19 Which of the following statements about intangible assets in company financial statements are correct accordingto international accounting standards?1 Internally generated goodwill should not be capitalised.2 Purchased goodwill should normally be amortised through the income statement.3 Development expenditure must be capitalised if certain conditions are met.A 1 and 3 onlyB 1 and 2 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD All three statements are correct

19 Which of the following statements about intangible assets in company financial statements are correct according

to international accounting standards?

1 Internally generated goodwill should not be capitalised.

2 Purchased goodwill should normally be amortised through the income statement.

3 Development expenditure must be capitalised if certain conditions are met.

A 1 and 3 only

B 1 and 2 only

C 2 and 3 only

D All three statements are correct


John, CPA, is auditing the financial statements of Company A for the year ended December 31, 20×8. The un-audited information of selected financial statements items is as follows:(Expressed in RMB thousands)FINANCLAL STATEMENTS ITEMS20×820×7Sales6400048000Cost of sales5400042000Net profit30-20December 31, 20×8December 31, 20×7Inventory1600012000Current assets6000050000Total assets10000090000Current liabilities2000018000Total liabilities3000025000During the audit, John has the following findings:(1)On December 31, 20×8,Company A discounted an undue commercial acceptance bill (with recourse) amounted to RMB 6000000, and was charged discounting interest of RMB 180000 by the bank. Company A made an accounting entry on December 31, 20×8 as follows:Dr. Cash in Bank RMB 5820000Dr. Financial Expenses RMB 180000Cr. Notes Receivable RMB 6000000(2)In June 20×8, Company A provided guarantee for Company B’s borrowings from Bank C. In December 20×8, since Company B failed to repay the borrowings in time, Company A was sued by Bank C to make relevant repayment amounted to RMB 3000000. As at December 31, 20×8, the lawsuit was still pending, and, based on the reasonable estimate of the guarantee losses made by the management, Company A made an accounting entry as follows:Dr. Non-operating Expenses RMB 3000000Cr. Provisions RMB 3000000On January 10, 20×9,Company A received a judgment on repaying RMB 2500000to Bank C to settle the guarantee obligation. Company A made the payment and an accounting entry at the end of January 2009 as follows:Dr. Provisions RMB 3000000Cr. Cash in Bank RMB 2500000Cr. Non-operating Income RMB 500000Required:(1)For Revenue and Net Profit, explain which one is more appropriate to be used to calculate planning materiality for Company A’s 20×8 financial statements as a whole. Explain the reasons of that conclusion.(2)Based on the un-audited in formation of selected financial statements items, for the purpose of using analytical procedures as risk assessment procedures, calculate the following ratios:(a)Inventory Turnover Rate in 20×8;(b)Gross Profit Ratio in 20×8;(c)After Tax Return on Total Assets in 20×8; and(d)Current Ratio as at December 31, 20×8(3)For each audit finding identified during the audit, list the suggested adjusting entries that John should made for Company A’s 20×8 financial statements. Tax effects, if any, are ignored.

15 Which of the following statements about intangible assets are correct?1 If certain criteria are met, research expenditure must be recognised as an intangible asset.2 Goodwill may not be revalued upwards.3 Internally generated goodwill should not be capitalised.A 2 and 3 onlyB 1 and 3 onlyC 1 and 2 onlyD All three statements are correct

18 Which of the following statements about accounting ratios and their interpretation are correct?1 A low-geared company is more able to survive a downturn in profit than a highly-geared company.2 If a company has a high price earnings ratio, this will often indicate that the market expects its profits to rise.3 All companies should try to achieve a current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) of 2:1.A 2 and 3 onlyB 1 and 3 onlyC 1 and 2 onlyD All three statements are correct

