2、下列说法正确的是:(单选) Which of the following statements is correct? (There is only one correct answer)A.空串就是空白串“Empty string” is blank string.#B.空串是任意字符串的子串 Empty string is a substring of arbitrary string.#C.串只可以采用顺序存储,不可以采用链式存储 String only can be stored in sequential method and cannot be stored in linked method.#D.在C++标准中,char S[M]最多能表示长度为M的字符串 In C ++ standards, char S[M] can represent up to a string of length M.

2、下列说法正确的是:(单选) Which of the following statements is correct? (There is only one correct answer)

A.空串就是空白串“Empty string” is blank string.#B.空串是任意字符串的子串 Empty string is a substring of arbitrary string.#C.串只可以采用顺序存储,不可以采用链式存储 String only can be stored in sequential method and cannot be stored in linked method.#D.在C++标准中,char S[M]最多能表示长度为M的字符串 In C ++ standards, char S[M] can represent up to a string of length M.


15 Which of the following statements about intangible assets are correct?1 If certain criteria are met, research expenditure must be recognised as an intangible asset.2 Goodwill may not be revalued upwards.3 Internally generated goodwill should not be capitalised.A 2 and 3 onlyB 1 and 3 onlyC 1 and 2 onlyD All three statements are correct

20 IAS 2 Inventories defines the extent to which overheads are included in the cost of inventories of finished goods.Which of the following statements about the IAS 2 requirements in this area are correct?1 Finished goods inventories may be valued on the basis of labour and materials cost only, without including overheads.2 Carriage inwards, but not carriage outwards, should be included in overheads when valuing inventories of finished goods.3 Factory management costs should be included in fixed overheads allocated to inventories of finished goods.A All three statements are correctB 1 and 2 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD 2 and 3 only

19 Which of the following statements about intangible assets in company financial statements are correct accordingto international accounting standards?1 Internally generated goodwill should not be capitalised.2 Purchased goodwill should normally be amortised through the income statement.3 Development expenditure must be capitalised if certain conditions are met.A 1 and 3 onlyB 1 and 2 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD All three statements are correct

Which of the following statements about internet is (are) correct?Ⅰ.Each host in internet only has a IP address.Ⅱ.It is possible to have multiple names corresponding to the same IP address.Ⅲ.In users' points, Internet means a virtual network.A.NoneB.Ⅰ and ⅡC.Ⅱ and ⅢD.All

In the following statements about graph operations,which one is NOT correct?A.Finding critical path is an operation on directed graphB.Finding critical path is an operation on undirected graphC.Spanning tree of a graph may not be uniqueD.Minimum spanning tree of a graph may not be unique

In HDLC Protocol, when Supervisory Frame's type code is '00'.About the following statements, which is correct.A.Receive ReadyB.Receive not ReadyC.RejectD.Selective Reject

The correct meaning of a lexical item in a given context is__________A.the one provided in a dictionaryB.the one which best fits the contextC.the central or core meaning of the itemD.the one which is assumed to be correct

Which statements about 802.1Q trunking in Secure Network Foundation Design Guide for Single Site Deployments are correct?()A、The Cisco Control VLAN carries only Layer 2 control trafficB、802.1Q trunking is used between the access switch and the routerC、There is no 802.1Q trunking used in these designsD、When 802.1Q trunks are configured, they are also called Native VLANsE、Trunking Ensures that traffic from only one VLAN is carried on that trunk

Which of the following answer is correct to express the value 8 in octal number?()    A、 010B、 0x10C、 08D、 0x8

Your database is up and running and one of your three control files is accidentally erased. You start RMAN and run the following command:   RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP;   Which of the following statements is true?() A、 The command restores only the missing control file.B、 The command restores all the control files.C、 The command fails because the database is running.D、 This is the correct way to address this problem.E、 This is not the correct way to address this problem.

Which one of the following statements about the TNSPING utility is correct?()A、It helps you to determine whether or not the Oracle database is running.B、It requires the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.C、It does not require the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.D、It establishes a session with the database and checks the connectivity of the service.

