出菜单中选择打开空白模型

在采用标准UML构建的用例模型(Use-Case Model)中,参与者(Actor)与用例(UseCase)是模型中的主要元素,其中参与者与用例之间可以具有(45)关系。A.包含(include)B.递归(Recursive)C.关联(Association)D.组合(Composite)

假定一个工程由一个窗体文件Form1和两个标准模块文件Model1及Model2 组成。 Model1代码如下: Public X As Integer Public Y As Integer Sub S1( ) x=1 S2 End Sub Sub S2( ) y=10 Form1.Show End Sub Model2的代码如下: Sub Main( ) S1 End Sub 其中Sub Main被设置为启动过程。程序运行后,各模块的执行顺序是( )。A.Form1→Model1→Model2B.Model1→Model2→Form1C.Model2→Model1→Form1D.Model2→Form1→Model1


Use Case用来描述系统在事件做出响应时所采取的行动。用例之间是具有相关性的。在一个“订单输入子系统” 中,创建新订单和更新订单都需要检查用户帐号是否正确。那么,用例“创建新订单”、“更新订单”与用例“检查用户帐号”之间是( )关系。 A.aggregationB.extendC.includeD.classification

下列关于SQL Server 2008中model数据库的说法,错误的是( )。 A.model数据库是数据库管理系统自动创建的B.用户创建的数据库都自动包含model数据库中的内容C.用户数据库的大小不能小于model数据库的大小D.model数据库的空间必须大于master数据库的空间

● 在采用标准UML构建的用例模型(Use-Case Model)中,参与者(Actor)与用例(Use Case)是模型中的主要元素,其中参与者与用例之间可以具有(45)关系。(45)A. 包含(include)B. 递归(Recursive)C. 关联(Association)D. 组合(Composite)

(72)A.function model,class model and state modelB.class model,interaction model and state modelC.class model,interaction model and sequence modelD.function model,interaction model and state model

System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on( ).Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models.The three types of theanalysis model are(请作答此空).There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.( )focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures.The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the( )of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.( )addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers.The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.A.function model,class model and state modelB.class model,interaction model and state modelC.class model,interaction model and sequence modelD.function model,interaction model and state model

System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on____.Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models.The three types of the analysis model are__请作答此选项__.There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.____focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures.The object constructed in the requirement analysis shows the____of the real-world system and organizes it into workable pieces.____addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible to users.The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.A.function model,class model and state modelB.class model,interaction model and state modelC.class model,interaction model and sequence modelD.function model,interaction model and state model

UML通过图形化的表示机制从多个侧面对系统的分析和设计模型进行刻画。其中()包括用例图(use case diagram),它从外部用户的角度描述系统的功能,并指出功能的参与者。A、用例视图B、结构视图C、行为视图D、构件视图


用例(Use Case)用来描述系统对事件做出响应时所采取的行动。用例之间是具有相关性的。在一个"订单输入子系统"中,创建新订单和更新订单都需要核查用户账号是否正确。用例"创建新订单"、"更新订单"与用例"核查客户账号"之间是()关系。A、包含(IncludE)B、扩展(ExtenD)C、分类(Classification)D、聚集(Aggregation)

数据库领域中最常用的数据模型有四种,它们是()。A、基本模型(Basic Model)B、关系模型(Relational Model)C、面向对象模型(Object Oriented Model)D、网状模型(Network Model)E、层次模型(Hierarchical Model)




在SQL Server2008数据库系统中,下列关于model数据库的说法正确的是()。A、SQLServer每次重启时,都重新创建model数据库B、每次启动数据库引擎时,model数据库的大小都会被重置C、model数据库用作在系统上创建的所有数据库的模板D、model数据库是系统数据库,因此不能向该数据库中添加表

Which three statements are true about the appliance of QoS models?()A、the DiffServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsB、the DiffServ model can be used to deliver QoS based upon IP precedence, or source and destination addressesC、the DiffServ model requires RSVPD、the best effort model is suitable for applications such as file transfer and e-mailE、the IntServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsF、the IntServ model model attempts to deliver a level of service based on the QoS specified by each packet

多选题数据库领域中最常用的数据模型有四种,它们是()。A基本模型(Basic Model)B关系模型(Relational Model)C面向对象模型(Object Oriented Model)D网状模型(Network Model)E层次模型(Hierarchical Model)

多选题Which three statements are true about the appliance of QoS models?()Athe DiffServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsBthe DiffServ model can be used to deliver QoS based upon IP precedence, or source and destination addressesCthe DiffServ model requires RSVPDthe best effort model is suitable for applications such as file transfer and e-mailEthe IntServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirementsFthe IntServ model model attempts to deliver a level of service based on the QoS specified by each packet