20 IAS 2 Inventories defines the extent to which overheads are included in the cost of inventories of finished goods.Which of the following statements about the IAS 2 requirements in this area are correct?1 Finished goods inventories may be valued on the basis of labour and materials cost only, without including overheads.2 Carriage inwards, but not carriage outwards, should be included in overheads when valuing inventories of finished goods.3 Factory management costs should be included in fixed overheads allocated to inventories of finished goods.A All three statements are correctB 1 and 2 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD 2 and 3 only

3 The directors of Panel, a public limited company, are reviewing the procedures for the calculation of the deferred taxprovision for their company. They are quite surprised at the impact on the provision caused by changes in accountingstandards such as IFRS1 ‘First time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards’ and IFRS2 ‘Share-basedPayment’. Panel is adopting International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time as at 31 October 2005 andthe directors are unsure how the deferred tax provision will be calculated in its financial statements ended on thatdate including the opening provision at 1 November 2003.Required:(a) (i) Explain how changes in accounting standards are likely to have an impact on the provision for deferredtaxation under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’. (5 marks)

(b) Describe with suitable calculations how the goodwill arising on the acquisition of Briars will be dealt with inthe group financial statements and how the loan to Briars should be treated in the financial statements ofBriars for the year ended 31 May 2006. (9 marks)

(c) Wader is reviewing the accounting treatment of its buildings. The company uses the ‘revaluation model’ for itsbuildings. The buildings had originally cost $10 million on 1 June 2005 and had a useful economic life of20 years. They are being depreciated on a straight line basis to a nil residual value. The buildings were revalueddownwards on 31 May 2006 to $8 million which was the buildings’ recoverable amount. At 31 May 2007 thevalue of the buildings had risen to $11 million which is to be included in the financial statements. The companyis unsure how to treat the above events. (7 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatments of the above items in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May2007.Note: a discount rate of 5% should be used where necessary. Candidates should show suitable calculations wherenecessary.

(c) At 1 June 2006, Router held a 25% shareholding in a film distribution company, Wireless, a public limitedcompany. On 1 January 2007, Router sold a 15% holding in Wireless thus reducing its investment to a 10%holding. Router no longer exercises significant influence over Wireless. Before the sale of the shares the net assetvalue of Wireless on 1 January 2007 was $200 million and goodwill relating to the acquisition of Wireless was$5 million. Router received $40 million for its sale of the 15% holding in Wireless. At 1 January 2007, the fairvalue of the remaining investment in Wireless was $23 million and at 31 May 2007 the fair value was$26 million. (6 marks)Required:Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended31 May 2007.Required:Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended31 May 2007.

(c) Discuss how the manipulation of financial statements by company accountants is inconsistent with theirresponsibilities as members of the accounting profession setting out the distinguishing features of aprofession and the privileges that society gives to a profession. (Your answer should include reference to theabove scenario.) (7 marks)Note: requirement (c) includes 2 marks for the quality of the discussion.

4 The transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) involves major change for companies as IFRSsintroduce significant changes in accounting practices that were often not required by national generally acceptedaccounting practice. It is important that the interpretation and application of IFRSs is consistent from country tocountry. IFRSs are partly based on rules, and partly on principles and management’s judgement. Judgement is morelikely to be better used when it is based on experience of IFRSs within a sound financial reporting infrastructure. It ishoped that national differences in accounting will be eliminated and financial statements will be consistent andcomparable worldwide.Required:(a) Discuss how the changes in accounting practices on transition to IFRSs and choice in the application ofindividual IFRSs could lead to inconsistency between the financial statements of companies. (17 marks)