单选题Which of the following statements concerning energy is correct?()AEnergy can be created or destroyedBEnergy may not be transformedCThe total quantity of energy in the universe is always the sameDNone of the above

多选题Your database is up and running and one of your three control files is accidentally erased. You start RMAN and run the following command:   RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP;   Which of the following statements is true?()AThe command restores only the missing control file.BThe command restores all the control files.CThe command fails because the database is running.DThis is the correct way to address this problem.EThis is not the correct way to address this problem.

单选题A customer purchases a virtual media key on a x3650 M3. They ask where to install the key. Which of the following provides the correct answer?()AProblem Determination and Service GuideBxRefCServerGuide Hardware ReferenceDCOG

单选题Which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct?()ACargoes are any type of goods transported by any type of shipsBCargoes are goods transported in bulkCCargoes usually include goods transported in bulk and in containersDCargoes are usually packaged in containers

单选题Which of the following statements concerning butterfly valves is correct?()ASpecial tools are required for lapping or grindingBIt is impossible to throttle flow with a butterfly valveCTo close the valve, it is only necessary to turn the handle a quarter of a turnDThe butterfly valve should never be used in a freshwater system

单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning heat transfer?()AHeat is given off from a high temperature region known as a heat sinkBHeat transfer rate is affected most by the size of the heat sink involvedCHeat transfer rate is affected most by the temperature difference between the heat source and the heat sinkDHeat transfer by radiation will occur only by mass motion of a fluid substance

单选题Which of the following statements represents the correct action to take when three crew members discover a fire?()AOne man report the fire, and the other two men fight the fireBOne man report the fire, one man fight the fire, and one man evacuate and secure the areaCOne man report the fire, one man fight the fire, and one man act as a safety observerDAll three men fight the fire and report it immediately after it is extinguished

单选题Which of the following answer is correct to express the value 8 in octal number?()A 010B 0x10C 08D 0x8

单选题Which of the following statements concerning fire-tube boilers is correct?()ACombustion gases flow through the tubesBFlames impinge on the tubesCCombustion occurs in the tubesDWater flows through the tubes

单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning the “flash point ” of a liquid?()AIt is lower than the ignition temperatureBIt is the temperature at which a substance will spontaneously igniteCIt is the temperature at which a substance, when ignited, will continue to bumDIt is the temperature at which the released vapors will fall within the explosive range

单选题Which statements about 802.1Q trunking in Secure Network Foundation Design Guide for Single Site Deployments are correct?()AThe Cisco Control VLAN carries only Layer 2 control trafficB802.1Q trunking is used between the access switch and the routerCThere is no 802.1Q trunking used in these designsDWhen 802.1Q trunks are configured, they are also called Native VLANsETrunking Ensures that traffic from only one VLAN is carried on that trunk

单选题The correct meaning of a lexical item in a given context is _____.Athe one provided in a dictionaryBthe one which best fits the contextCthe central or core meaning of the itemDthe one which is assumed to he correct

单选题I think they are() Which of the following is not correct?ABritonBBritishCEnglishDEnglishmen

单选题Which of the following statements concerning fuel atomization in a diesel engine cylinder is correct?()AThe greater the atomization, the greater the penetrationBThe greater the atomization, the less the penetrationCThe degree of atomization has nothing to do with the degree of penetrationDAtomization and penetration are one and the same

单选题Which one of the following statements about the TNSPING utility is correct?()AIt helps you to determine whether or not the Oracle database is running.BIt requires the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.CIt does not require the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.DIt establishes a session with the database and checks the connectivity of the service.

单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning the viscosity of lubricating oil?()AViscosity will increase as temperature increasesBViscosity is a measure of a fluid s internal resistance to flowCViscosity will decrease as temperature decreasesDViscosity is not dependent on temperature

单选题CONVERSION 2  Questions l to 5 are based on an conversation. At the end of the conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the conversation. According to the conversation, which of the following statements is CORRECT?ARoger prefers to live in town.BJulia prefers to live in a village.CRoger prefers to live with familiar neighbors.DJulia prefers to travel back and forth to London.