单选题67. A feelings B body C health D brainAABBCCDD

67.  A feelings        B body   C health    D brain











Many lifestyle. patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed upweakening at the human body.A.a; /B./; theC.a; theD./; /

Passage FourAfter a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep!46. A good title for this passage is ______.A. SleepB. Good HealthC. DreamsD. Work and Rest

Exercise is most important to health, the report says; though it doesn''t ___________ body weight(体重) for sure. A、ignoreB、restrictionC、reduceD、area

What happens to nitrogen in body tissues if a diver ascends too quickly?A) It forms bubbles.B) It goes directly to the brain.C) It is reabsorbed by the lungs.D) It has a narcotic effect.

下面句法中能使浏览器窗口左边和文本之间的空间宽度为100像素的是______。A.<BODY LEFTMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>B.<BODY RIGHTMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>C.<BODY TOPMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>D.<BODY BOTTOMMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>

Many lifestyle. patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed up weakening of the human body.A.a; /B./; theC.a; theD./; /

Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case ______ .A.Vessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on boardB.Vessel with a dead body on boardC.Vessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyageD.Cargo vessel which hasn't called at any plague infected ports during the current voyage and on which there is not any case of infectious disease,or any dead body

共用题干Facts about Stroke1 Every 45 seconds,someone in America has a stroke.Every 3. 1 minutes,someonedies of one.Stroke killed an estimated 167,661 people in 2000 and is the nation's thirdleading cause of death,ranking behind diseases of the heart and all forms of cancer. Stroke is a leading cause of serious,long-term disability in the United States.2 Stroke is a type of cardiovascular(心血管的)disease. It affects the arteries(动脉)leading to and within the brain.A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygenand nutrients(营养物)to the brain is either blocked by a clot(凝块)or bursts. Whenthat happens,part of the brain cannot get the blood(and oxygen)it needs,so it startsto die.3 The brain is an extremely complex organ that controls various body functions.If a strokeoccurs and blood flow can't reach the region that controls a particular body function,thatpart of the body won't work as it should,If the stroke occurs toward the back of the brain,for instance,It's likely to result in some disablity involving vision.The effects of a strokedepend primarily on the location of the obstruction(阻塞)and the extent of brain tissueaffected.4 The American Stroke Association has identified several factors that increase the risk ofstroke.The more risk factors a person has,the greater the chance that he or she will havea stroke.Some of these you can't control,such as increasing age,family health history, race,and prior stroke.But you can change or treat other risk factors to lower your risk.Factors resulting from lifestyle or environment can be modified with a healthcare provider's help.Some of these include:high blood pressure,current smoking,heart disease,andhigh red blood cell count.5 A stroke can happen to anyone at any moment.In fact about 600,000 people havestrokes every year. For many years,there was no hope for those suffering a stroke.However,recent breakthroughs have led to new treatments.For the treatments to work,the person must get to a hospital immediately. A person's vision is likely to be affected if a stroke________.A:suffer from a strokeB:will be affectedC:change their lifestylesD:will take placeE:occurs at the back of his/her brainF:controls various body functions

共用题干Facts about Stroke1 Every 45 seconds,someone in America has a stroke.Every 3. 1 minutes,someonedies of one.Stroke killed an estimated 167,661 people in 2000 and is the nation's thirdleading cause of death,ranking behind diseases of the heart and all forms of cancer. Stroke is a leading cause of serious,long-term disability in the United States.2 Stroke is a type of cardiovascular(心血管的)disease. It affects the arteries(动脉)leading to and within the brain.A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygenand nutrients(营养物)to the brain is either blocked by a clot(凝块)or bursts. Whenthat happens,part of the brain cannot get the blood(and oxygen)it needs,so it startsto die.3 The brain is an extremely complex organ that controls various body functions.If a strokeoccurs and blood flow can't reach the region that controls a particular body function,thatpart of the body won't work as it should,If the stroke occurs toward the back of the brain,for instance,It's likely to result in some disablity involving vision.The effects of a strokedepend primarily on the location of the obstruction(阻塞)and the extent of brain tissueaffected.4 The American Stroke Association has identified several factors that increase the risk ofstroke.The more risk factors a person has,the greater the chance that he or she will havea stroke.Some of these you can't control,such as increasing age,family health history, race,and prior stroke.But you can change or treat other risk factors to lower your risk.Factors resulting from lifestyle or environment can be modified with a healthcare provider's help.Some of these include:high blood pressure,current smoking,heart disease,andhigh red blood cell count.5 A stroke can happen to anyone at any moment.In fact about 600,000 people havestrokes every year. For many years,there was no hope for those suffering a stroke.However,recent breakthroughs have led to new treatments.For the treatments to work,the person must get to a hospital immediately. Paragraph 4________A:Effects of a strokeB:Annual cost of stroke in the USC:Definition and description of a strokeD:Breakthroughs in treatmentE:Risk factors of strokeF:Warning signs of a stroke