2 Marrgrett, a public limited company, is currently planning to acquire and sell interests in other entities and has askedfor advice on the impact of IFRS3 (Revised) ‘Business Combinations’ and IAS27 (Revised) ‘Consolidated and SeparateFinancial Statements’. The company is particularly concerned about the impact on earnings, net assets and goodwillat the acquisition date and any ongoing earnings impact that the new standards may have.The company is considering purchasing additional shares in an associate, Josey, a public limited company. Theholding will increase from 30% stake to 70% stake by offering the shareholders of Josey, cash and shares inMarrgrett. Marrgrett anticipates that it will pay $5 million in transaction costs to lawyers and bankers. Josey hadpreviously been the subject of a management buyout. In order that the current management shareholders may remainin the business, Marrgrett is going to offer them share options in Josey subject to them remaining in employment fortwo years after the acquisition. Additionally, Marrgrett will offer the same shareholders, shares in the holding companywhich are contingent upon a certain level of profitability being achieved by Josey. Each shareholder will receive sharesof the holding company up to a value of $50,000, if Josey achieves a pre-determined rate of return on capitalemployed for the next two years.Josey has several marketing-related intangible assets that are used primarily in marketing or promotion of its products.These include trade names, internet domain names and non-competition agreements. These are not currentlyrecognised in Josey’s financial statements.Marrgrett does not wish to measure the non-controlling interest in subsidiaries on the basis of the proportionateinterest in the identifiable net assets, but wishes to use the ‘full goodwill’ method on the transaction. Marrgrett isunsure as to whether this method is mandatory, or what the effects are of recognising ‘full goodwill’. Additionally thecompany is unsure as to whether the nature of the consideration would affect the calculation of goodwill.To finance the acquisition of Josey, Marrgrett intends to dispose of a partial interest in two subsidiaries. Marrgrett willretain control of the first subsidiary but will sell the controlling interest in the second subsidiary which will becomean associate. Because of its plans to change the overall structure of the business, Marrgrett wishes to recognise are-organisation provision at the date of the business combination.Required:Discuss the principles and the nature of the accounting treatment of the above plans under International FinancialReporting Standards setting out any impact that IFRS3 (Revised) ‘Business Combinations’ and IAS27 (Revised)‘Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements’ might have on the earnings and net assets of the group.Note: this requirement includes 2 professional marks for the quality of the discussion.(25 marks)

5 An enterprise has made a material change to an accounting policy in preparing its current financial statements.Which of the following disclosures are required by IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimatesand errors in these financial statements?1 The reasons for the change.2 The amount of the consequent adjustment in the current period and in comparative information for prior periods.3 An estimate of the effect of the change on future periods, where possible.A 1 and 2 onlyB 1 and 3 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD All three items

9 Which of the following items must be disclosed in a company’s published financial statements (including notes)if material, according to IAS1 Presentation of financial statements?1 Finance costs.2 Staff costs.3 Depreciation and amortisation expense.4 Movements on share capital.A 1 and 3 onlyB 1, 2 and 4 onlyC 2, 3 and 4 onlyD All four items

16 Which of the following statements about accounting concepts and conventions are correct?(1) The entity concept requires that a business is treated as being separate from its owners.(2) The use of historical cost accounting tends to understate assets and profit when prices are rising.(3) The prudence concept means that the lowest possible values should be applied to income and assets and thehighest possible values to expenses and liabilities.(4) The money measurement concept means that only assets capable of being reliably measured in monetary termscan be included in the balance sheet of a business.A 1 and 2B 2 and 3C 3 and 4D 1 and 4

21 Which of the following statements about contingent assets and contingent liabilities are correct?1 A contingent asset should be disclosed by note if an inflow of economic benefits is probable.2 A contingent liability should be disclosed by note if it is probable that a transfer of economic benefits to settle itwill be required, with no provision being made.3 No disclosure is required for a contingent liability if it is not probable that a transfer of economic benefits to settleit will be required.4 No disclosure is required for either a contingent liability or a contingent asset if the likelihood of a payment orreceipt is remote.A 1 and 4 onlyB 2 and 3 onlyC 2, 3 and 4D 1, 2 and 4

22 Which of the following statements about limited liability companies’ accounting is/are correct?1 A revaluation reserve arises when a non-current asset is sold at a profit.2 The authorised share capital of a company is the maximum nominal value of shares and loan notes the companymay issue.3 The notes to the financial statements must contain details of all adjusting events as defined in IAS10 Events afterthe balance sheet date.A All three statementsB 1 and 2 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD None of the statements

