The Cooperative Principles were put forward by( ). A.John Langshaw Austin B.J.Firbas C.Herbert Paul Grice D.H.L.Smith

The Cooperative Principles were put forward by( ).

A.John Langshaw Austin
C.Herbert Paul Grice


解析:语言学家及其代表理论。本题属于语用学的范畴,问The Cooperative Principles(合作原则)是谁提出的,答案是语用学理论The Theory of Conversational Implicature(会话含义理论)的创始人Herbert PaulGrice。John Langshow Austin虽然也是语用学领域的代表人物,但是他提出的是Speech Act Theory(言语行为理论)。


Before falling asleep, Helen __ the day’s happenings. However, she couldn’t recall who put forward that plan in the first place. A.repeatedB.reviewedC.reportedD.retained

"To be, or not to be"is one of the question put forward by Hamlet at the beginning of the soliloquy.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

—What should I do here?—Just put all the things they were.A.where B.when C.whose D.which

A new theory is put _________in his latest book. A.upB.onC.offD.forward

The landlady could not( )because all her rooms were booked. A、adapt usB、put up with usC、put us upD、help us

The reason for the old woman's secret burial was that the three women ______.A. were too sad to let the public know itB. had no money to arrange for a public funeralC. wanted to collect the old woman's pensionD. were afraid that they might be put into prison

The three women were put into prison because ______.A. they broke the lawB. they buried the old womanC. they shared the old woman's moneyD. they killed the old woman

-Where()the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.-I()it right here, but now it’s gone. A、did you put; have putB、have you put; putC、had you put; have putD、were you putting; have put

During the dark early days of the War, economist William Beveridge put forward proposals for postwar “()” social security.

The living conditions there were hard; they had so much ().A、to put upB、for putting upC、for putting up withD、to put up with

If the A B C Co.can renew the offer for a further days, we think we shall be able to put()the business. A、throughB、onC、intoD、forward

材料:MV UNISOL GroundedWith the engines on stand-by,orders were given to cut the remaining forward lines at 0755 hours,the starboard engine was put on slow astern and the helm to hard a starboard.When the forward lines were cut,the bow was blown off and swung away from the quay under the influence of the wind and,combined with the effect of the engine going astern on the after spring,canted the bow to port,until a heading of North was reached with the vessels stern approximately 15 meters off the dock face.The engines were put to half astern at 0810 hours and with the bow continuing to swing to port,the after back-spring parted with the stern about 20 meters clear of the wharf.Orders were given to cut the remaining 5 stern lines.This was accomplished by 0818 hours,at which time the end of the pier was abeam of the bridge and the vessel was heading in a NWly direction.Both engines were placed to full astern with the shaft turning 80-90 revolutions.As the UNISOL was unable to gain sternway and with high seas at the end of the breakwater,the Pilot feared that the vessels starboard quarter was in danger of striking the breakwater.Hence the engines were stopped at 0827 hours,and orders were given to let go port anchor to 2 shackles in the water,but about 4 shackles ran out before the brake could be fully applied.At 0828 hours,orders were given to shorten up on the anchor cable,the telegraph put on full ahead and the helm to hard to port.When the engines responded at 0829 hours,the anchor chain was seen to be stretched out on the port beam with a great deal of weight on it and the ships head was 220° gyro with the vessel swinging to port.The anchor was hove short to 2 shackles in the water by 0835 hours,and the vessel continued to drift westwards with 80-90 (full ahead) revolutions on the Engine.At this stage,orders were given to pay out the cable,which was paid out to 5 shackles in the water by 0838 hours,but that too failed to arrest the westward drift of the vessel.At 0840 hours,December 7,1983,with the ships head on 180°,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her star board side,in approximate position 48°20′30.5″ North,64°40′02″West.A spout of water mixed with oil about 60 centimeters in diameter and 2.5-3 meters high above the engine room bottom plating was observed,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow down.问题:the wind was blowing ______.A.WestB.EastC.NorthD.southThe vessel had engineB.two enginesC.three enginesD.fore enginesAccording to the passage, ______.A.The bow of the vessel parted the pier firstB.The stern of the vessel parted the pier firstC.The beam of the vessel parted the pier firstD.It can not tell which part of the vessel parted the pier firstIt can be concluded that ______ .A.the vessel was lying portside along the pierB.the vessel was lying starboardside along the pierC.the vessel was lying at a buoyD.the vessel was anchored请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