共用题干第一篇ObesityObesity refers to the medical condition characterized by storage of excess body fat. The human body naturally stores fat tissue under the skin and around organs and joints.Fat is critical for good health because it is a source of energy when the body lacks the energy necessary to sustain life processes,and it provides insulation and protection for internal organs.But too much fat in the body is associated with a variety of health problems.Most physicians use the body mass index(BMI)to determine desirable weights.BMI is calculated as weight divided by height and people with a BMI of 27 or above are considered obese.Weight-height tables,such as those published by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company,are also used as general measures of desirable weight ranges.These tables assign a range of weights for a particular height.For example,a man of 1.8m has a desirable range of 66 to 83 kg,with an average of 75 kg. A woman who is 1.6 m has a desirable range between 53 and 70 kg,with an average of 62 kg.The BMI and weight-height tables only provide rough estimates of desirable weights and scientists recognize that many other factors besides height affect weight. Weight alone may not be an indicator of fat,as in the case of a body-builder who may have a high BMI because of a high percentage of muscle tissue,which weighs more than fat. Likewise,a person with a sedentary lifestyle may be within a desirable weight range but have excess fat tissue.Obesity increases the risk of developing disease.According to some estimates,almost 70 percent of heart disease cases are linked to excess body fat,and obese people are more than twice as likely to develop high blood pressure.Obese women are at nearly twice the risk for developing breast cancer,and all obese people have an estimated 42 percent higher chance of developing colon cancer. The risk of medical complications particularly heart disease increases when body fat is distributed around the waist,especially in the abdomen.This type of upper body fat distribution is more common in men than in women.The social and psychological problems experienced by obese people are also formidable.Stereotypes about"fat"people are often translated into discriminatory practices in education,employment, and social relationships.The consequences of being obese in a world where people had better be "thin"are especially severe for women,whose appearances are often judged against and ideal of exaggerated slimness.If we say that"fat is critical for good health,"we mean that_________.A:fat people should be criticizedB:fat is very important for people to keep healthyC:people should be fat if they want to be healthyD:having much fat in the body is certainly associated with health problems

共用题干Facts about Stroke1 Every 45 seconds,someone in America has a stroke.Every 3. 1 minutes,someonedies of one.Stroke killed an estimated 167,661 people in 2000 and is the nation's thirdleading cause of death,ranking behind diseases of the heart and all forms of cancer. Stroke is a leading cause of serious,long-term disability in the United States.2 Stroke is a type of cardiovascular(心血管的)disease. It affects the arteries(动脉)leading to and within the brain.A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygenand nutrients(营养物)to the brain is either blocked by a clot(凝块)or bursts. Whenthat happens,part of the brain cannot get the blood(and oxygen)it needs,so it startsto die.3 The brain is an extremely complex organ that controls various body functions.If a strokeoccurs and blood flow can't reach the region that controls a particular body function,thatpart of the body won't work as it should,If the stroke occurs toward the back of the brain,for instance,It's likely to result in some disablity involving vision.The effects of a strokedepend primarily on the location of the obstruction(阻塞)and the extent of brain tissueaffected.4 The American Stroke Association has identified several factors that increase the risk ofstroke.The more risk factors a person has,the greater the chance that he or she will havea stroke.Some of these you can't control,such as increasing age,family health history, race,and prior stroke.But you can change or treat other risk factors to lower your risk.Factors resulting from lifestyle or environment can be modified with a healthcare provider's help.Some of these include:high blood pressure,current smoking,heart disease,andhigh red blood cell count.5 A stroke can happen to anyone at any moment.In fact about 600,000 people havestrokes every year. For many years,there was no hope for those suffering a stroke.However,recent breakthroughs have led to new treatments.For the treatments to work,the person must get to a hospital immediately. When a stroke occurs,the arteries leading to and within the brain______.A:suffer from a strokeB:will be affectedC:change their lifestylesD:will take placeE:occurs at the back of his/her brainF:controls various body functions

