What animals are regarded as Australia.s national fauna?()AKoalas and possums.BEmus and kangaroos.CEchidnas and platypuses.DBudgerigars and cockatoos.

What animals are regarded as Australia.s national fauna?()

AKoalas and possums.

BEmus and kangaroos.

CEchidnas and platypuses.

DBudgerigars and cockatoos.



When asked about your biggest weakness you actually need speak much about what you’ve done to improve it. And by doing so, you would be regarded as a person with initiative.()

If a seaplane is not used as a means of transpiration on water but is capable of being used so,it shall ().A.be regarded as a vessel not under commandB.be regarded as a vessel underwayC.be regarded as a vesselD.be regarded as a sailing vessel

What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?A.Body language is uniqun to humans.B.Animals express emotions just as humans do.C.Humans have other poeers of communication.D.Humans are thfferent from animals to some degree.

()sets man apart from the rest of the animals is his ability to speak. A、ThatB、WhichC、WhoD、What

The real difference between plants and animals ____ what they do, and not in what they seem to be.A: lies inB: lies withC: lies downD: lies up

What is the basis for the American notion of national good? ( )A. Individual freedom.B. Personal property.C. National cooperation.D. Both A and B.

What can we learn about old women in terms of fashion?A.They are often ignored by fashion designers .B. They are now more easily influenced by stars .C. They are regarded as pioneers in the latest fashion .D. They are more interested in clothes because of their old age .

What does the author advise people to do ?A. Sleep in the way animals do.B.Consult a doctor if they can’t sleep.C.Follow their natural sleep rhythm.D.Keep to the eight-hour sleep pattern.

小学英语?阅读一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教学设计】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the meaning and usage of the structure “be doing” through reading the passage.Ability aim:Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.Emotional aim:Students will be more interest in learning English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master how to improve reading abilities through finding main idea and details.Difficult Point: Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Play a riddle and students guess the animals, such as “long nose, big ears and strong body——elephant”, then lead to the topic of “let’s go to the zoo to see what animals are doing”.Step 2: Pre-reading1. According to the title, students have a prediction about what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage.Step 3: While-reading1. Fast reading: students read the passage fast and figure out what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage then make a list.2. Careful reading: students read the passage carefully and answer the question: what are the animals doing? Then fill in the blanks.1. How do you improve students’ interest in learning English?2. What principle should you use in the post-reading step?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people constitute()of Australia.s population.A1%B1.5%C2%D2.5%

Australia.s most common plans are()Aoaks and elmsBpalms and pinesCwillows and poplarsDeucalypts and wattles

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people constitute()of Australia.s population.A、1%B、1.5%C、2%D、2.5%

What animals are regarded as Australia.s national fauna?()A、Koalas and possums.B、Emus and kangaroos.C、Echidnas and platypuses.D、Budgerigars and cockatoos.

单选题Which of the following statements is NOT made in the passage?AHuman beings are rhythmical physiologically and emotionally.BRhythm is what differentiates humans from other animals.CHuman beings seem to be born with a love for rhythm.

单选题What animals are regarded as Australia.s national fauna?()AKoalas and possums.BEmus and kangaroos.CEchidnas and platypuses.DBudgerigars and cockatoos.

单选题What has CSS recently undergone?AAn alteration to its organizational structureBThe relocation of its headquartersCA change in national leadershipDThe addition of new service areas

单选题What is the title of Canada’s national anthem?AO Canada.BGod Save The Queen.CCanada My Country.DTrue Patriot Love.


单选题When a vessel navigates in an area with a small underkeel clearance but with adequate space to take avoiding action she().Ashould not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draughtBshould be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draughtCshall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverDshould be regarded as a non-displacement vessel

单选题What did Pickens ask the young people to do? ATo demand a national energy plan.BTo fight for their country.CTo end the energy crisis.

单选题Australia.s most common plans are()Aoaks and elmsBpalms and pinesCwillows and poplarsDeucalypts and wattles

单选题AThey are harmful animals.BThey are strange animals.CThey are attractive animals.DThey are friendly animals.

问答题什么是伊迪卡拉动物群(Ediacara Fauna)?

单选题Income Income may be national income and personal income. Whereas national income is defined as the total earned income of all the factors of production-namely, profits, interest, rent, wages, and other compensation for labor, personal income may be defined as total money income received by individuals before personal taxes are paid. National income does not equal GNP (Gross National Product) because the factors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in GNP. The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income. Indirect taxes include sales taxes, property taxes , and excise taxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and so reduce the income left to pay for the factors of production. Three-fourths of national income goes for wages, salaries, and other forms of compensation to employees. Whereas national income shows the income that the factors of production earn, personal income measures the income that individuals or households receive. Corporation profits are included in national income because they are earned. Out of these profits, however, corporation profit taxes must be paid to the government, and some money must be put into the business for expansion. Only that part of profits distributed as dividends goes to the individual; therefore, out of corporation profits only dividends count as personal income. The factors of production earn money for social security and unemployment insurance contributions, but this money goes to government (which is not a factor of production), not to individuals. It is therefore part of national income but not part of personal income. On the other hand, money received by individuals when they collect social security or unemployment compensation is not money earned but money received. Interest received on government bonds is also in this category, because much of the money received from the sale of bonds went to pay for war production and that production no longer furnishes a service to the economy. The money people receive as personal income may be either spent or saved. However, not all spending is completely voluntary. A significant portion of our income goes to pay personal taxes. Most workers never receive the money they pay in personal taxes, because it is withheld from their paychecks. The money that individuals are left with after they have met their tax obligations is disposable personal income. Disposable income can be divided between personal consumption expenditures and personal savings. It is important to remember that personal saving is what is left after spending.Which of the following statements is true according to the first paragraph?()AGNP equals national income plus indirect business taxes.BGNP excludes both capital consumption allowances and indirect business taxes.CPersonal income is regarded as the total money income received by an individual after his or her taxes are paid.DThe money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded as income.

单选题—Doctor, it seems _____ you like to work with animals.—Yes, I think animals should _____ as our friends.Athat; regardBthat; be regardedCwhat; regardDwhat; be regarded

问答题【参考范例二】Animals or Pets What is your favourite animal?

单选题What is the national flag of the United States known as?AMaple Leaf Flag.Bthe Star-Spangled Banner.CThe Red Dragon.DThe Union Jack.