材料:With the engines on stand-by,orders were given to cut the remaining forward lines at 0755 hours,the starboard engine was put on“slow astern”and the helm to“hard a starboard”. When the forward lines were cut,the bow was blown off and swung away from the quay under the influence of the wind and,combined with the effect of the engine going astern on the after spring,canted the bow to port,until a heading of North was reached with the vessels stern approximately 15 meters off the dock face.The engines were put to half astern at 0810 hours and with the bow continuing to swing to port,the after back-spring parted with the stern about 20 meters clear of the wharf.Orders were given to cut the remaining 5 stern lines.This was accomplished by 0818 hours,at which time the end of the pier was abeam of the bridge and the vessel was heading in a NW-ly direction. Both engines were placed to full astern with the shaft turning 80-90 revolutions.As the UNISOL was unable to gain sternway and with high seas at the end of the breakwater,the Pilot feared that the vessels starboard quarter was in danger of striking the breakwater.Hence the engines were stopped at 0827 hours,and orders were given to“let go port anchor to 2 shackles in the water”,but about 4 shackles ran out before the brake could be fully applieD、At 0828 hours,orders were given to shorten up on the anchor cable,the telegraph put on full ahead and the helm to hard to port. When the engines responded at 0829 hours,the anchor chain was seen to be stretched out on the port beam with a great deal of weight on it and the ships head was 220° gyro with the vessel swinging to port.The anchor was hove short to 2 shackles in the water by 0835 hours,and the vessel continued to drift westwards with 80-90(full ahead)revolutions on the engine.At this stage,orders were given to pay out the cable,which was paid out to 5 shackles in the water by 0838 hours,but that too failed to arrest the westward drift of the vessel.问题:The wind was probably blowing from ________.A.WestB.EastC.NorthD.SouthThe vessel had engineB.two enginesC.three enginesD.four enginesAccording to the passage,________.A.the bow of the vessel parted the pier firstB.the stern of the vessel parted the pier firstC.the beam of the vessel parted the pier can not be concluded which part of the vessel parted the pier firstIt can be concluded that ________.A.the vessel was lying portside along the pierB.the vessel was lying starboardside along the pierC.the vessel was lying at a buoyD.the vessel was anchored请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

Allow me to put______some evidence for your further consideration.A.upB.onC.intoD.Forward

The government has put forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.A:brought up B:brought inC:brought back D:brought forward

He put forward a theory,()of great importance to the progress of science of technologyAI think which isBwhich I think isCwhich is I thinkDI think it is

While a technician is responding to a customers call, a co-worker keeps insisting on telling the technician about their weekend. Which of the following is the BEST course of action?()A、Ask the customer permission to put them on hold and listen politely to the co-workers stories.B、Put the customer on hold just for a few minutes and join the conversation.C、Forward the customer to another technician and join the conversation.D、Ask the customer permission to put them on hold and politely ask the co-worker to talk later.

单选题The cooperative announced last week that due to increasing sales in the tri-county area, it would distribute a quarterly dividend of more than twice the usual amount to all of its members.AThe cooperative announced last week that due to increasing sales in the tri-county areaBThe cooperative announced that due to increasing sales last week in the tri-county areaCLast week, the cooperative announced that due to sales increasing on a tri-county basisDLast week, the cooperative, which announced increasing sales in the tri-county areaEDue to increasing sales in the tri-county area the cooperative announced last week

单选题At the end of one month the boys looked forward to their mother's return most earnestly,as they were really tired with their father's boiled eggs.Alooked forward toBreturnCasDtired with

单选题The kids were especially______the coming Christmas because they would get lots of presents from their parents and uncles.Acoming up withBlooking forward toCmaking up forDgetting rid of

单选题By saying “The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea”, the writer means the libraryAuse dogs to attract childrenBaccepts the idea put forward by ITAChas opened a children’s departmentDhas decided to train some dogs

填空题I’ll put forward my (suggest) ____ now so that he can have time to consider it before the meeting.

单选题The Smiths were leaving that ______ town. Everybody wanted to escape its noise and pollution and was looking forward to a ______ country life.Acrowded; peaceful Bdeserted; peacefulCdesert; thrillingDempty; sour

单选题Put forward spring on the ()(系缆桩).AwharfBbollardCnutDport

填空题The discoveries of heavenly bodies that were against the principles of astrology revealed great differences between astrology and astronomy in their methods and purposes.____

单选题Neither his fellow workers nor Tod himself _____ to the solution put forward by the employer.AagreeBagreesCagreeingDto agree

单选题Which statement is TRUE about placing the eyes of two mooring lines on the same bollard?()APut one line at the low point and one at the high point of the bollard so they don't touchBTake the eye of the second line up through the eye of the first line before putting the second line on the bollardCNever put two mooring lines on the same bollardDThe mooring line forward should be put on the bollard first