共用题干第二篇 Brain-dead Mother Dies after Giving BirthA brain-dead woman who was kept alive for three months so she could deliver the child she was carrying was removed from life support on Wednesday and died,a day after giving birth."This is obviously a bittersweet time for our family,"Justin Torres,the woman's brother-in-law,said in a statement.Susan Torres,a cancer-stricken,26-year-old researcher at the National Institutes of Health,suffered a stroke in May after the melanoma(黑瘤)spread to her brain.Her family decided to keep her alive to give her foetus(胎儿)a chance. It became a race between the foetus' development and the cancer that was destroying the woman's body.Doctors said that Torres' health was getting worse and that the risk of harm to the foetus finally outweighed the benefits of extending the pregnancy.Torres gave birth to a daughter by Caesarean section(剖腹产手术)on Tuesday at Virginia Hospital Center.The baby was two months premature and weighed about a kilogram.She was in the newborn intensive care unit.Dr. Donna Tilden-Archer , the hospital's director of neonatology(新生儿学),described the child as"very vigorous".She said the baby had responded when she received stimulation,indicating she was healthy.Doctors removed Torres from life support early Wednesday with the consent of her husband , Jason Torres , after she received the final sacrament(圣礼)of the Roman Catholic Church."We thank all of those who prayed and provided support for Susan,the baby and our family,"Jason Torres said in a statement."We especially thank God for giving us little Susan.My wife's courage will never be forgotten."English-language medical}iterature contains at least 11 cases since 1 979 of irreversibly brain-damaged women whose lives were prolonged for the benefit of the developing foetus,according to the University of Connecticut Health Center.Dr.Christopher McManus,who coordinated care for Susan Torres,put the infant's chances of developing cancer at less than 25 per cent.He said 19 women who have had the same aggressive form of melanoma as Torres have given birth,and five of their babies became ill with the disease. Susan Torres died soon afterA:she suffered a stroke. B: she became brain-dead.C: she was diagnosed with cancer. D:she gave birth to a baby.

1991 -67. 1995 -70. 1996 -67. 1999 -94.癃闭的发生,是由于何者气化失常所致 A.肺 B.脾 C.肾 D.三焦 E.膀胱

共用题干第二篇Sleep Lets Brain File MemoriesTo sleep.Perchance to file?Findings published online this week by the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences further support the theory that the brain organizes and stows memories formed during the day while the rest of the body is catching zzz's.Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically,they examined the electrical activity emanating(散发)from the somatosensory(耳、目、口等以外的)neocortex(新大脑皮层)(an area that processes sensory information) and the hippocampus(海马),which is a center for learning and memory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regions appear to be intertwined.So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from the neocortex)were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampus known as ripples.The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regions is a key step in memory consolidation.A second study,also published online this week by the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,links age-associated memory decline to high glucose levels.Previous research had shown that individuals with diabetes(糖尿病,多尿症)suffer from increased memory problems.In the new work,Antonio Convit of New York University School of Medicine and his collaborators studied 30 people whose average age was 69 to investigate whether sugar levels,which tend to increase with age,affect memory in healthy people as well.The scientists administered recall tests, brain scans(细看,审视,浏览,扫描)and glucose tolerance tests, which measure how quickly sugar is absorbed from the blood by the body's tissues.Subjects with the poorest memory recollection,the team discovered,also displayed the poorest glucose tolerance.In addition,their brain scans showed more hippocampus shrinkage than those of subjects better able to absorb blood sugar." Our study suggests that this impairment(损害、损伤)may contribute to the memory deficits (赤字、不足额)that occur as people age."Convit says."And it raises the intriguing possibility that improving glucose tolerance could reverse some age-associated problems in cognition."Exercise and weight control can help keep glucose levels in check(阻止、制止),so there may be one more reason to go to the gym.Which of the following statements is nearest in meaning to the sentence"To sleep.Perchance to file?"A:Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep?B:Does brain have memories when one is sleeping?C:Does brain remember files after one falls asleep?D:Does brain work on files in sleep?