8 Which of the following statements about accounting concepts and conventions are correct?(1) The money measurement concept requires all assets and liabilities to be accounted for at historical cost.(2) The substance over form. convention means that the economic substance of a transaction should be reflected inthe financial statements, not necessarily its legal form.(3) The realisation concept means that profits or gains cannot normally be recognised in the income statement untilrealised.(4) The application of the prudence concept means that assets must be understated and liabilities must be overstatedin preparing financial statements.A 1 and 3B 2 and 3C 2 and 4D 1 and 4.

12 Which of the following statements are correct?(1) Contingent assets are included as assets in financial statements if it is probable that they will arise.(2) Contingent liabilities must be provided for in financial statements if it is probable that they will arise.(3) Details of all adjusting events after the balance sheet date must be given in notes to the financial statements.(4) Material non-adjusting events are disclosed by note in the financial statements.A 1 and 2B 2 and 4C 3 and 4D 1 and 3

17 Which of the following statements are correct?(1) All non-current assets must be depreciated.(2) If goodwill is revalued, the revaluation surplus appears in the statement of changes in equity.(3) If a tangible non-current asset is revalued, all tangible assets of the same class should be revalued.(4) In a company’s published balance sheet, tangible assets and intangible assets must be shown separately.A 1 and 2B 2 and 3C 3 and 4D 1 and 4

3 You are the manager responsible for the audit of Volcan, a long-established limited liability company. Volcan operatesa national supermarket chain of 23 stores, five of which are in the capital city, Urvina. All the stores are managed inthe same way with purchases being made through Volcan’s central buying department and product pricing, marketing,advertising and human resources policies being decided centrally. The draft financial statements for the year ended31 March 2005 show revenue of $303 million (2004 – $282 million), profit before taxation of $9·5 million (2004– $7·3 million) and total assets of $178 million (2004 – $173 million).The following issues arising during the final audit have been noted on a schedule of points for your attention:(a) On 1 May 2005, Volcan announced its intention to downsize one of the stores in Urvina from a supermarket toa ‘City Metro’ in response to a significant decline in the demand for supermarket-style. shopping in the capital.The store will be closed throughout June, re-opening on 1 July 2005. Goodwill of $5·5 million was recognisedthree years ago when this store, together with two others, was bought from a national competitor. It is Volcan’spolicy to write off goodwill over five years. (7 marks)Required:For each of the above issues:(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Volcan for the year ended31 March 2005.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

(b) Seymour offers health-related information services through a wholly-owned subsidiary, Aragon Co. Goodwill of$1·8 million recognised on the purchase of Aragon in October 2004 is not amortised but included at cost in theconsolidated balance sheet. At 30 September 2006 Seymour’s investment in Aragon is shown at cost,$4·5 million, in its separate financial statements.Aragon’s draft financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2006 show a loss before taxation of$0·6 million (2005 – $0·5 million loss) and total assets of $4·9 million (2005 – $5·7 million). The notes toAragon’s financial statements disclose that they have been prepared on a going concern basis that assumes thatSeymour will continue to provide financial support. (7 marks)Required:For each of the above issues:(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Seymour Co for the year ended30 September 2006.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

听力原文:M: There are several reasons why careful analysis of financial statements is necessary. What are they?W: First, financial statements are general-purpose statements. Secondly, the relationships between amounts on successive financial statements are not obvious without analysis. And thirdly, users of financial statements may be interested in seeing how well a company is performing.Q: What are they talking about?(17)A.The methods of financial statements.B.The necessity of careful analysis of financial statementsC.The relationship among financial statements.D.The purpose of financial statements.