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aims:(1) Students will master two difficult words,such as universal, unfamiliar.(2) Students will learn knowledge about body language.Ability aim: Students are able to understand the meaning of body language in their daily life and can improve the ability in scanning and skimming.Emotional aim: Students can show their feelings with body language in reality.Teaching Key Points:Students can know the meaning of various body languages.Teaching Difficult Points:Students are able to express their feelings with body language in reality..Teaching Methods:Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method.Teaching Aids:PPT, Blackboard and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Play a clip from a popular American TV series Lie to me (many body languages are shown in it), invite two students to talk about their feelings.Step 2: Pre-reading1.Let’s say. Lead students to talk about body languages that we usually see in our daily life.Step 3: While-reading1.Fast reading. Read the passage for the first time and ask students to summarize the main idea.2.Careful reading. Read the passage for the second time with questions.(1) How many body languages are mentioned in the passage when we meet others?(2) what is the difference in different countries? Talk it in details.Step 4: Post-readingDivide all students into several groups and give them five minutes to discuss other body languages that we usually use. After that, invite three students to share.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.Homework:students surf the internet and collect more information about body language..Blackboard design:

Care providers also need to help patients to manage their feelings of uncertainty and______them of the benefits of modern medicine and technology which can substantially aid in health improvement。A.assureB.insureC.sureD.ensure

共用题干Sleep Lets Brain File MemoriesTo sleep.Perchance to file?Findings published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science further support the theory that brain organizes and stows memories formed during the day while the rest of the body is catching zzz's.Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping rats and mice.Specifically,they examined the electrical activity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex(an area that processes sensory information)and the hippocampus,which is a center for learning and memory.The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regions appear to be intertwined.So-called sleep spindles(bursts of activity from the neocortex)were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampus known as ripples.The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regions is a key step in memory consolidation.A second study,also published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,links age-associated memory decline to high glucose level.Previous research had shown that individuals with diabetes suffer from increased memory problems.In the new work,Antonio Convit of New York University School of Medicine and his collaborators studied 30 people whose average age was 69 to investigate whether sugar levels,which tend to increase with age,affect memory in healthy people as well.The scientists administered recall tests,brain scans and glucose tolerance tests,which measure how quickly sugar is absorbed from the blood by the body's issues.Subjects with the poorest memory recollection,the team discovered,also displayed the poorest glucose tolerance.In addition, their brain scans showed more hippocampus shrinkage than those of subjects better able to absorb blood sugar."Our study suggests that this impairment may contribute to the memory deficits that occur as people age,"Convit says."And it raises the intriguing possibility that improving glucose tolerance could reverse some age一associated problems in cognition?”Exercise and weights control can help keep glucose level in check,so there may be one more reason to go to the gym.Which of the following statements is the nearest in meaning to the sentence"To sleep.Perchance to file?"A:Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep?B:Does brain have memories when one is sleeping?C:Does brain remember files after one falls asleep?D:Does brain work on files in sleep?


问答题Our brains respond to our shadows as if they were another part of the body, according to a scientific study. When we see something about to come into contact with the edge of our shadow, brain activity suggests it is as if they are about to touch us instead. Scientists tested volunteers’ reaction speeds and accuracy while distracting them with flashing lights. They found that similar errors happened when lights flashed either next to a hand’s shadow or the hand itself. The brain develops an internal “map” which helps it define exactly where the body is—which helps it navigate around the world outside.The results, by researchers at Royal Holloway College in London, suggest that the body’s shadow may form part of that map. The tests used shadows cast onto a white table in front of a seated volunteer. The subject was asked to distinguish between touches on the thumb and forefinger of the hand, and the number of errors—and the overall reaction time—were recorded. When flashing lights placed near the hand are activated, the number of errors rises and reaction time slows as the brain is forced to deal with the distraction.

单选题Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in preliterate societies in order to attract good health or to ______ disease.Aset asideBward offCshrug offDgive away


单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?AThe potential health hazards of mobile phones call for further research.BThe Australian scientists find no connection between growth of tumors in human body and radiation from mobile phones.CThe Italian scientists’ belief is shared by other scientists.DThe British government inquiry didn’t establish any link between health risks and use of mobile phones.

单选题Ellen Mason is most convinced of _____Athe way sleep deprivation affects health.Bthe link between sleep and heart diseases.Cthe hormones and chemicals changes in the body.Dthe importance of sleep for good health.

单选题67. A distance B range C width D periodAABBCCDD

单选题Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case () .AVessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on boardBVessel with a dead body on boardCVessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyageDCargo vessel which hasn't called at any plague infected ports during the current voyage and on which there is not any case of infectious disease,or any dead body

单选题Why is a woman better at learning foreign languages than a man?AThe area of the left side of a woman’s brain for language learning develops better than that of a man’s.BThe right side of a woman’s brain for language develops better than that of a man’s.CThe area of the left side of a woman’s brain for feelings develops better than that of a man’s.DThe area of the right side of a woman’s brain fit for seeing in the dark develops better than that of a man’s.

单选题Reports in Health 101 Fitness magazine ______ body builders know about different vitamins that boost muscle growth,AhelpBhelpsChelpingDto help