Financial statements should be understandable to everyone.()

You are an audit manager at Rockwell Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. You are responsible for the audit of the Hopper Group, a listed audit client which supplies ingredients to the food and beverage industry worldwide.The audit work for the year ended 30 June 2015 is nearly complete, and you are reviewing the draft audit report which has been prepared by the audit senior. During the year the Hopper Group purchased a new subsidiary company, Seurat Sweeteners Co, which has expertise in the research and design of sugar alternatives. The draft financial statements of the Hopper Group for the year ended 30 June 2015 recognise profit before tax of $495 million (2014 – $462 million) and total assets of $4,617 million (2014: $4,751 million). An extract from the draft audit report is shown below:Basis of modified opinion (extract)In their calculation of goodwill on the acquisition of the new subsidiary, the directors have failed to recognise consideration which is contingent upon meeting certain development targets. The directors believe that it is unlikely that these targets will be met by the subsidiary company and, therefore, have not recorded the contingent consideration in the cost of the acquisition. They have disclosed this contingent liability fully in the notes to the financial statements. We do not feel that the directors’ treatment of the contingent consideration is correct and, therefore, do not believe that the criteria of the relevant standard have been met. If this is the case, it would be appropriate to adjust the goodwill balance in the statement of financial position.We believe that any required adjustment may materially affect the goodwill balance in the statement of financial position. Therefore, in our opinion, the financial statements do not give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Hopper Group and of the Hopper Group’s financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.Emphasis of Matter ParagraphWe draw attention to the note to the financial statements which describes the uncertainty relating to the contingent consideration described above. The note provides further information necessary to understand the potential implications of the contingency.Required:(a) Critically appraise the draft audit report of the Hopper Group for the year ended 30 June 2015, prepared by the audit senior.Note: You are NOT required to re-draft the extracts from the audit report. (10 marks)(b) The audit of the new subsidiary, Seurat Sweeteners Co, was performed by a different firm of auditors, Fish Associates. During your review of the communication from Fish Associates, you note that they were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence with regard to the breakdown of research expenses. The total of research costs expensed by Seurat Sweeteners Co during the year was $1·2 million. Fish Associates has issued a qualified audit opinion on the financial statements of Seurat Sweeteners Co due to this inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence.Required:Comment on the actions which Rockwell Co should take as the auditor of the Hopper Group, and the implications for the auditor’s report on the Hopper Group financial statements. (6 marks)(c) Discuss the quality control procedures which should be carried out by Rockwell Co prior to the audit report on the Hopper Group being issued. (4 marks)

C Co uses material B, which has a current market price of $0·80 per kg. In a linear program, where the objective is to maximise profit, the shadow price of material B is $2 per kg. The following statements have been made:(i) Contribution will be increased by $2 for each additional kg of material B purchased at the current market price(ii) The maximum price which should be paid for an additional kg of material B is $2(iii) Contribution will be increased by $1·20 for each additional kg of material B purchased at the current market price(iv) The maximum price which should be paid for an additional kg of material B is $2·80Which of the above statements is/are correct?A.(ii) onlyB.(ii) and (iii)C.(i) onlyD.(i) and (iv)

Which of the following statements relating to internal and external auditors is correct?A.Internal auditors are required to be members of a professional bodyB.Internal auditors’ scope of work should be determined by those charged with governanceC.External auditors report to those charged with governanceD.Internal auditors can never be independent of the company

单选题If verhofen’s arguments and statements are all correct, which of the following statements can accurately be inferred?ABiotechnology executives who aggressively raise investment capital for bioengineered products with no conceivable market should be held responsible if biotechnology stocks crash.BInvestors should make financial decisions only with the advice of qualified financial advisors, such as investment bankers or fund managers.CIf people lose money on investments that they inadequately researched, they have only themselves to blame.DIf insurance companies provide home insurance for homes built in a hurricane zone and those homes are subsequently all destroyed by a major hurricane, the insurance company should be blamed for any investment losses suffered by its shareholders.EThe collapse of Internet stocks would not have occurred if companies had not attempted to sell bulky items, like dog food, over the Internet.